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Free furniture UPCYCLING event – Saturday 22nd Oct

2016-10-19_1459Join us this Reuse Month us for a free furniture upcycling workshop on Saturday 22nd October 10am-4pm in Edmund Rice Centre, Barrack Street. Event is free but booking is essential.

Contact Ella at 0761 102938 or today to book your place. The workshops will be delivered by Joanne Condon of Kyle Lane, a qualified teacher and artist to give you the best tips and tricks, currently the Upcycling and DIY expert for the Today Show on RTE1. Visit for further information.’

What you will learn:

  • How to prep and paint furniture
  • How to apply wallpaper/gift paper/maps etc to furniture.
  • How to apply lettering and typography to furniture.
  • How to create and use stencils, transfer images to enhance designs onto pieces of furniture
  • How to create geometric designs
  • How to apply gold leaf
  • How to distress and age furniture effectively.

The course includes:

  • A small item i.e. small table, locker
  • Upcycling techniques pack
  • A booklet of course content that will be covered throughout the day.
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