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Abbey Road – Temporary Road Closure Extension

Ferrybank Road Closure

BAM, the main contractor on the North Quays Public Infrastructure Project, has advised Waterford City and County Council that the current road closure on Abbey Road will require a two-week extension to Friday, August 30th.  The extension is to facilitate essential works for a deep foul sewer, new retaining wall and finishing works.

BAM has apologised for the inconvenience saying, “We are endeavouring to complete the works in as efficient and timely manner as practical, while also giving consideration to the numerous other unforeseen factors affecting the works in this area. We are conscious of and regret the disruption to the traffic flows, particularly as the school term commences.  We have contacted local schools and businesses in the area, informing them of the extended closure period.”

Whilst Waterford City and County Council stipulated that BAM complete the works over a seven-week period during the school summer holidays, to avoid disruption to school traffic, the Council has been advised that the full closure of Abbey Road until August 30th is unavoidable to complete these works.

The extension to the closure is disappointing and Waterford City and County Council regrets the disruption that will be caused at the start of the new school term, as well as the ongoing disruption to local residents, businesses and bus services. It is also recognised that the

works must be completed in a safe and orderly manner within a confined works area.

Businesses in the area will continue to operate / trade as normal.  Access will continue to be provided for pedestrians across the site during the extended closure, and local vehicular access points will remain operable on either side of the works. School access will continue to be available from the Fountain Street side of the works and arrangements will be in operation to assist school traffic. Traffic from the Christendom and Abbey Park side of the closure will continue to be diverted to the N29 / Port road.

Please follow all directional signage and utilise designated pedestrian crossings.


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