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A Christmas message from Cllr. Jason Murphy, Mayor of Waterford City and County

A Christmas message from Cllr. Jason Murphy

As Mayor of Waterford City and County, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas.

As we look back on 2024, and prepare for a new year, it is important to take stock.

While many of us will enjoy the next few days, celebrating in the company of family and friends, it is important that we remember those who may not relish the festive period.

It might simply mean popping in to check on a neighbour or lending an ear to those who don’t have company this Christmas.  Waterford has a wonderful community spirit and we can keep that spirit strong by being there for those who need us.

We have passionate and vibrant arts, community and voluntary sectors who bring brightness to Waterford with their hard work and dedication.  The streets of our city came to life throughout the year with various festivals and events.

Most notably, Winterval has been bigger and better than ever as this year Waterford celebrates the wonderful achievement of being awarded the European City of Christmas.

I would like to thank all the incredible volunteers, community groups, local businesses, residents, my fellow councillors and Waterford City and County Council management team and staff for working tirelessly to make Waterford the Best Place to Live in Ireland.

I wish you all a peaceful and happy Christmas and may 2025 bring hope, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

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