The Environmental Noise Directive (‘END’) (2002/49/EC) aims to establish a European-wide system for identifying sources of environmental noise, informing the public about relevant noise data, and taking the necessary steps to avoid, prevent or reduce noise exposure.
The END was transposed into Irish Law by the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006 (S.I. 140/2006) (the ‘Regulations’). The Regulations were replaced by the European Communities (Environmental Noise) Regulations 2018 (S.I. 549/2018) and amended through the European Communities (Environmental Noise) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (S.I. 663/2021).
Under the Regulations, the 31 Local Authorities are designated as Action Planning Authorities responsible for making and approving Noise Action Plans in consultation with the Environmental Protection Agency (the ‘Agency’), and the Noise-Mapping Bodies1.
This Noise Action Plan is for the administrative area of Waterford City & County Council and takes into account major roads.
Noise Action Plan 2024-2028