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Dungarvan’s overwhelming response to Ukrainian refugee plight

Waterford City and County Council has expressed its gratitude to the people of Dungarvan for their overwhelming response to the Ukrainian refugee plight.

Last weekend, fifty-five Ukrainian nationals, fleeing the Russian onslaught arrived in Dungarvan Sports Centre where they will be accommodated temporarily.

Sinéad Breathnach, Community Lead, thanked the people of Dungarvan and West Waterford for their response to the crisis.  “We initially put out a call to local businesses and community groups to assist us with the provision of essentials such as clothes, bedding and shopping vouchers and we have been inundated.”

“Local people, community groups and businesses have shown a tremendous generosity of spirit and have come in their droves with essentials such as clothes, new bedwear, white goods and food.  It’s hard not be affected by the devastating images we see of what is happening in Ukraine and people genuinely want to help in any way they can.  Their donations are helping to make such a traumatic, life-altering experience a little more comforting.”

The emergency accommodation has been greatly enhanced by the addition of items such as couches and TVs which have been donated by local businesses.  Waterford City and County Council is also supporting local business by purchasing all the necessary provisions from local providers.

“While it is only a stop gap for those who have fled Ukraine in search of safety, we feel it is crucial that the refugees feel welcome.  We are ensuring that their specific culinary and dietary needs are catered for, that they have access to online library services and that the necessary meetings with the relevant agencies such as Department of Social Protection and Department of Education are being set up with the help of translators.”

Of the fifty-five Ukrainian refugees in Dungarvan Sports Centre, twenty-two are aged between 2 and 19, with the remainder aged up to 67 years of age.

The Community Response Forum was established in Waterford last month by Waterford City and County Council to put in place the necessary structures and supports that are required for Ukrainian refugees arriving in Waterford.


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