Déise Day Centre’s entry to 2019 Cooperation Ireland National Pride of Place competition
Congratulations to Déise Day Centre on their entry to the 2019 Cooperation Ireland National Pride of Place competition
Competition judging took place on the afternoon of Tuesday July 2nd and a fantastic time was had by the judges, the Centre members, staff, management, volunteers and friends of the Centre.
The Pride of Place judges, John Fitzgerald and Declan Nelson, arrived at the Day Centre at 1.30pm on ‘Saoirse’, (the trishaw that the centre uses in conjunction with Waterford Sports Partnership) to be greeted by Pipers from the Dungarvan Pop-up Pipe Band.
Lunch was provided to all 150 in attendance which was followed by speakers Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. John Pratt and Donal Connolly Chairperson of Dungarvan Care of the Aged.
Centre Manager, Margaret Coffey delivered an extensive presentation highlighting what services are provided to the elderly in our community. This includes a Day service, transport, a hot meal, entertainment and activities. Also available is meal delivery to Dungarvan, Abbeyside and as far as Newcastle Co. Tipperary on their Ballymac run. The presentation ended with `Young at Heart` and everyone lifting the roof with their song!
All at the Deise Day Centre wish to thank all Elected representatives, both Local and National that attended on the day, all our partner organisations, our staff, our day centre members and all our volunteers whose assistance is invaluable.
Finally we would like to thank Waterford City and County Council who facilitated the 2019 Pride of Place judging.