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Mount Congreve successful in award of €3,726,000 RRDF funding

Mount Congreve successful in award of €3,726,000 RRDF funding

Mr Michael Ring TD, the Minister of State at the Department of Rural and Community Development today (Wednesday 6th November) announced funding under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund 2019.

Waterford City and County Council and Fáilte Ireland, as joint funding partners, were successful in the application for funding of €3,726,000 for the development of Mount Congreve house and gardens.

The funding of €3,726,000 will ensure Mount Congreve is a world class tourism destination with an enhanced visitor experience. The funding will allow for the redevelopment and restoration of the Mount Congreve Estate and will provide enhanced visitor amenities including repair of the historic greenhouse, improved access to grounds and pathways and provision of family friendly facilities.

The Mayor of the City and County of Waterford, Cllr. John Pratt said “This funding is particularly welcome and I am delighted to be in a position to develop Mount Congreve as a world class tourism destination for now and for future generations.”

The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund, part of Project Ireland 2040, commits a fund of €1 billion which will provide for investment in towns and villages, enhancing sustainable social and economic development, and can demonstrate coordination and integration between the community and public sector.

Notes to Editor – Mount Congreve application detail


To develop a tourism destination which attracts 150,000 visitors annually.

  • Enhance the visitor experience to these gardens and planted woodlands which are of international importance.
  • Invest in the under developed assets on the Estate to generate additional employment and revenue opportunities as well as increased visitor numbers.
  • Ensure the long-term viability of this enormously important visitor attraction.


  • The Mount Congreve Estate is situated five miles west of Waterford City on the River Suir and is easily accessible from the N25.
  • The 46km Waterford Greenway passes along the boundary of the Mount Congreve Estate and there is visitor access.
  • The Waterford & Suir Valley Railway travels along the edge of the Mount Congreve Estate.

This project proposes the following:

  • Development of the farmyard to incorporate the following facilities: new café; offices and meeting facilities; craft yard; small playground and retail unit.
  • Enhancement of the grounds and existing paths to facilitate improved accessibility and increased visitor numbers, along with a woodland playground.
  • Repair of the existing historic greenhouse.
  • Provision of controlled access to wetland zone, a unique natural ‘garden’.
  • Provision of a waste water treatment facility for 150,000 visitors.
  • Provision of new car/coach park for up to 200 cars and 5 coaches.
  • Total Proposal Cost is €4,968,000.

Project Ireland 2040 – The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund

Project Ireland 2040 is the Government’s overarching policy and planning framework for the social, economic and cultural development of Ireland. It includes a detailed capital investment plan for the next ten years, the National Development Plan (NDP) 2018-2027, and the National Planning Framework which outlines the broader policy principles and priorities in planning for future population and economic growth to 2040.

The Celtic Routes Project – connecting Ireland and Wales

The Celtic Routes Project aims to encourage visitors to explore new areas of Ireland and Wales.

Led by Carmarthenshire County Council, the project will focus on the areas of Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire in Wales and Waterford, Wexford and Wicklow in Ireland.

The project aims to highlight hidden gems, and transform less well known areas from transit zones to new touring sites. This will increase the time visitors spend in these regions and capitalise on the opportunities to boost local economies and add value to the combined tourism offerings within the regions.

Check out this inspiring video below …

Celtic Routes : Discover the Celtic Spirit / Darganfyddwch y Galon Geltaidd / Cuir Aithne ar an Meon Ceilteach (FULL) from Tinint on Vimeo.

Waterford Festivals Support Grants 2020 – deadline approaching

Calling all Festival and Event Organisers

Each year Waterford City & County Council provide funding for festival and event organisers to aid with the development and promotion of events in Waterford City and County.  The purpose of the grant scheme is to help groups and organisations to fund a diverse range of events that are inclusive and add to the reputational value of Waterford as a ‘happening place’.

This year submissions can be made online via a new information website, which has been co-designed with both staff and festival and event organisers.

A helpline number, 0761102169, will be available during office hours where staff will answer queries in relation to online applications.

We are also holding ‘Walk In’ information sessions at:

  • Waterford Central Library on Wednesday 16th October from 6-8pm and
  • Dungarvan Library on Thursday 17th October from 6-8pm, with no appointment necessary.

To enable online registration festival and event organisers are asked to bring their organisation’s generic email address with them .

To apply, please visit
Closing date for applications is 5pm Friday, 8th November 2019.

Reminder: Diverse Waterford Oral History Project – Workshop

As part of Waterford City and County Council’s Diverse Waterford Oral History Project, we are inviting community groups interested in oral history to an a workshop with Dr. Tomás Mac Conmara, Oral Historian and Author at Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford City on Wednesday 6th November at 5pm.

This workshop will include:

  • Presentation on the “Diverse Waterford Oral History Project”
  • Ethics & Legalities of oral history
  • Life Cycle and other approaches to collection
  • Research and Preparation
  • Controlling the interview environment
  • Interview Skills including demonstration of audio recording
  • Associative Collection and administration of your interview.

The workshop will be interactive and will allow time for discussion.  It will also be supported by illustrative audio clips, drawn from both Diverse Waterford interviews and the presenter’s collections.

This is a free workshop but places limited. Booking essential. You can reserve your place here:

This is a joint initiative of Waterford Libraries, Waterford City and County Archive and Creative Waterford. Please share with community groups who may be interested.

Dr. Tomás Mac Conmara is an Oral Historian and Heritage Consultant. He is author of The Time of the Tans, An Oral History of the War of Independence in County Clare.

For more information contact Sinead O’Higgins at

Waterford Festivals Support Grants 2020 now open

Calling all Festival and Event Organisers

Each year Waterford City & County Council provide funding for festival and event organisers to aid with the development and promotion of events in Waterford City and County.  The purpose of the grant scheme is to help groups and organisations to fund a diverse range of events that are inclusive and add to the reputational value of Waterford as a ‘happening place’.

This year submissions can be made online via a new information website, which has been co-designed with both staff and festival and event organisers.

A helpline number, 0761102169, will be available during office hours where staff will answer queries in relation to online applications.

We are also holding ‘Walk In’ information sessions at:

  • Waterford Central Library on Wednesday 16th October from 6-8pm and
  • Dungarvan Library on Thursday 17th October from 6-8pm, with no appointment necessary.

To enable online registration festival and event organisers are asked to bring their organisation’s generic email address with them .

To apply, please visit
Closing date for applications is 5pm Friday, 8th November 2019.

Diverse Waterford Oral History Project – Workshop

As part of Waterford City and County Council’s Diverse Waterford Oral History Project, we are inviting community groups interested in oral history to an a workshop with Dr. Tomás Mac Conmara, Oral Historian and Author at Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford City on Wednesday 6th November at 5pm.

This workshop will include:

  • Presentation on the “Diverse Waterford Oral History Project”
  • Ethics & Legalities of oral history
  • Life Cycle and other approaches to collection
  • Research and Preparation
  • Controlling the interview environment
  • Interview Skills including demonstration of audio recording
  • Associative Collection and administration of your interview.

The workshop will be interactive and will allow time for discussion.  It will also be supported by illustrative audio clips, drawn from both Diverse Waterford interviews and the presenter’s collections.

This is a free workshop but places limited. Booking essential. You can reserve your place here:

This is a joint initiative of Waterford Libraries, Waterford City and County Archive and Creative Waterford. Please share with community groups who may be interested.

Dr. Tomás Mac Conmara is an Oral Historian and Heritage Consultant. He is author of The Time of the Tans, An Oral History of the War of Independence in County Clare.

For more information contact Sinead O’Higgins at

Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 – next targeted call for funding

The following information workshops will be held in advance of opening the next official call for Expression of Interests (EoI) for funding under the new Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

Attendance at the Information Workshop is compulsory if you intend to apply for funding.

Wed 23rd Oct 2019Waterford Leader Partnership, Presentations Building,
Mitchell Street, Dungarvan
9.30am -11am

To book please call on 058 54646 / 51505 or Email:

Following attendance at the above workshop, Waterford Leader Partnership CLG, on behalf of County Waterford LCDC, will seek Expressions of Interest (EOIs)

  • OPENING DATE FOR EOIs IS THURS 24th Oct 19 /CLOSING DATE IS 12PM Tues 29th Oct 19

Successful & unsuccessful EOI’s will be advised by 5pm on Wednesday 30th Oct ‘19. Invitation to application on Wed 30th Oct 19 with deadline for submission by 12pm Mon 18th Nov ’19

Invitation to application stage does not mean that you will be awarded grant aid as it is a
competitive process. (Please note that the minimum grant amount is €5,000 and the maximum is €30,000)

Funding may be awarded under all themes and sub themes to a maximum of 50% of the total project cost for private promoters and up to 75% for community group applicants. Consideration of the rate of aid offered will be done on a project by project basis.
CALL THEMES & BUDGETS AS FOLLOWS; Total Budget for Call €30,000.00.

Local ObjectiveStrategic ActionBudget
LO9 The promotion of water based renewable energy9.1 Development of Renewable Energy€30,000.00
Total Call Budget€30,000.00

NATIONAL FOOD CALL: Please note that we are accepting projects on a rolling basis subject to Departments budgets being available.

Waterford Festivals Support Grants 2020 now open

Calling all Festival and Event Organisers

Each year Waterford City & County Council provide funding for festival and event organisers to aid with the development and promotion of events in Waterford City and County.  The purpose of the grant scheme is to help groups and organisations to fund a diverse range of events that are inclusive and add to the reputational value of Waterford as a ‘happening place’.

This year submissions can be made online via a new information website, which has been co-designed with both staff and festival and event organisers.

A helpline number, 0761102169, will be available during office hours where staff will answer queries in relation to online applications.

We are also holding ‘Walk In’ information sessions at:

  • Waterford Central Library on Wednesday 16th October from 6-8pm and
  • Dungarvan Library on Thursday 17th October from 6-8pm, with no appointment necessary.

To enable online registration festival and event organisers are asked to bring their organisation’s generic email address with them .

To apply, please visit
Closing date for applications is 5pm Friday, 8th November 2019.

2020 Art’s Venue Grant Applications

Arts Centres are described by the national Arts Council as “full-time, public-facing, professionally managed, building-based arts organisations.

They support the creation, presentation and mediation of the arts across a range of artforms and arts practices. They support professional, collaborative, voluntary and amateur arts practice.” This is the description that Waterford City & County Council are adopting for the 2020 Venue Grants.

While these forms are part of our continuing alignment with national protocols we will be convening an open meeting with Venue Leaders to see is there a better or more efficient way with better local contexts and transparency for which to go forward with.

Please note closing date is October 22 at 4pm. Please read the guidelines before applying.

Integration Strategy for Migrant Communities – Consultative Workshops

LCDC logo

Waterford City and County Council invites residents of Waterford, who have come from other countries and made Waterford their home, to Integration Strategy meetings in Dungarvan and Waterford City in November.

Waterford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is currently finalising an integration strategy for migrants and migrant communities.  To assist in this process, in early 2019 a Migrant Integration Forum – consisting of migrant representatives from across Waterford – was set up to support the Council in developing this strategy.

Further Information on our Integration Strategy

Information about the strategy is available on the Council’s website:


The LCDC wishes to give all migrants, including members of migrant communities (non-Irish nationals, foreign-born persons and dual nationals) an opportunity to influence and shape the strategy.  Therefore, we wish to invite you to attend a specially convened consultative workshop (roundtable) on either:

  • Monday, 4th November at 7pm in the Granville Hotel, Waterford City or
  • Tuesday, 5th November at 7pm in Lawlor’s Hotel, Dungarvan.

We welcome input from everybody at these meetings, not just the migrant community. The City and County Council and the LCDC look forward to working with you to implement and give effect to the strategy over the coming years.

Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 – next targeted call for funding

The following information workshops will be held in advance of opening the next official call for Expression of Interests (EoI) for funding under the new Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

Attendance at the Information Workshop is compulsory if you intend to apply for funding.

Wed 23rd Oct 2019Waterford Leader Partnership, Presentations Building,
Mitchell Street, Dungarvan
9.30am -11am

To book please call on 058 54646 / 51505 or Email:

Following attendance at the above workshop, Waterford Leader Partnership CLG, on behalf of County Waterford LCDC, will seek Expressions of Interest (EOIs)

  • OPENING DATE FOR EOIs IS THURS 24th Oct 19 /CLOSING DATE IS 12PM Tues 29th Oct 19

Successful & unsuccessful EOI’s will be advised by 5pm on Wednesday 30th Oct ‘19. Invitation to application on Wed 30th Oct 19 with deadline for submission by 12pm Mon 18th Nov ’19

Invitation to application stage does not mean that you will be awarded grant aid as it is a
competitive process. (Please note that the minimum grant amount is €5,000 and the maximum is €30,000)

Funding may be awarded under all themes and sub themes to a maximum of 50% of the total project cost for private promoters and up to 75% for community group applicants. Consideration of the rate of aid offered will be done on a project by project basis.
CALL THEMES & BUDGETS AS FOLLOWS; Total Budget for Call €30,000.00.

Local ObjectiveStrategic ActionBudget
LO9 The promotion of water based renewable energy9.1 Development of Renewable Energy€30,000.00
Total Call Budget€30,000.00

NATIONAL FOOD CALL: Please note that we are accepting projects on a rolling basis subject to Departments budgets being available.

Hour of Code – FREE training for Primary School Teachers

Waterford Primary School Teachers can join Rob O’Connor from Waterford’s Institute of Technology Department of Computing & Mathematics for a Talk and workshop on the Hour of Code and learn how to run their own coding activity in the classroom.

The “Hour of Code” is an international initiative to demystify coding and help make it accessible for all. All the resources are free and many of the activities are collaborations with licensed properties such as Star Wars or Minecraft. In the workshop, Rob will talk about some of their findings and reflections on the Hour of Code as well as how you can run you own activity.

This free workshop is organised by The Waterford Europe Direct Information Centre in partnership with WIT Dept. Of Computing & Mathematics and is part of EU Code Week. The WIT faculty from the Dept. of Computing & Mathematics have been running Hour of Code workshops since 2016.

The event takes place in The Hub, at Waterford Central Library, Lady Lane on Tuesday 15 October from 4:15 – 5:15pm. There will be some devices available on the day but attendees are welcome to bring their own laptop, tablet or iPad. Contact Lorraine Boyle on for more details.

Free but booking (via eventbrite) essential at:

Waterford Festivals Support Grants 2020 now open

Calling all Festival and Event Organisers

Each year Waterford City & County Council provide funding for festival and event organisers to aid with the development and promotion of events in Waterford City and County.  The purpose of the grant scheme is to help groups and organisations to fund a diverse range of events that are inclusive and add to the reputational value of Waterford as a ‘happening place’.

This year submissions can be made online via a new information website, which has been co-designed with both staff and festival and event organisers.

A helpline number, 0761102169, will be available during office hours where staff will answer queries in relation to online applications.

We are also holding ‘Walk In’ information sessions at:

  • Waterford Central Library on Wednesday 16th October from 6-8pm and
  • Dungarvan Library on Thursday 17th October from 6-8pm, with no appointment necessary.

To enable online registration festival and event organisers are asked to bring their organisation’s generic email address with them .

To apply, please visit
Closing date for applications is 5pm Friday, 8th November 2019.