Community Enhancement Programme
The Community Enhancement Programme will fund projects that seek to enhance facilities and communities in disadvantaged areas. This Programme will offer not-for-profit groups access to capital funding in order to kick-start, advance or complete their projects. The Programme seeks to address some of the difficulties these groups face in terms of accessing small scale levels of funding to match their own fundraising efforts.
Clár Feabhsúcháin Pobail Chomhairle Cathrach agus Contae Phort Láirge
Is é dáta deiridh d’iarratais ná Dé Luain 30 Iúil 2018
Ní ghlacfar le hiarratais ar bith tar éis an dáta seo
Tabhairfaidh an Clár Feabhsúcháin Pobail maoiniú do thionscadail a chuireann feabhas ar áiseanna agus pobail i gceantair faoi mhíbhuntáiste.
Tabharfaidh an Clár seo rochtain neamhbhrabúsach do chaipitil ar mhaoiniú chun tús a chur le tionscadail, é a chomhlánú nó a chur chun chinn.
Iarann an Clár aghaidh a thabhairt ar chuid de na deacrachtaí a bhíonn ag na grúpaí seo le rochtain maoinithe ar leibhéil bheaga chun a n-iarrachtaí tiomsaithe airgid féin a mheaitseáil
How to apply
All applicants must complete the application form which can be downloaded from the Waterford Council’s website . Alternatively you can collect an application form at Waterford City & County Council Customer Service points at Bailey’s New Street or at the Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan.
Once completed please submit your application by post to:
Colette O’ Brien
Community Enhancement Programme,
Waterford City & County Council,
Baileys New Street,
Closing date for applications is Monday 30th July 2018
No applications will be accepted after this date