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Department highlights World Rabies Day

rabiesday09_200pxWednesday, September 28th 2016 was World Rabies Day and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is taking the opportunity to highlight the importance of continuing vigilance against rabies.

Ireland is fortunate to have been rabies free since 1903, but as rabies cases have been reported in pets and wildlife in Europe in recent years, Ireland is not free from risk.

The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) estimate that approximately 60,000 people across the world die every year from rabies and that Rabies is still endemic in 150 countries/territories worldwide.  Most human deaths occur in children in developing countries. The majority of these deaths are preventable by increasing public awareness and access to canine rabies vaccine. Rabies eradication requires a multidisciplinary effort between health, veterinary and local authorities. By working together rabies can be eliminated for good.

In 2015 the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), World Health Organisation (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with partners, the Global Alliance for the Control of Rabies (GARC) announced their framework for eliminating rabies by 2030.

The Department emphasises that Irish citizens can play their part in achieving this vision. Whilst the risk to Ireland is considered low, increasing animal movement across Europe means that we in Ireland must remain vigilant.

The illegal importation of dogs, cats or other pets is the most likely way that rabies could be introduced. If you are travelling with pets within the EU (including the UK) or importing pets into Ireland, it is a legal requirement for them to be vaccinated against rabies. Full details can be found on the Department’s website at the following link:

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week

carbon-monoxide-aware-logo-2016-low-resCarbon Monoxide Awareness Week takes place this year between 26th September and 2nd October.

  • The aim of the campaign this year is to highlight the fact that carbon monoxide (CO) can, and does, kill. It is colourless, odourless, hard to detect and it can kill in less than three minutes.
  • On average, six people in Ireland die every year as a result of unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning. But there’s a lot you can do to safeguard against it.


  • Carbon Monoxide can be produced by ANY fuel that burns, including coal, turf, oil, gas and wood.
  • Service fuel burning appliances and have chimneys swept annually.
  • Install an audible carbon monoxide alarm in your home.

The campaign is being fronted by Tommy McAnairey, the ballad-singing canary created to drive awareness about carbon monoxide, and will feature across all national and local media with a significant social media presence.  There will also be radio and TV coverage as well as media interviews with people directly affected by carbon monoxide.  Rory Cowan, star of the hit comedy Mrs Brown’s Boys, is a campaign ambassador for Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week this year due to his own personal experience with carbon monoxide exposure.

You can support the week by:

  • Following Tommy on Twitter @TommyMcAnairey
  • Following Gas Networks Ireland on Twitter @GasNetIrl and retweeting Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week tweets to your followers

Further information is available from link to the Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week website


Flood Risk Management Plan – Public Consultation Day

pcd-blockPublic Consultation Day
Are you interested in the draft Flood Risk Management Plans for your area?

A public consultation is currently underway seeking public and stakeholder comments and observations on the measures now being proposed as the preferred and feasible measures, to address known significant flood risk for a particular area.

Further details on this consultation, including the date by which comments and observations are required, are available on the OPW website:

You are invited to the following consultation event where members of the public can ask questions in relation to the draft Flood Risk Management Plan specific to their particular area.

The Park Hotel, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.
Tuesday 27th September 2016: 2:00pm – 7:00pm
The area included in the draft Flood Risk Management Plans are: Dungarvan, Dunmore East and Tramore and Environs.

Together we can reduce illegal dumping

litterTogether we can help reduce the spate of littering incidents around our towns, villages and countryside.

On a daily basis, our Environment teams are out cleaning up illegal littering and roadside dumping.

It happens in our scenic Comeragh mountains, on the sides of our highways and byways and right in the heart of our city and towns.

If you see illegal dumping, please report it to our litter hotline and your call will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

CALL 0761 10 2885