Active Travel Scheme – Knockateemore, Dungarvan
Over the past few weeks and months, Waterford City & County Council has received a significant number of representations, from both private citizens and councillors, seeking the clearing and upgrade of the pathway between the N-25 and the L-3166 at Knockateemore (see map below). These submissions suggest that the route should be opened to pedestrians to improve walking and cycling links locally.
This pathway was, in the past, a route used locally as a walking route in but has now become overgrown and limited in its use.
Waterford City & County Council is committed to improving local pedestrian links and promoting sustainable mobility options throughout Waterford. One of the most effective methods of achieving this is through the development of local pedestrian routes such as this pathway to facilitate short and medium distance walking and cycle journeys.
The work involved opening of the walkway is ideally suited to avail of funding under the National Transport Authority’s (NTA) Active Travel fund. This fund seeks to provide new and upgrade existing walking and cycling routes as part of the national climate action plan. These types of schemes seek to reduce reliance on the motor car and reduce the country’s transport related carbon emissions.
The Active Travel funding and the associated works programme are managed by Waterford City & County Council’s Active Travel Team.
The Active Travel team is now seeking further submissions, comments, and engagement from you as a potential user, resident in the area or a landowner in respect to the re-opening of the pathway to pedestrians and cyclists only.
We are keen in hear how the route was used in the past and what you would like to see it become in the future. We are keen to learn how its opening might help people in the area reduce their reliance on their car by allowing children to cycle to school, travel to sports facilities etc.
From an initial review of the route there is some evidence that limited use is being made of the route and some basic clearing has been carried out to facilitate pedestrian access.
The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be lodged here, or with Ian Ludlow, Staff Officer, Active Travel Team, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or by email to to be received by Friday 28th October 2022.
Please note that comments, including names of those making comments, submitted to the Council regarding this consultation may appear in the public domain.