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Local Enterprise Office Waterford awards over 1 Million in Grant Aid to local business in 2021

The Local Enterprise Office in Waterford released its 2021 grant aid figures last week.

€886,189 in financial grants were approved in 2021 to 32 applicants, with a further 95 businesses being approved Trading Online Vouchers to value of €192,609.  This was added to the 2381 businesses who received training and mentoring in order to grow their business and increase employment in the county.

Manufacturing and technology were the biggest recipients with food manufacturing in particular a large growth area within the county, with 8 businesses receiving €231,174 in grant aid. This follows Waterford’s success in food production in recent years, with ten Waterford winners in the Blas na hEireann Awards in 2021.

The figures were announced by Senior Enterprise Development Officer with the LEO Waterford, Jacqui Gaule, who was joined by Mayor of Waterford City and County Cllr. Joe Kelly.

Mayor Kelly elaborated on the wider importance of these grants, “Waterford City and County Council’s Local Enterprise Office has awarded significant financial aid over the years, but this has never been more important than in the last 12 months to growing businesses in our county in 2021. This level of investment is sure to support job creation in Waterford. I would encourage any business who hopes to grow in 2022 to engage with our Local Enterprise Office and avail of the supports which are available.”

Jacqui explained the importance of the grants for manufacturing and internationally traded services, “Waterford has developed its talent pool significantly over the past decade and not only created an environment for indigenous entrepreneurs, it is now also attracting talent from outside the region. We at the Local Enterprise Office are delighted to assist where we can, both financially and with our expert mentors. We’ve seen a particular growth in businesses seeking support for manufacturing and internationally traded services.”

The Local Enterprise Office Waterford serves as a ‘first stop shop’ to provide strategic, administrative, technical and financial support and services to start, grow and develop micro and small business in Waterford.

It’s here to help you start a business, expand an existing business or reach new markets. It provides advice, information and supports in starting up or growing your business as part of a network of 31 Local Enterprise Offices across Ireland. 

Contact your Local Enterprise Office Waterford for their latest training programmes and events schedule on

Photo:           David Murphy

LEO Waterford Senior Enterprise Development Officer, Jacqui Gaule, and Mayor of Waterford City and County Cllr. Joe Kelly.

RRDF funding announced for Dungarvan Digital Transformation Hub (DDTH)

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has today announced €21.5 million for 27 landmark regeneration projects in rural communities across the country.

Waterford City and County Council is delighted to have been successful with its most recent application under the Rural Regeneration Development Fund (RRDF) for the provision of Digital Transformation Hubs in Dungarvan Town.

With a number of projects approved for funding involving the re-purposing of old, derelict and historical buildings into modern-day remote working hubs, as well as enterprise, cultural and community facilities, the funding of €1.4m will provide three digital hubs in Dungarvan.

Overall, the Dungarvan Digital Transformation Hubs (DDTH) will provide remote working facilities in the town centre for a wide range of enterprises and people across the region, including connectivity for rural dwellers and realise capacity for 190 people working in Dungarvan town centre.

It will also help provide digital knowledge, skills and innovation programmes, supports and services, along with connectivity to major Research & Innovation and Knowledge Creation centres, such as Waterford Institute of Technology, University College Cork and The Irish Manufacturing Research Centre.

Through outreach to all enterprises in Dungarvan, its environs, and rural villages, towns and communities in West Waterford,  DDTH will help ‘de-mystify’ the digital conversation and journey.  DDTH will also provide essential training facilities enabling up-skilling through various training programmes, while a Digital Incubator Programme will assist established enterprises or start-ups deliver a Proof of Concept (POC).

Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr Joe Kelly welcomed the announcement saying that the hubs will harness the digital transformation of Dungarvan and the surrounding areas.  “This flagship project has the commitment, backing and drive to keep Dungarvan at the forefront of transformative change, research and innovation.”

“These facilities will not only help retain local talent, they will also attract talent from outside the area and help make Dungarvan an even better place to live, work and invest in.”

Kieran Kehoe, Director of Services, Waterford City and County Council and project manager confirmed, “The overall ambition of this project is to retain and grow talent within the west Waterford area, provide a regional base for former commuters travelling to Cork, Waterford and beyond, and attract new start-ups from within the community or from wider afield, and support economic development.”

“These proposed facilities are a key component of our emerging Dungarvan 2040 development strategy and will provide affordable office space with access to high-speed broadband, reception and meeting room services.  The creation of this new Digital Knowledge Hub fully accords with the Dept of Rural & Community Development’s ‘Town Centre First’ and ‘Our Rural Future’ strategy documents and we look forward to working with Minister Humphries and her department on bringing this project to fruition.”

The funding announcement of €1.4m is the culmination of collaborative work between Waterford City and County Council,  Jenny Beresford and West Waterford Chamber of Commerce, Richie Walsh and Local Enterprise Office Waterford, Colin Byrne of TOTEM Meaningful Branding, Denis Herlihy, Dungarvan Enterprise Centre, WIT, UCC and Brian Quinn, specialist digital / technical advisor from Second Edge Technology Solutions Ltd.


Local Enterprise Office launches Waterford’s first Student Enterprise Website

Dozens of local student businesses are now being promoted on the new website

For the first time ever there is a one stop shop for access to all student businesses in Waterford for the 2021/22 Student Enterprise Programme.

Photo by Colin Shanahan – DigiCol Photography (c) 2021 –


Everything from sports to crafts, jewellery to tasty treats, you can search for a business via the school they attend or the industry they represent.

Ireland’s largest student enterprise programme is now in its 20th year.  An initiative of the Local Enterprise Offices to encourage entrepreneurship in secondary schools, the Student Enterprise Programme has seen over 300,000 secondary school students take part since it first began.

Designed by local company Eagle Dreams, the website was created so all student businesses in Waterford can be one click away from their customers, no matter what age or product or service.

Speaking at the launch of the website, Richie Walsh of Local Enterprise Office Waterford congratulated the students, saying “We have a very successful student enterprise programme here in Waterford, with over 900 students from 11 local schools taking part this year. What our students are learning from the programme is that with the right supports and encouragement, they can take an idea from the classroom and develop it into a real-life business.”.

The impact of COVID on the programme has been significant, but one ray of light is that it has forced more student to sell online. Last year’s winners, Dalia Jewels, has sold its products in all 32 counties in Ireland and over a dozen countries including America, north Africa and Japan. That is why we decided to create this website, to help promote these young entrepreneurs in their efforts to sell their products and services.”

The enterprise education initiative, funded by the Government of Ireland through Enterprise Ireland and delivered by the 31 Local Enterprise Offices in local authorities throughout the country, saw over 29,000 students from almost 500 secondary schools across the country take part in 2020 / 2021 with similar numbers expected to be involved this year.

Since the Student Enterprise Programme began in 2003, over 300,000 students have taken part, learning key skills on how to create a business idea, start a business and grow a business.  The Student Enterprise Programme also has new range of online resources for 2021 / 2022 at, which will feature regular blogs and houses a full range of Student Enterprise resources for students and teachers.

Our Rural Future: Minister Humphreys announces €2.6 million for the development of the first ever Town Centre First Plans

Funding to support 26 towns in mapping out their future development

·       Focus on tackling dereliction, vacant properties and making town centres more attractive places to live, work, socialise and run a business

·       Initiative to help re-imagine and revitalise rural communities as part of forthcoming Town Centre First Policy

Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has today announced €2.6 million in funding to deliver the first ever Town Centre First Plans, which will be key to tackling dereliction and revitalising town centres.

As part of the initiative, each local authority will be provided with €100,000 to support the development of its own unique master plan.

Among the 26 towns selected include Carrick-on-Shannon in Co. Leitrim, Skibbereen in Co. Cork, Roscrea in Co. Tipperary and Abbeyfeale in Co. Limerick.

Clara in Co. Offaly, Clane in Co. Kildare, New Ross in Co. Wexford and Gort in Co. Galway are other examples of towns selected.

Each local authority will now work closely with local community groups, retailers and the other members of the Town Teams in devising and delivering on the objectives of their respective masterplans.

This initiative is a key part of Our Rural Future – the Government’s ambitious five-year strategy designed to reimagine and revitalise Rural Ireland.

It is also linked to the Government’s ‘Housing for All’ strategy and the forthcoming ‘Town Centre First Policy’, which will be announced in the coming weeks.

Announcing the details of the 26 towns, Minister Humphreys said:

“I am really pleased to announce the first ever Town Centre First Plans as part of a €2.6 million investment for Rural Ireland.

“Each local authority has put forward one of their towns which will receive €100,000 from my Department to develop its own unique master plan.

“This is about delivering on the objectives of ‘Our Rural Future’ and ensuring our towns have the right plan in place to tackle the issues of dereliction, vacant properties, and above all, to become better places to live, work and run a business.

“The development of these 26 Plans will feed into the Government’s overall Town Centre First Policy, which will be launched in the coming weeks.”

The Town Centre First Plans will be guided by a strong empirical base and developed collaboratively with local Town Teams involving community, business, as well as public private stakeholders.

It is envisaged that the Plans will cover the importance of “place-making”, town centre living, the social and economic purpose of the town, and respond to emerging opportunities such as those linked to remote working, climate action and digitalisation.

The Plans will also be central to addressing vacancy and dereliction in these locations.

€100,000 will be available to each town.

Towns for this first phase were selected based on submissions received from the Local Authorities.

The funding will support each local authority, working with a collaborative Town Team, to develop a be-spoke TCF plan to guide the development of each town.

The focus will be on the town centre and immediate surrounds. Each Plan will set out specific actions and interventions and help unlock national funding streams such as the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund and the Town & Village Renewal Scheme to resource delivery of these interventions.

Minister Humphreys continued:

“Our rural towns and villages play a central role in the lives of people in rural areas.  They are where we live, work, shop and socialise.  It is important that we ensure our towns and villages remain vibrant, vital and relevant places. 

“Each town selected as part of this initiative will has its own strengths and each will face different challenges as it maps out its future path. No one size fits all policy will work.

“The Plans will be developed in tandem with Town Teams that are representative of the local towns and who can bring a wealth of knowledge and local expertise.”

The Minister concluded:

“I am delighted that ‘Our Rural Future’ continues to deliver tangible benefits across Rural Ireland. We are rolling out a range of investments for our towns and villages, particularly through the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund and the Town & Village Renewal Scheme.

“The €7 million Streetscape Enhancement Scheme is also having a really positive impact in approximately 120 towns and villages right across the county.

“These Plans being announced today will form part of the Government’s wider Town Centre First Policy which will be published shortly in conjunction with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

“Finally, I should stress that this is the first phase of funding for these Plans under the Town Centre First Policy and other towns will be afforded opportunities to develop such plans as we move forward.”


New Suir River walk opens to public

With construction complete on the enhanced Suir River Walk, the newly extended pathway from Maypark Village to Cove Lane was opened to the public this week.

Improvements to the 3km of woodland trail included the widening of paths, realigning of the path to avoid mature trees, the installation of culverts, fencing, and a new entrance was created at Cove Lane, while the entrance at King’s Channel was improved.

Overall, the works have improved access to the trail, and made it more accessible to a wide range of users.

Fergus Galvin, Director of Services, Waterford City and County Council said that the improvements will undoubtedly make the trail even more appealing.  “It was a somewhat well kept secret amongst those in the vicinity.  While the infrastructure was already there with a path from the Kings Channel entrance right through to Freshfield, these works have greatly enhanced the trail, and extended it a further 500 metres to Cove Lane.”

“Since the closure of the Snowcream site, Waterford City and County Council has agreed to purchase the site which includes Goff Woods from Glanbia.  The natural woodland area on the banks of the Suir has been inaccessible for many years and this trail which was developed under licence from Glanbia will enable the public to enjoy the woodland again.”

“Our ultimate ambition would be to extend the pathway all the way into the heart of the city centre creating a continuous 4.3km long path from Ballinakill to Georges Quay and we will be developing plans during 2022 to achieve this.”

The walkway is bounded by the River Suir to the north and sloping woodlands to the south.  With intriguing glimpses of the River Suir, careful consideration has been given to the preservation of the indigenous woodland, which comprises of oak, yew, holly, beech and ash trees.  The new pathway that runs the length of the trail is littered with fallen leaves to give a slightly yielding surface, which is perfect for walkers and runners.

Waterford City & County Mayor Cllr. Joe Kelly acknowledged that enhanced pathway is a welcome addition.  “This original walkway was of huge benefit to those from the area, however with the improvements and extension it is will be an amenity that can be enjoyed by many more.”

“It is a wonderful addition and the improvements to the surfacing will make it a viable option for walkers, joggers and families wishing to enjoy the outdoors”.

The works were completed in 2021, after Waterford City & County Council received funding from the National Transport Authority under the July Jobs Stimulus Plan for the development of Cycling and Walking Projects.

The funding is designed to support local authorities’ response to Covid-19 challenges and assist with their work to equip local communities and businesses with improved walking and cycling infrastructure.  Three sections of the Suir River Walk were completed by three local contractors, Liam Whelan Plant Hire, Richard Forristal Ltd and Mallwood Ltd, with expenditure totalling €366,000 in 2020-2021.


Free to use images:  David Murphy

Funding Boost For Waterford’s Outdoor Amenities

Waterford City and County Council was successful in securing €562,140 in funding under the 2021 Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS), Measure 2 and 3 which was recently announced by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys T.D.


The announcement which has committed funding support of €15.5 million for 84 outdoor adventure projects nationwide, is a key part of ‘Our Rural Future’ which will support rural economies and make rural Ireland a more attractive destination for adventure tourism in the coming years.  The funding scheme which is also supported by Fáilte Ireland at National level provides funding to Local Authorities for the development, promotion and maintenance of outdoor amenities such as trails, walkways, cycleways, and blueways.

Announcing the funding Minister Humphreys said, “The 84 projects that we are investing in today will benefit people of all ages and abilities for generations to come. This unprecedented investment will also help further our ambition to support our rural economies and make Rural Ireland a destination of choice for adventure tourism. Outdoor pursuits have become an even bigger part of all of our lives over the past two years. Through this Fund, we are developing and enhancing the fantastic natural amenities in our rural communities so more and more people can access and enjoy them.”

Under this latest round of ORIS funding the Waterford projects which will benefit include:

  • Development of Crough Wood Trailhead, Amenities and Car Park, Mahon Bridge, Co. Waterford – €365,328.30
  • Kilmacthomas River Walk Enhancement Works – €69,930.00
  • Waterford Trails and Outdoor Amenities: Visitor and Footfall Counting Project – €76,885.44
  • A separate ‘Project Development’ funding stream was also made available to projects that are at an early stage of appraisal. Waterford was awarded funding for feasibility and preliminary design of a Copper Coast Walking Trail under this category – €50,000.00

This latest funding announcement is in addition to Measure 1 ORIS funding of €57,370 which was announced back in October of this year.

Welcoming the announcement Mayor of Waterford City and County Council, Cllr. Joe Kelly was delighted to see more funding from central government.


“This funding not only benefits our wonderful outdoor amenities here in Waterford, but also our local communities and rural economy.  Funding support in recent years to similar projects has served to further enhance Waterford’s reputation as a wonderful location for outdoor pursuits and I have no doubt that this latest funding announcement will prove equally successful.  The importance of investment in developing and maintaining our superb outdoor activity infrastructure cannot be overstated as it enhances our sustainable tourism offering and brings undeniable benefits in terms of the health and well being to our local communities, particularly at this current time.”

ORIS has funded 35 outdoor recreation projects all across Waterford since 2017 which equates to funding support of €1,893,726 being allocated to Waterford City & County Council.  It is envisaged that projects funded under the scheme will be implemented throughout 2022 and 2023. Waterford’s recreational trails were highlighted as part of another ORIS funded project which was launched in June of this year promoting our wonderful amenities as part of the ‘Walk Waterford’ project.  A new walking trail booklet was developed as well as a fantastic online resource with maps, photos and video which can be viewed at

These existing trails and outdoor recreational opportunities are currently being actively promoted not only by Waterford City & County Council but also by Visit Waterford, Ireland’s Ancient East, other stakeholders and the wider community.

Isn’t it time to go out and explore all that Waterford has to offer!

Winners of LEO ‘Scholarship Desk Programme’ begin their journey at Boxworks

Four entrepreneurs recently took up their desk space at Boxworks Co. Work. Space. as part of a Local Enterprise Office Waterford scholarship programme.

The LEO Desk programme was created to facilitate those with a business idea or in start-up phase.  By providing a creative coworking and networking environment for the next six months, the businesses will be well positioned to put their specific goals in place with the aid of monthly meetings with a LEO business advisor.

The four businesses to take up their desk spaces at Boxworks Co. Work. Space are Ann Marie Deady, Peter Fortune, Sarah Bowie and Sinead O’Neill.

Ann-Marie Deady is the owner of AM Deady Design, a Branding and Illustration studio. Ann-Marie is passionate about working with female entrepreneurs in the Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle industries in bringing their visual dreams to life.  “Boxworks is an amazing space to work from. The co-working community is so supportive and being surrounded by creative professionals opens up all avenues for collaboration for my growing business. We have an exciting ongoing collaboration in the works and the co-working environment encourages this growth”

Peter Fortune, Founder, sells modern board games (such as Catan, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic), traditional board games (such as Chess, Backgammon, Carrom) and accessories (such as Dice, Card Sleeves). “We’ve seen good growth over the past year and have worked with existing members of Boxworks on the redevelopment of the store and brand that is due to launch soon. We want to launch our own line of board games with the new brand in the future.”

Cartoonist Writer and Tutor Sarah Bowie is Co.Founder of the Comics Labs of Ireland’s first Graphic short Story Prize in partnership with The Irish Times. Her ‘Socially Distanced’ comic strip, an observational look at life in a pandemic, updates weekly on Instagram at @sarah__bowie and her latest picture books are available online. Sarah is also founder of ‘Waterford Sketchers’ and hosts workshops in writing and illustration for libraries, schools, and colleges, and is available for private one-on-one and group tuition. Sarah is especially passionate about Visual Learning as an education tool, for both adults and children, especially those from immigrant or less literate communities.  “The LEO Desk Programme at Boxworks is giving me a fantastic opportunity to make connections in the vibrant start-up and freelance community in Waterford.  It’s already given me leads to new project opportunities, and I really enjoy the welcoming atmosphere that Emer and Jim have created in Boxworks.  I feel this is an environment that will really help me grow my business.”

Life & Business Coach Sinéad O’Neill qualified through the ILI, an accredited ACSTH programme with the International Coach Federation, the longest established and most respected Coach and Coaching Accrediting Body in the world in 2015.  “I’m in the process of establishing a new social enterprise and being chosen for this programme is a wonderful opportunity for me to come out of my home office and into a coworking environment surrounded by creative likeminded people.”

Jim “Flash” Gordan, Director, Boxworks added, “The Coworking environment is the ideal creative environment for startups and emerging entrepreneurs. To date, this Scholarship programme has supported 40 + entrepreneurs since its launch which included funding, mentoring, networking, collaboration with other in-house coworkers, work placements, employment and setting up in business.  Several recipients of this scholarship award remained in Boxworks after finishing the programme, renting an office space for their business until they outgrew our space. Others remain and run their business from Boxworks. It has been fully subscribed since its launch and highly successful.”

Jacqui Gaule, Local Enterprise Office Waterford, said, “There are a number of successful working hubs through-out Waterford which provide fantastic facilities for start-ups and small businesses in a productive, connected and positive working setting. And it is because these are here that the Local Enterprise Office can offer this programme to participants.  While providing mentoring and supports along with the chance to work with other businesses the aim is to assist these businesses to develop and grow in the future”.

If your business in pre-start, start-up or established business phase and would like to find out more about what business support services are available from LEO Waterford, call 0761 110 2905 or visit


Tramore to light up for Christmas

Public realm works on Main Street, Tramore are due to be completed by the first week in December to coincide with the start of the festive season and the switching on of the Christmas lights in Tramore on December 2nd.

While weather conditions have hampered progress on some days, there is currently a full complement of pavers on site working to ensure the deadline is met.  The junction at Main Street and Queen Street will re-open to traffic once works are completed on Main Street.

The new paved area on Main Street, which will remain closed to traffic until the new traffic management system comes into place next year, will be the focus of some of the many Christmas activities being organised by Waterford Chamber with the support of Waterford City and County Council and local businesses.

Key attractions on Main Street will include a 20ft Christmas tree and a giant festive post box for children to post their letters to Santa.  Following new investment in festive lights by Waterford City and County Council, the area will be lit by a curtain of Christmas lights to add to the festive atmosphere.  Santa’s sleigh will take up prominent position at the Plaza and will make a picture perfect opportunity for children and families to pose for photos.

Lynda Lawton, Waterford Chamber of Commerce said, “We’re excited to plan a festive extravaganza for Tramore this Christmas. While the works have taken longer than originally anticipated, that fact that the finish line is in sight is a great relief for local businesses.”

“That’s why we intend to make Christmas in Tramore one to remember for the local community.  The lights that are being installed by the Council will really showcase the new Plaza, Main Street and Queen Street.  The Christmas tree will take pride of place in Main Street and the younger ones can rest assured that their letters will get to the Big Man himself when posted in the 12 ft Santa letter box.”

“Along with a host of other festive attractions and surprises throughout the town, Tramore is a must visit this Christmas.”

Following completion of paving on Main Street, works will refocus on the car park at Quish’s SuperValu.  Planned works at the junction of Strand Road and Gallwey’s Hill will commence in early January 2022 to avoid disruption to traffic over the festive period.


Waterford North Quays Infrastructure progesses to final procurement phase

Waterford City and County Council is delighted to announce that the main construction contract for the Waterford North Quays Infrastructure has progressed to final procurement stage.  All short listed / qualified applicants have been invited to proceed to stage 2 works tender, with tenders expected to be returned in Q1 2022 with construction planned to commence in Q4 2022. 

The main construction works comprises:

  • 1.3km of urban dual carriageway and local road upgrades in the Ferrybank area, together with significant junction improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists;
  • a new train station, transport interchange and public realm works directly north of the  North Quays Strategic Development Zone (SDZ);
  • a 207m long pedestrian, cycle and public transport bridge across the River Suir, with an opening span to accommodate river traffic;
  • the creation of a plaza on the south side of the river to connect the new bridge to the existing city centre; and
  • provision of a new Greenway from Abbey Bridge that connects with the South East Greenway from New Ross that is currently under construction.

The contract will be funded through the Urban Regional Development Fund (URDF) and the National Transport Authority’s Sustainable Transport Measures Grant (STMG), whom collectively are providing over €110m in funding to Waterford City and County Council for the North Quays development.  Waterford City and County Council is continuing to work towards getting full and final approval from Government for the access infrastructure by June 2022.

In addition to the main contract works there are a number of enabling contracts associated with the North Quays development.  Works already complete include the clearance of vegetation from the cliff face at Plunkett station, the diversion of services and the demolition of several large properties in the Ferrybank area.

Two further enabling contracts, to relocate and upgrade a foul and surface water pumping station and to divert services on the South Quays for the bridge landing are at contract appointment stage.  The tender for the rock engineering works to stabilise the cliffs at the existing Plunkett station was recently advertised on etenders, and the final enabling contract to divert the existing drainage systems in the Ferrybank area to the new pumping station is at advanced design stage and will be advertised on the eTenders website in the coming weeks.

The last piece of infrastructure to progress is flood defence works to the west of Plunkett Station.  A planning application for these works was recently submitted to An Bord Pleanála, the plans and particulars are currently on public display in Waterford and Kilkenny Council offices and can also be viewed and downloaded online via the following link:

If planning is confirmed it is anticipated the tender process for this element of the project will commence in Q1 2023. 

Michael Walsh, Chief Executive, Waterford City and County Council, commented on the announcement, “We are pleased that the construction contract has progressed to the final stage.  These key works to connect the North and South sides of Waterford City offers the opportunity to develop a sustainable and exemplary city centre and regional development, while facilitating the natural expansion of the City to the North side.”

“Warranted by its growing role as Ireland’s south eastern regional capital, Waterford is well placed to implement a zero carbon, socially inclusive and environmentally astute mixed use real estate development on the North Quays as a catalyst for future development.”

Waterford Business Awards open for entry


Entries are now being accepted for the 2021 Waterford Business Awards. The awards are designed to recognize excellence in business across Waterford City & County and are organized by Waterford Chamber, in collaboration with Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber, with support from Waterford City & County Council and WLR.

Launching the awards, Waterford Chamber President, John McSweeney said, “We are now entering year eight of the Waterford Business Awards and what better a time to share some positivity and promote our local businesses.

“While last year’s awards were hugely successful online, we have everything crossed that we will be in a position to celebrate in person at our Gala Awards night in early March. A celebration of the resilience of the business community is certainly long overdue and there are a lot of companies out there who are due firm recognition. We have introduced new categories this year and are confident there is something for everyone, so we are appealing to businesses to take time to reflect on the past year, be proud and acknowledge the hard work they have done by entering the awards.”

Managing Director of WLR FM Des Whelan added: “WLR FM is delighted to partner with Waterford Chamber, Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber, along with Waterford Council on the 2021 Business Awards initiative.  I think it’s more important than ever to recognize excellence in local business and industry. It’s been a hugely disruptive eighteen months for business in Waterford and the awards are a very positive spotlight on the innovation and entrepreneurship we have in the City and County”.

The full list of categories is as follows:

  1. Entrepreneur of the year
  2. New business of the year
  3. Marketing excellence
  4. Technology and innovation
  5. Green Excellence
  6. Tourism Excellence
  7. Best food and beverage producer
  8. Business of the Year (UP TO 20 PEOPLE)
  9. Business of the Year (21-150 PEOPLE)
  10. Business of the Year (150+) –
  11. Customer Service excellence
  12. Training & People Development

The judging panel, which is chaired by Noel Kelly, will also select the coveted Overall Business of the Year, which is sponsored by Waterford City & County Council.

Waterford Chamber welcomes applications from all businesses located in Waterford City and County, both members and non-members. You can enter the Waterford Business Awards through Waterford Chamber’s website, where you will also find a full criteria outline on each category.

The closing date for nominations and applications for the Waterford Business Awards is Friday, 26th November 2021.

Waterford City and County Council announced as successful applicant to Fáilte Ireland’s Urban Animation Capital Investment Scheme

Under Fáilte Ireland’s Urban Animations Capital Investment Scheme, Waterford City and County Council has been awarded €539,275 to support sustainable tourism development through public realm and urban animation projects.

The successful project application ‘City of Light’ is set to transform and re-imagine Waterford’s urban centre for visitors and communities.

The application identified a collection of 21 different locations across the city centre, where a new night time trail will be developed to establish Waterford as an iconic ‘City of Light’.  The trail will connect four different zones of Waterford City centre; Waterford Viking Triangle, Waterford Cultural Quarter, the retail spine and the Apple Market which is the core area for the evening and night time economy.

According to Lisa Grant, Economic Development, Waterford City and County Council, Waterford offers a broad range of day time visitor attractions, however the proposal to create a night time attraction was particularly well received.

“The light trail not only creates an opportunity to develop new night time tours but also creates opportunities for visitors to self navigate and explore the city at night.   Given that the lighting will have the greatest impact in the off-peak winter season, this project will spread tourism throughout the year in the off-peak and shoulder seasons, so the benefit will be felt throughout the year.”

Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Joe Kelly was delighted with the capital funding granted for the project which will further enhance Waterford’s tourism offerings.  “Waterford has such a rich and proud history.  The ‘City of Light’ will quite literally put the spotlight on the structures that make up the trail, those that represent different periods of Waterford’s history, from the arrival of the Vikings in 914 right through to the modern era of 20th-century architecture.”

“While the majority of the locations included on the light trail are attractions in their own right, the addition of creative and architectural lighting, will help to increase awareness of these attractions and potentially increase the number of day time visitors too.”

Each of the 21 locations included on this new trail has a story to tell about Waterford’s history and commercial heritage.  Through the further development of digital trail being advanced under the Fáilte Ireland Destinations Towns project, QR codes at each of the locations will lead to more insight and animation of the story of the building, thus strengthening the connections between people and the placed they share.

The 21 locations identified to make up the City of Light trail are:

  • Beach Tower, Jenkins Lane
  • Bishops Palace
  • Blackfriars, Conduit Lane
  • Central Library, Lady Lane
  • City Hall, The Mall
  • Double Tower, Castle Street
  • French Church, Greyfriars
  • French Tower, Browne’s Lane
  • Menapia / Waterford Crystal, The Mall
  • Museum of Silver, Cathedral Square
  • Museum of Time, Greyfriars
  • Old Munster Express Building, Hanover Street / The Quay
  • Presbytery, George’s Street
  • Reginald’s Tower
  • St. Martin’s Gate, Spring Garden Alley
  • The Granary, Hanover Street
  • Walls at the Manor / Castle Street / Browne’s Lane
  • Watchtower, Railway Square
  • Waterford Gallery of Art, O’Connell Street
  • WCQ Art House, 7/8 Thomas Street
  • WVW Plaza, The Quays

National Transport Authority Launch Consultation For Waterford City Bike Locations

The new service will see 14 stations delivered across the city over the coming months.

The National Transport Authority and Waterford City and County Council have begun a two-week consultation process around locations for stations for the bike share scheme in Waterford City.  The scheme will incorporate 14 locations across the city and will become operational later this year.

The consultation will last from today (Thursday, September 16th) to Thursday, September 30th and members of the public can make their submissions at

The city bikes scheme has already been successfully launched in Cork, Galway and Limerick and the NTA hope the Waterford scheme will be just as successful. A similar scheme, supported by NTA was established by Dublin City Council in 2009.

Market research undertaken by the organisation have identified key improvements for the regional city bikes such as a new baskets, which were overwhelmingly requested as a priority by members of the public. Newly improved mudguards which offer more robust protection than the current fleet, and the rear lighting system will also be improved to cater for increased night usage of the service.

Fergus Galvin, Director of  Services – Roads, Water & Environment – Waterford City and County Council welcomed the initiative.  “As part of Waterford’s aim to become carbon neutral by 2040, the introduction of the bike share scheme will greatly alter our mindset of over reliability on cars, which account for 35% of total emissions. Coupled with this, the bike share scheme will provide a low-cost, healthy and readily available mode of transport throughout the city.”

Further information

TFI Bikes are a self-service bike rental service open to all from 14-years old. Stations are conveniently located through each city making it easy to get around on a TFI Bike, whether it is commuting to work & meetings or some sight-seeing at your leisure.

TFI Bikes consists of stations with a terminal and stands for the bikes. The bikes are locked into the stands, when a bike is hired it is released by the system. On return, the bike is locked back into a stand at any station, and the hire is then completed.

An Annual Subscription is the easiest way to use TFI Bikes in the city – just present your card and enjoy the benefits, all year round, for just €10/year. The first 30-minutes of each hire is at no charge, for longer hires a service charge applies. The fund will be administered for the Department of Transport by the National Transport Authority.

Among the changes to the bikes are:

  • New Mudguard designs
  • New handlebar and basket designs
  • A new bike lock
  • A new chain guard
  • New Wheel rims
  • Updated bike lights
  • A new bike frame

Find out more about the consultation to the scheme here.

Housing Minister visits Waterford City

Today, Friday September 10th, Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Peter Burke TD visited Waterford.

Following a meeting with the Mayor of Waterford City and County Cllr. Joe Kelly and Chief Executive Waterford City and County Council Michael Walsh, Minister Burke visited a number of social housing projects in the city.

St. Joseph’s House is a former religious convent on a landmark site on Manor Hill.  Through the Repair and Lease Scheme, funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, 71 dwellings for the elderly will be delivered. Of the 71 dwellings, 50 units are located within the main building and 21 located in the various out-building clusters on the site, while the former chapel on the site will be proposed as community space for multiple uses by tenants.

The Minister then visited the Slievekeale site, where work is nearing completion on the delivery of 58 social housing units.  The first phase of dwellings has already been completed and is now providing new homes in a unique city-centre setting for 24 households.

Claire O’Sullivan, Manager of Tinteán Housing Association gave the Minister a tour of the new proposed units at O’Connell Street, which will provide 12 apartments units with staff support on site.

In 2019, Waterford City and County Council ceased the use of B&Bs and hotels by working in collaboration with Tinteán Housing Association and Focus Ireland to provide units from its own housing stock as an alternative for homeless households.

According to Ms. O’Sullivan, “Over the past 22 years the Service has evolved due to emerging needs, and is now providing a transitional service with 24 hours on-site support for women with complex needs as well as long-term housing with support for men, women and families off site.  We also provide short-term emergency accommodation for families experiencing homelessness which is a successful Waterford Council initiative as an alternative to using B&Bs and hotels for homeless families.”

“Up until now we were housed at Virginia Crescent, Hennessy’s Road and as it was always our aim to move away from residential setting to providing own front door units in line with housing first/housing led principles.”

Prior to a walk through Waterford’s Cultural and Viking Triangles, the Minister met with Council officials where he was presented with Waterford City Centre Design Strategy, Waterford’s City Centre regeneration project which was granted under the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF).  The allocation has allowed Waterford City and County Council to bring significant investment into the centre of Ireland’s Oldest City and create opportunities for people to live, work and play in a variety of re-imagined public spaces and places.

Minister Burke said, “I am immensely impressed to see the work underway in Waterford to tackle our housing crisis and make full use of resources allocated by the Department.  The Repair and Lease scheme in particular is providing high quality homes in prime location for our older people and I hope this use can be mirrored elsewhere in the country.  I also welcome the great progress made on homelessness with the international best practice Housing First strategy being employed successfully by Waterford City and County Council.”

“I thank the officials and members of the Local Authority for their warm welcome to Waterford and their presentation on the regeneration project.  I look forward to these exciting plans coming to fruition and to visiting again when works are complete.”


Waterford outdoor dining awarded €500,000

Minister for Tourism Catherine Martin TD and Fáilte Ireland have announced €506,693 funding to Waterford City and County Council for outdoor dining in the City and Dungarvan under the Weatherproofing and Outdoor Dining Enhancement Scheme.

Fáilte Ireland’s Outdoor Dining Enhancement Scheme opened for applications in March 2021, with all Local Authorities invited to apply for funding under the Scheme – to develop streets and public spaces to facilitate outdoor dining in urban tourism centres.

Working in collaboration with local businesses the funding received from Failte Ireland will provide access to outdoor seating for extended periods throughout the year and create a quality year-round, outdoor dining trail.


The funding allocated to the City is €354,919 for the provision of an outdoor dining trail stretching from Bailey’s New Street in the Viking Triangle to the Cultural Quarter in O’Connell Street and will support the provision of large parasols with heating, lighting and side screens in various locations along the trail. The funding of €151,774 announced for Grattan Square, Dungarvan goes towards the provision of large parasols and planters also.

Michael Quinn, Director of Economic Development, Waterford City and County Council said that the funding will assist local businesses in extending their outdoor dining offers all year round.  “The addition of accessible outdoor seating and heating will provide a permanency to outdoor dining in Waterford city and Dungarvan, and provide more options to locals and visitors.”

“Waterford City and County Council is working closely with local businesses in the roll-out of the outdoor infrastructure as we build on consolidating Waterford’s outdoor dining offering right throughout the year.”

Lisa Fitzgerald, Proprietor of The Italian Bakery and The Ice Cream Place said, “In the main, we have enjoyed a relatively successful summer of outdoor dining in Waterford.  However, as we come into the autumn, we will be in position to provide our customers with a more comfortable outdoor dining experience.”

“The addition of the heated and lighted parasols will be a real draw as people are still, in the wake of COVID-19, more comfortable dining outdoors, so it’s great to be able to offer that alternative right throughout the year.”

This week’s announcement relates to Part Two of the Scheme.  Part One of the Scheme, Outdoor Seating and Accessories, supports individual hospitality businesses with grants of up to €4,000 for seating, tables and outdoor accessories.  Closing date for receipt of applications is September 30th 2021.

Local businesses can apply through Waterford City and County Council. Details of the Outdoor Dining Scheme can be found at