Emergency Road Closure – R673 Ardmore Road at Rodeen
Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, will close the following public road to through traffic from 17th to 31st May, 2023 to facilitate Emergency Road Drainage Works.
Road to be closed:
- R-673 Ardmore Road at Rodeen from its Junction with the N25 at Clearys Cross to its Junction with the L-6034 at Bawnard to progress Emergency Road Drainage Works.
Diversion Route:
- Diversions from Ardmore Village via the R-673 Dungarvan Road towards Kielys Cross and onto the N25.
- N25 Traffic approaching Cleary Cross from Youghal to be diverted eastwards along N25 towards Kielys Cross and onto the R-673 towards Ardmore Village.
- N25 Traffic approaching from Dungarvan to turn onto R-673 at Kielys Cross towards Ardmore Village.