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Waterford Commemorations Community Grant Fund 2021

Waterford Commemorations Committee invites applications for the 2021 Commemorations Community Grant Scheme for projects to commemorate the Decade of Centenaries in Waterford City and County.

Grants of up to €3000 are available for projects to commemorate the Decade of Centenaries: the War of Independence; labour unrest; social changes; cultural life of Waterford in the 1920s, local responses to Dáil Éireann; the truce; partition; local connections with the wider world during the period; new political representation at a local level and the Civil War.

Closing date for applications is: 4pm Friday 5th March 2021

For applications Forms see or contact the City and County Archivist, Joanne Rothwell or 0761102144 for further information.

This grant is part of the Decade of Centenaries projects funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media. Check out for more information and for details of events and projects throughout the country.

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