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2020 Art’s Venue Grant Applications

Arts Centres are described by the national Arts Council as “full-time, public-facing, professionally managed, building-based arts organisations.

They support the creation, presentation and mediation of the arts across a range of artforms and arts practices. They support professional, collaborative, voluntary and amateur arts practice.” This is the description that Waterford City & County Council are adopting for the 2020 Venue Grants.

While these forms are part of our continuing alignment with national protocols we will be convening an open meeting with Venue Leaders to see is there a better or more efficient way with better local contexts and transparency for which to go forward with.

Please note closing date is October 22 at 4pm. Please read the guidelines before applying.

Integration Strategy for Migrant Communities – Consultative Workshops

LCDC logo

Waterford City and County Council invites residents of Waterford, who have come from other countries and made Waterford their home, to Integration Strategy meetings in Dungarvan and Waterford City in November.

Waterford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is currently finalising an integration strategy for migrants and migrant communities.  To assist in this process, in early 2019 a Migrant Integration Forum – consisting of migrant representatives from across Waterford – was set up to support the Council in developing this strategy.

Further Information on our Integration Strategy

Information about the strategy is available on the Council’s website:


The LCDC wishes to give all migrants, including members of migrant communities (non-Irish nationals, foreign-born persons and dual nationals) an opportunity to influence and shape the strategy.  Therefore, we wish to invite you to attend a specially convened consultative workshop (roundtable) on either:

  • Monday, 4th November at 7pm in the Granville Hotel, Waterford City or
  • Tuesday, 5th November at 7pm in Lawlor’s Hotel, Dungarvan.

We welcome input from everybody at these meetings, not just the migrant community. The City and County Council and the LCDC look forward to working with you to implement and give effect to the strategy over the coming years.

Development of Coastal Walking Trail from Portally to Ballymacaw

Waterford City & County Council are now accepting the public’s submission on the development of a Coastal Walking Trail from Portally Cove to Ballymacaw Cove, Co. Waterford.

The principle features of the proposed walking trail will be:


  • The development of a 4.8km recreational coastal walking trail from Portally Cove to Ballymacaw Cove within the townlands of: Portally; Rathmoylan and Ballymacaw
  • The development of 3 water crossings proposed for Portally Cove; Rathmoylan Cove and Ballymacaw Cove
  • The 4.8km trail surface will be retained as is for the majority of the route with rerouting only proposed in the interest of safety and will traverse agricultural grassland which will be fenced where required
  • Fencing, access gates, drainage and ancillary trail infrastructure will be installed to Sport Ireland Trails Office standards

Waterford City and County Council has carried out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Report in accordance with requirements of Section 120(1B)(b)(i) and has determined that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment. Accordingly, it has determined that EIA is not required in respect of this proposed development. In addition, the proposal has undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended, and the Planning Authority has determined that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is not required in this instance.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the following locations:

  • Waterford City & County Council, Customer Services Desk, Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan
  • Waterford City & County Council, Customer Services Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford, between the hours of 9.30 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday for the period 17th September 2019 to 14th October 2019, inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays)

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development would be situated, may be made, to be received on or before 4 p.m. on Monday 28th October, 2019:

  • In writing, to the “Director of Economic Development & Planning, Waterford City & County Council, No. 35 The Mall, Waterford”  OR

Documents and Drawings

Severe Weather Management Team meet ahead of Storm Lorenzo


The Severe Weather Management Team in #Waterford met this morning to ensure preparedness and are reviewing ongoing updates from the National Directorate for Fire & Emergency Management Severe Weather Assessment Team. Further updates to follow.

Notice of the passing of a Resolution to Vary the Rate of Local Property Tax

In pursuance of the provisions of section 20 of the FINANCE (LOCAL PROPERTY TAX) ACT 2012 (as amended), I the undersigned, hereby notify the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government of the passing of a resolution at a meeting of the above mentioned local authority on the 24th September 2019 to the effect that the basic rate of local property tax should stand varied upwards by two and half per cent (2.5%) for the year 2020 in respect of relevant residential properties situated in the local authority’s administrative area.

Signed:  Michael Walsh,  Chief Executive
Dated:  25th September 2019

Development of Coastal Walking Trail from Portally to Ballymacaw

Waterford City & County Council are now accepting the public’s submission on the development of a Coastal Walking Trail from Portally Cove to Ballymacaw Cove, Co. Waterford.

The principle features of the proposed walking trail will be:


  • The development of a 4.8km recreational coastal walking trail from Portally Cove to Ballymacaw Cove within the townlands of: Portally; Rathmoylan and Ballymacaw
  • The development of 3 water crossings proposed for Portally Cove; Rathmoylan Cove and Ballymacaw Cove
  • The 4.8km trail surface will be retained as is for the majority of the route with rerouting only proposed in the interest of safety and will traverse agricultural grassland which will be fenced where required
  • Fencing, access gates, drainage and ancillary trail infrastructure will be installed to Sport Ireland Trails Office standards

Waterford City and County Council has carried out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Report in accordance with requirements of Section 120(1B)(b)(i) and has determined that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment. Accordingly, it has determined that EIA is not required in respect of this proposed development. In addition, the proposal has undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended, and the Planning Authority has determined that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is not required in this instance.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the following locations:

  • Waterford City & County Council, Customer Services Desk, Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan
  • Waterford City & County Council, Customer Services Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford, between the hours of 9.30 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday for the period 17th September 2019 to 14th October 2019, inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays)

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development would be situated, may be made, to be received on or before 4 p.m. on Monday 28th October, 2019:

  • In writing, to the “Director of Economic Development & Planning, Waterford City & County Council, No. 35 The Mall, Waterford”  OR

Documents and Drawings

Water refill stations used at WWAC half marathon

At the West Waterford AC Half Marathon on the Greenway last weekend, Waterford Council funded the water station at the finish line, where reusable cups and water fountains were supplied.

Working with Refill Ireland, tanks of filtered water were provided at the finish line to fill reusable tumblers for all participants. Used tumblers could be placed in dedicated collection bins to allow for reuse at other events. This saved plastic cups for 636 runners being thrown away on the day.

Information on being added to the Special Voters’ List

The “Special Voters List” is for people who have a physical disability or illness who are residing in hospitals, nursing homes or similar institutions and who wish to vote at these locations.

To qualify, an elector’s physical disability must be likely to continue for the duration of the register and prevent him/her from going to the polling station to vote. To apply, fill out the application form for entry onto the Special Voters’ List Form SV1.

Applications for inclusion on the Special Voters’ List must be made every year before 25th November. In the case of a first application, documentation must include a medical certificate.

Electors on the Special Voters’ List vote by marking a ballot paper delivered
to them by a special presiding officer, accompanied by a Garda.

Application forms are available above, on and from our Customer Services Departments in Bailey’s New Street, Waterford and Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan which are open from 9.30am – 4pm (Monday – Friday) and also from the
Corporate Department, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford.

To be included on the February 2020 Special Voters’ List, complete and return the completed form by 25th November, 2019 to the Customer Services Department or by post to: Register of Electors, Waterford City & County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford.

Temporary Closure – Waterford Dog Shelter

Waterford Dog Shelter – TEMPORARY  CLOSURE

  • Thursday, 12th September 2019

Please note that Waterford City and County Council Dog Shelter, Bilberry, Waterford will be closed on Thursday, 12th September, 2019. For enquiries please, telephone 0761 10 20 20 or e-mail

Waterford City and County Council regrets any inconvenience caused.

Minister Donohoe visits Project Ireland 2040 catalysts for growth in Waterford & South East

The Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, is today (Thursday) visiting Waterford City to see the progress made so far and the exciting future plans for the city and the South East under Project Ireland 2040. Project Ireland 2040 plans for the compact and sustainable expansion of Waterford City by 50% to 2040, supporting a population of over 80,000.

Supporting this, a key development in Waterford is the North Quays project. This exciting development will create a new, sustainable 46,900 square meters mixed-use extension to the city centre on the north side of the River Suir, and will include a new link bridge to the city centre and improvements to the road network in the Ferrybank area. Work is set to commence by Falcon Real Estate Development on this by the end of this year. An integrated transport hub is also an integral part of the plans and the public consultation for this closed last month. The importance of the North Quays has been signalled through its designation as a Strategic Development Zone and its part funding through the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund; one of the four Project Ireland 2040 funds.

Minister Donohoe is also visiting the planned South East Greenway which will link Ferrybank in County Waterford to New Ross in County Wexford and which received €8m of government funding in June 2019. Together with the existing Waterford Greenway this will create a 72 km Greenway from New Ross to Dungarvan, and create and build on significant tourism and business opportunities for the region. The Minister is also visiting social housing developments in Waterford City, including in Knightsgrange in Lacken and a Respond housing development in Kilbarry.

Minister Donohoe said: ‘It’s fantastic to be here in Waterford seeing first-hand the exciting developments that are supported by Project Ireland 2040. The North Quays will be a catalyst for significant development in the city and wider region and it is exciting that work is set to begin this year on this landmark development. This, alongside the Greenway from Waterford to New Ross and social housing developments all help to achieve the aims of Project Ireland 2040, helping to further enhance the city and region’.


Deborah Sweeney, Special Advisor to Minister Donohoe: 086 858 6878/ 01 604 561
Claire Godkin, Press Officer, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform: 085 806 3969/ 076 100 7138

Final Reminder: Part 8 Development of a New Transport Hub on North Quays


Written submissions may be addressed to the Director of Economic Development & Planning, Waterford City & County Council, 35 The Mall, Waterford to arrive no later than 6th September 2019.


In accordance with Article 81 of Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council proposes to carry out the following development:

Construction of a new Transport Hub to include;

  • A Rail station to replace the existing Plunkett Train Station along the existing Waterford City to Rosslare Iarnród Éireann railway (active only to Belview Port);
  • Re-configuration to the layout of the existing Bus Éireann depot site;
  • Construction of additional parking for Bus Éireann at an adjoining site (former Dunlop site);
  • Construction of drainage network upgrades along the Dock Road and in the vicinity of the Transport Hub and construction of flood defences along the southern boundary of the Iarnród Éireann railway. The proposed development will be carried out in the townland of Ferrybank, Waterford.

The works to complete the development will comprise the following:

  • Site clearance to include demolition of the existing railway overbridge at the site, Top Oil Service station, a single storey commercial unit, level crossing signal cabin and part of Bus Éireann Depot Boundary wall;
  • Construction of a train station over a portion of the existing Waterford City to Rosslare railway, comprising:A station building with floor space of 800m2 (internal) and 400m2 (covered external) that will comprise a concourse/waiting area, welfare facilities, a retail space 30.71m2, all associated facilities and a 22m long covered footbridge/concourse over the railway line located at the eastern end of the platforms (that will facilitate connection/integration with future development associated with the North Quays Strategic Development Zone (NQ SDZ);
  • A footbridge spanning 16.6m over the railway at the western end of the Transport Hub to facilitate connection/integration with future development associated with the NQ SDZ;
  • An external canopy structure approximately 105m long facing Dock Road with 15 no. flagpoles, facing a new set down and entrance ‘north plaza’ area.
    Two platforms measuring approximately 200m in length accessed through the east footbridge via the station building;
  • Emergency access from the southern platform, westwards along the rail line, to lead into the North Quays Strategic Development Zone.
  • Road and Drainage improvements and associated public realm works along 710m of the Dock Road Fountain Street (R711).
  • Construction of approximately 840m of flood defence systems along the southern boundary of the existing Iarnród Éireann railway corridor;
  • Construction of pick up and drop off public parking facilities to the east of the station building, comprising approximately; 16 no. car set down spaces, 7 no. taxi set down spaces, 4 no. coach set down spaces and bicycle parking
  • Re-configuration of parking in the existing Bus Éireann Depot and construction of replacement spaces to the east of the existing bus depot site connected to the existing Bus Depot by way of an internal road
  • Works comprising the integration of the Waterford to New Ross Greenway across the site;
  • Upgrades of drainage & foul sewer infrastructure along Dock Road and in the vicinity of the Transport Hub to facilitate future development;
  • Public realm improvements including lighting and landscaping;
  • Provision of boundary treatment and accommodation works and all ancillary works.

In accordance with Article 120(1)(b)(i) and Section 250 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), Waterford City and County Council has carried out an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening and Appropriate Assessment screening and has determined that an Appropriate Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment is not required in respect of this proposed development.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a reasonable fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the following locations, between the hours of 9.30 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday for the period 26th July to 23rd August 2019 inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays):

  • Waterford City & County Council, Customer Care Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford X91 SH42
  • Waterford City & County Council, Civic Offices, Davitts Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford X35 Y326

Online submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated may be made in writing to the local authority, online at no later than 6th September 2019.

Written submissions may be addressed to the Director of Economic Development & Planning, Waterford City & County Council, 35 The Mall, Waterford to arrive no later than 6th September 2019.

Maps & Drawings

Waterford Council’s Local Agenda 21 Community Environment Action Fund 2019

Waterford City and County Council’s Local Agenda 21 Community Environment Action Fund 2019

Do you have a project or idea that could increase awareness of environmental issues in your local community or could help your community to become more sustainable?

If so, you may qualify for funding from the Local Agenda 21 Community Environment Action Fund 2019. This fund promotes sustainable development by assisting small scale, non-profit environmental projects at local level.

Does your project qualify? Projects should focus on environmental awareness and actions which complement national environmental policies such as those on waste, biodiversity, water conservation and climate change. A wide variety of projects have been supported in previous years, such as community gardens, compost schemes, rainwater harvesting, biodiversity projects, educational initiatives, etc. You can view lists of previously funded projects at

How to apply: applications must be made to the Environment Section, Waterford City and County Council no later than 5pm on 27th September 2019. Further information and application forms are available online at or below, or by contacting the Environment Section of Waterford City and County Council at 0761 102020.

Roundabout Sponsorship Scheme 2019 – Kilmeaden

Waterford City & County Council has implemented a scheme for the sponsorship of roundabouts around the city and county to engage with businesses and organisations who wish to enhance the city and county’s built environment while benefiting from advertising opportunities.

The Council’s Biodiversity Action Plans promote better landscape planting across the county and encourages planting of native species where possible.   Roundabouts can provide the opportunity for very attractive herbaceous planting schemes and excellent resources for pollinators and it is envisaged that this roundabout is landscaped in a manner that promotes biodiversity.

  • The Council is now seeking a sponsor for the advertisement and maintenance of the Kilmeaden Village Roundabout R680/L4020.

Full details are available from Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department by email or from the Council’s website or tel 0761102020.

The closing date for submission of tenders is 15:00 Friday 20th September, 2019.

Fergus Galvin,
Director of Services,
Roads, Water and Environment