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The Waterford City and County Development Plan 2022 – 2028 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) and the Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended).

The Waterford City and County Development 2022 – 2028 sets out the strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the City and County over the plan period from 2022 to 2028.

The Plenary Council adopted the document at the meeting held on Thursday 7th June 2022 and it came into effect on Tuesday 19th July 2022.

The Plan also contains development management standards, policies and objectives and references statutory guidelines which will inform decision making over the period of the Plan. The approach is centred on the core principle of sustainability and compact growth with a focus on regeneration and economic development, supported by vibrant, liveable, climate resilient communities. This Plan is consistent with both the ‘National Planning Framework’ (2018) (NPF) and the ‘Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy for the Southern Region’ (2020) (RSES).

Copies of Volume 1, Volume 2 and a Book of Land Use Zoning Maps are available for purchase from and the customer care desks in Waterford City and Dungarvan.

Volume 1: Written Statement

This Development Plan tells the story of where and how we want Waterford to grow. It draws on our historical roots and uses our skills and expertise to continue sustainable social, environmental, and economic growth well into the future, with a focus on creating vibrant and resilient communities.

See Volume 1 Chapters
Volume 1 of Development Plan - Written Statement

Volume 2: Development Management Standards

Volume 2 sets out Waterford City & County Council’s development management standards and principles
that will be applied by the Council to ensure that development occurs in an orderly and efficient manner,
and that it is in accordance with proper planning and sustainable development.

Download Volume 2

Volume 3: Appendices

There are 24 separate appendices to the Development Plan, combined here into one document.

Download Volume 3

NB: Large file [PDF, 65Mb]

Volume 4: Maps

Notice of High Court Order (2022 651 JR)

Ruden Homes Limited and John Deane (Applicants), and Waterford City and County Council (Respondent)

On Wednesday 10th of July 2024, the High Court made the following order in the above Judicial Review as it relates to the Waterford City & County Development Plan 2022 – 2028:

An Order of Certiorari quashing the decision of the Respondent of the 7th of June 2022 to make the Material Alteration Amendment No.213 and the Amendment in respect of DGD022 in the Waterford City and County Council Development Plan 2022-2028.

The specific development objective DGD022 has now been deleted from Volume 3, Appendix 3 of the Development Plan and the associated maps. In addition, a map is attached hereunder which outlines the lands at Monang which were the subject of the High Court Order, and which are now in accordance with that order, zoned for “New Residential Development” (GZT R1).

Map of area concerned