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From time to time, Waterford City & County Council asks for the public’s input and opinion on proposed developments in Waterford. Different projects and plans may have periods of public consultation, during which members of the public can make observations on proposed developments or can contribute ideas to proposed projects.

Consult Platform

Waterford City & County Council’s Public Consultations are displayed and moderated through our Public Consultations portal :

Public Consultations are also generally advertised on our social media channels.

1. Part 8 Development - Transport Hub, Southern Entrance

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council propose to carry out the following development at the new transport hub located along the northern boundary of the North Quays SDZ in Ferrybank, Waterford.

In accordance with Part 8, Article 81 of the regulations, Waterford City & County Council hereby gives notice of proposals to carry out the works associated with the development noted below for a southern entrance/ access to the new transport hub contiguous to the south façade of the new train station currently being constructed in accordance with planning ref. P8 04/19, located on the northern boundary of the North Quays SDZ site in the townland of Abbeylands, Ferrybank, Waterford.

The proposed development is a new southern entrance / access to the transport hub and primarily consists of the following elements:

  • Curved external entrance steps with handrails and balustrades.
  • Passenger lift and enclosure in accordance with Part M of Building Regulations.
  • A new external pedestrian access door from the southern platform area.
  • Terraced planters, with low-level planting.
  • Control gates with roller shutter systems to provide control points on the public concourse area at the top of both the northern and southern external entrance steps.
  • External blockwork/treatment to southern façade wall to reflect its new function as an external wall.
  • External paving at ground level to the front of the entrance.
  • Extended roof canopy structure to cover the passenger lift and upper flight of external steps and to match surface and soffit finishes of adjacent roof currently under construction as part of main station building.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase, at a reasonable fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at Waterford City & County Council, Customer Care Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford between the hours of 9:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday for the period 21st January 2025 to 18th February 2025 inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays).

The proposed development has undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended, and the Planning Authority has determined that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is not required in this instance. In addition, the proposal has also undergone screening for Environmental Impact Assessment under the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU (and the relevant provisions of the Planning and Development Act, as amended), and the Planning Authority has determined that there will be no likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required.

In accordance with Article 120 (3) of the Planning & Development Regulations (as amended), any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice, apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area shall be made:

  • In writing to the Director of Economic Development, Waterford City & County Council, No. 35 The Mall, Waterford (Submissions should be clearly marked “Southern Entrance to Transport Hub”)
  • By email to
  • Online, at the button below.

All submissions are to be received on or before 4pm on the 3rd March 2025.

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2. Part 8, Villierstown Quay Enhancement Works

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council propose to renovate the existing quay at Villierstown, County Waterford.

In accordance with Part 8, Article 81 of the above Regulations, Waterford City & County Council hereby gives notice of proposals to carry out development works at the at the existing quay at Villierstown County Waterford. The development will consist of:

  • Construction of reinforced concrete canoe steps on the riverbank of the river Blackwater. With associated filling in of lawn area at the rear of the canoe step structure.
  • Replacement of the existing floating pontoon with a modern floating pontoon.
  • Provision of a canoe washdown area.
  • Resurfacing of the existing asphalt surface of the quay.
  • Resurfacing of the existing slipway.
  • Construction of a path and steps to the south of the quay to provide access to the water.
  • Landscape works including removal of overgrown native vegetation on the river’s edge.
  • Provision of natural play features, and signage/interpretation boards in lawn area in front of existing boathouse.
  • Provision of accessible, observation deck with knee-height rail to edge and bench to centre.
  • Provision of bicycle parking.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase, at a reasonable fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at: Customer Care Offices, Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford; and Customer Care Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford City between the hours of 9:30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday for the period 16th December 2024 – 22nd January 2025 inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays).

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3. Part 8 Development - Public Park regeneration, Portlaw

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council propose to undertake a Public Park Regeneration project at the Play Field, Connolly Road, Portlaw, County Waterford, Ireland. (ITM X646765, Y615693)

In accordance with Part 8, Article 81 of the above regulations, Waterford City & County Council hereby gives notice of proposals to carry out development works at the Public Park, Connolly Road, Portlaw, County Waterford.

The development will consist of:

  • 1 No. 35x20m 5-a-side 2G Pitch
    The construction of a multi-Sport 2G Pitch to include associated drainage, lighting, fencing and civil works. The proposal includes hard and soft landscaping works, surface paving, planting, boundary treatments and all other associated site development works and services. The facility will cater for wide range of local sports clubs. The proposed pitch will be located on the footprint of an existing asphalt pitch at the address noted, east -west axis.
  • Enlargement and enhancement of play park area. Replacement of existing mixed surface with full soft surface play area. Works to include sensory area, area specific to 0-24 month age group and an area specific to 6-12yrs old play area. Additional features to be installed.
  • 1 No. 60x35m Playing Pitch
    The construction of a synthetic playing field to include associated drainage, lighting, and civil works. The proposal includes hard and soft landscaping works, surface paving, planting, boundary treatments and all other associated site development works and services. The facility will cater for wide range of local sports clubs. The proposed synthetic pitch will be located on the footprint of an existing grass-based pitch at the address noted. The grass bank surround to be retained and re-graded where necessary including the installation of bench seating suitable for 90 persons into embankment. Proposed 4 no. electrical car charging points (2 (two) per car park area). The installation of Outdoor gym area to be installed at the northeastern corner of the site.
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4. Draft Waterford City & County Council Noise Action Plan 2024 – 2028

Waterford City and County Council invites submissions from the public on the draft Noise Action Plan 2024-2028, prepared under S.I. No. 549 of 2018 (as amended), to address noise from major transport sources.

This is a strategic plan to address noise from major roads in Waterford. The plan excludes noise from domestic activities, noise created by neighbours, noise at workplaces or noise inside a means of transport or due to military activities in military areas.
The main purpose of the plan is to inform and consult the public about exposure to noise from major roads and the corrective measures that may be considered to address these issues.

The draft plan will be available for inspection during normal opening hours 9.30 am to 4.00 pm at the following locations for a period of six weeks beginning on 4th December, 2024 to 15th January, 2025.

  • Customer Service Desks, Bailey’s New Street, Waterford and Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford
  • Opposite, on this page, under “MATERIALS”
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Consultations Archive

Documentation for expired public consultations can be found in our Documents Archive.