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Celebrate World Wetlands Day on Saturday February 5th at Tramore

February 2nd is World Wetlands Day, marking the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands signed in Ramsar, Iran in 1971. Waterford is very fortunate to have  a wide range of accessible wetlands  including two Ramsar  sites-Dungarvan Harbour and Tramore Bay which attract1000s of wintering birdlife and provide much loved walkways for all ages. Come along on Saturday February 5th  at 12 noon. for  a guided walk along the wonderful saltmarsh, mudflats and dunes.

Well known  nature enthusiasts Andrew Cox and Denis Cullen of the Irish Wildlife Trust  and Karin Dubsky and Brian Jacob of Coastwatch will explain the value of these wetland habitats  and the threats from climate change and invasive species.  Meet at the car park along the shingle ridge leading to the dunes at 12 noon.

This event is being organised by Coastwatch and Waterford City& County Council as part of the Irish Ramsar Committee’s celebration of World Wetlands Day. Find out more on other WWD nationwide events on

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