Deadline today : Local Circular Economy Grant 2023
Are you part of a group that wants to help to take steps on waste prevention, re-use and repair activities in your local area?
Waterford City and County Council invites submissions from community groups, youth groups, schools or other community development organisations, based in County Waterford, who are interested in receiving funding for initiatives regarding the circular economy, reuse and repair.
A circular economy is based on long-life products that can be renewed, reused, repaired, upgraded and refurbished to preserve natural resources, protect habitats and reduce pollution. It is about finding ways to keep items in use longer and not generating as much waste in the first place. It’s about rethinking the way we do things – redesigning the items we use – changing attitudes and changing behaviours about what we buy and what we throw away.
The main focus for projects this year should be on projects to promote a circular economy e.g. repairing, reusing, building skills and knowledge in the community to facilitate repair and reuse, changing attitudes and behaviours to how we use items, reduce use of single use items (encourage use of reusable items). Applications for projects under these themes will be prioritised for funding. Why not apply for funding to help you carry this project out?
How to apply:
- The application form for this grant is available from the
- The grant application form should be completed and returned to the Environment Section for consideration by the closing date 5pm on Wednesday 17th May 2023.