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ArtLinks Collaboration Award : Call for Applications

The ArtLinks partners in Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford and Wexford local authorities are pleased to announce that they are currently accepting applications for the ArtLinks Collaboration Bursary Award 2022. The aim of this award is to encourage more collaboration between artists across the ArtLinks counties and support artists seeking to expand their practice and networks regionally.

The Collaboration Award is open to application by Professional and Emerging Artists who are members of ArtLinks. For this bursary there will be one award of up to €10,000. The award must involve collaboration between artists from two or more ArtLinks counties in the development of new work, to be showcased in two or more ArtLinks counties.

Closing date: Tuesday 19th of April 2022

ArtLinks is a partnership of the four Local Authority Arts Offices in Wexford , Waterford, Carlow and Kilkenny , and is supported by the Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon. ArtLinks provides professional development opportunities and supports for established and emerging artists who are resident in the four partner local authority areas of Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford and Wexford.

Artists must be a current member of ArtLinks to avail of the Collaboration Bursary. You must be registered on or before 11/4/2022 to be eligible to apply for this bursary.

Email to request a membership application form if you are a new applicant.

This year the application process is online and the closing date for receipt of ArtLinks Collaboration Bursary applications is Tuesday 19th April 2022 at 5pm.

For all ArtLinks enquiries please contact

Follow ArtLinks on Facebook and Instagram for more information and updates.

Waterford designers and makers exhibition 2022 expression of interest now open

Waterford designers and makers exhibition 2022 expression of interest now open.

Calling Waterford designers and makers to express their interest to participate in an exhibition of creative excellence in 2022. Creative Waterford and Waterford Local Enterprise Office are coming together to showcase the excellent work of designers and makers in our city and county.  Potential exhibitors are now asked to put forward an expression of interest by submitting images of their work by February 1st 2022.

Exhibition curator Vincent O’Shea is a highly experienced project manager and curator. He has worked with, mentored and provided training for makers throughout Ireland. While working with the Crafts Council of Ireland he established the National Craft Collection in partnership with the National Museum of Ireland. Vincent will work closely with selected designers and makers to ensure their work is exhibited to the highest standards.

Brid Kirby, Senior Enterprise Development Officer with the Local Enterprise Office Waterford, noted Waterford has an abundance of quality designers and makers.  “We want to provide an opportunity for them to showcase their work.  Profiling and showcasing are so important for craft businesses”

Creative Waterford Coordinator, Katherine Collins, said “we are particularly interested in finding out how your sense of place, of Waterford, adds to your creativity. Perhaps locality, the coast or mountains are part of that, or it might be something more indefinable. There are wonderful crafts coming out of our county and it is essential that we celebrate and promote our designers and makers”

Details of the call for expressions of interest are available on Creative Waterford social media and at Closing date for applications is February 1st 2022.

Note for editors:

For further information please contact Katherine Collins 087 9268520 /

Request for Expressions of Interest for the provision of affordable housing through advance purchase turnkey acquisition

Request for Expressions of Interest for the provision of affordable housing through advance purchase turnkey acquisition.

Waterford City & County Council are seeking expressions of interest for the delivery of new dwellings for affordable housing in Waterford City accordance with the provisions of The Affordable Housing Act 2021.

Affordable housing units proposed must have planning permission and must not have commenced. The Affordable Housing Act 2021 provides for Local Authorities to acquire, build or cause to be built, affordable dwellings that can be subsequently sold to eligible applicants (assessed by Waterford City & County Council) through direct sales agreements between purchasers and developers.

The Affordable Housing Fund funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage will provide a subsidy (based on set criteria as outlined below) that will reduce the cost of a home for first time buyers or those seeking a fresh start. Waterford City & County Council will retain an equity stake of up to 30% of the dwelling.

All submissions made under this Expression of Interest will be assessed and approved by the Housing Agency and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
Please note that Waterford City & County Council are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2014.
Expressions of Interest Forms are available from the Housing Section, Waterford City & County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford and below.

Expressions of Interest must be returned clearly marked WCCC 21/603/Housing to:
WCCC 21/603/Housing, Tender Box, Waterford City & County Council, Customer Services, Baileys New Street, Waterford.

The closing date for this Expression of Interest is 3pm on Tuesday 30th November 2021.

Waterford businesses make it their business to become more Age Friendly

Currently there are over 1 million older people (65+) living and shopping in Ireland, with this number set to increase by 50% by 2051. 

With older people accounting for 50% of consumer spending, Waterford Age Friendly Alliance, in association with Waterford and Dungarvan Chambers of Commerce is preparing an Age Friendly Business Recognition Charter programme.  The programme is designed to assist local businesses adopt an inclusive retail strategy to ensure their customers’ experience is pleasant and comfortable.

According to Kevin Moynihan, Waterford Age Friendly Programme Manager with Waterford City and County Council, the Charter clearly identifies the businesses that not only value to custom of older customers, but are working to create an inclusive and enjoyable consumer experience.

To become certified as an Age Friendly Business, Kevin outlines the steps involved for any business that is interested in partaking in the programme.

“Firstly, each business should nominate a staff member to act as a champion for age-friendliness.  That ‘champion’ will then participate in the Age Friendly Business online workshops to develop ideas and a roadmap to becoming more equitable and inclusive.  Collaboration with older customers is also paramount to find out what they want, what can be improved and how the business can become a more welcoming environment for them.”

Once these actions are implemented, the business will receive its Age Friendly Business Charter.

If you are interested in participating and helping to make Waterford a great place to live and grow older in, an Age Friendly Business Workshop takes place via Zoom at 10am, Thursday, October 28th

To receive a link to the workshop, email or to find out more about the Age Friendly Initiative visit

Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2021

Waterford City & County Council now seeks expressions of interest from towns and villages for funding of suitable projects under this initiative.

Expression of Interest forms and details of the Scheme outline can be obtained by emailing and completed Expression of Interest forms are to be returned before 5.00pm Friday 23rd April 2021.

To Let – Opportunity for combined retail and residential on Main Street, Tramore, Co. Waterford

To Let- Opportunity for combined retail and residential on Main Street, Tramore, Co. Waterford

Waterford City & County Council invite submissions of Expressions of Interest for a commercial partner to work jointly on the development of an exemplar ‘living above the shop’ project at 9 Main Street, Tramore, Co. Waterford.

The property includes ground floor commercial space of 306m2 and a first floor two bed apartment of 80m2. The ground floor commercial unit may be eligible under the Economic Incentive Scheme for a grant to cover the cost of commercial rates for a period of up to three years.

Waterford City & County Council are interested in bringing a commercial partner on board prior to works commencing to tailor works to meet the tenant’s requirements.

A lease for a minimum of 4 years and 9 months will be available.

Applicants are invited to submit a detailed Expression of Interest outlining their interest in the property including details of proposals for the commercial ground floor unit.

The closing date for receipt of submissions is Friday 28th May 2021.

Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2021

Waterford City & County Council now seeks expressions of interest from towns and villages for funding of suitable projects under this initiative.

Expression of Interest forms and details of the Scheme outline can be obtained by emailing and completed Expression of Interest forms are to be returned before 5.00pm Friday 23rd April 2021.

Imagine Arts Festival 2020: Open Call 2020


A work-in-progress performance opportunity.

Are you in the process of creating a new work or have an idea you want to develop?

Imagine Arts Festival is offering an exciting opportunity for 3 artists / groups of artists, to present a work in progress at Imagine Arts Festival 2020. We are accepting applications from artists of all performance disciplines (Dance, Theatre, Circus, Multidisciplinary etc.) We are particularly interested in hearing from artists based in Co. Waterford and the South East of Ireland.

The Imagine In-Development performance ‘IMAGININGS’ will take place on the evening of Thursday 22nd of October with some basic tech provided – the venue is to be confirmed but will be in Waterford. The performances will be open to the public and the audience will have the opportunity to express feedback to the artists.

What we can offer

The chosen artists/companies will receive €500 towards producing their performance

One of these Artist’s will have the opportunity to discuss a commission of their fully developed work for Imagine Arts Festival 2021. This artist will be chosen by Imagine’s Advisory team.

  • Minimal tech support on the day of the showing, including 1.5 hours tech time
  • Structured audience feedback
  • A film of the live performance
  • We will handle all marketing and promotion of the event
  • We cannot cover accommodation, travel or per diem costs
  • We cannot host aerial rigging in the venue

To apply please email with the following:

  • Title and short description of the proposed work (max 300 words)
  • Name of the choreographer/writer/director/lead artist, a short biography/CV and jpg images
  • Names of performers if different from above
  • Length of piece (20 min max).
  • A short video link of the work so far (no longer than 2 minutes) or videos of your past work if you do not yet have footage or a script if it is a text-based piece

Deadline for submissions: June 30th

For further information about the festival, please visit

Please direct any queries for the attention of Nora at

Survey of voluntary, community and sporting groups

A dedicated community support helpline of 1800 250 185 and email contact have been established in Waterford City and County to assist at risk members of the public in accessing non-emergency and non-medical supports and advice during the current public health emergency.

To that end, we are requesting voluntary, community and sporting  groups who are providing services to vulnerable citizens to complete this online survey:

This will provide us with a complete database of groups across city & county who are providing services to assist the most vulnerable in Waterford City & County.

The information will enable us to link citizens with groups providing essential services and to identify where the gaps in services are. Our aim is to ensure that all our vulnerable citizens are looked after in these difficult times.  If you are already providing a service in your local community or parish or mobilising to start such a service, we would be grateful if you would complete the survey now.

Please note that information submitted will only be used for the purposes of co-ordinating community volunteers during the Covid 19 crisis. Any queries regarding the use of personal data should be referred to 

A sincere thank you for your ongoing work and especially to those providing services to those most in need at this time.

Survey of voluntary, community and sporting groups

A dedicated community support helpline of 1800 250 185 and email contact have been established in Waterford City and County to assist at risk members of the public in accessing non-emergency and non-medical supports and advice during the current public health emergency.

To that end, we are requesting voluntary, community and sporting  groups who are providing services to vulnerable citizens to complete this online survey:

This will provide us with a complete database of groups across city & county who are providing services to assist the most vulnerable in Waterford City & County.

The information will enable us to link citizens with groups providing essential services and to identify where the gaps in services are. Our aim is to ensure that all our vulnerable citizens are looked after in these difficult times.  If you are already providing a service in your local community or parish or mobilising to start such a service, we would be grateful if you would complete the survey now.

Please note that information submitted will only be used for the purposes of co-ordinating community volunteers during the Covid 19 crisis. Any queries regarding the use of personal data should be referred to 

A sincere thank you for your ongoing work and especially to those providing services to those most in need at this time.

2020 Art’s Venue Grant Applications

Arts Centres are described by the national Arts Council as “full-time, public-facing, professionally managed, building-based arts organisations.

They support the creation, presentation and mediation of the arts across a range of artforms and arts practices. They support professional, collaborative, voluntary and amateur arts practice.” This is the description that Waterford City & County Council are adopting for the 2020 Venue Grants.

While these forms are part of our continuing alignment with national protocols we will be convening an open meeting with Venue Leaders to see is there a better or more efficient way with better local contexts and transparency for which to go forward with.

Please note closing date is October 22 at 4pm. Please read the guidelines before applying.

Public Consultation: Traffic Calming Scheme, R677 Tech Road, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford

Public Consultation: Traffic Calming Scheme, R677 Tech Road, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford

Waterford City and County Council proposes to undertake the construction of traffic calming scheme in the form of a raised table area to reduce the speed of vehicular traffic near the entrance of St. Declan’s Community College Secondary school, Kilmacthomas along the R677, Tech Road. A controlled crossing point in the form of Traffic Lights exists at this location and will be retained. The main goal is to reduce vehicular speed at an existing controlled crossing point which is used regularly and in particular more frequently during school opening and closing hours. The implementation of the traffic calming scheme will create a safe environment for all road users with a strong emphasis on non-motorized road users.

Drawings are available for inspection below and during normal office hours from Wednesday 31st July to Tuesday 27th August, 2019 at the Council’s Customer Services Departments in the Civic Offices, Dungarvan and Bailey’s New Street, Waterford.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be lodged with Ms. Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or by email to to be received before 4.00pm on Tuesday 10th September, 2019.

Roundabout Sponsorship Scheme 2019 – Kilmeaden

Waterford City & County Council has implemented a scheme for the sponsorship of roundabouts around the city and county to engage with businesses and organisations who wish to enhance the city and county’s built environment while benefiting from advertising opportunities.

The Council’s Biodiversity Action Plans promote better landscape planting across the county and encourages planting of native species where possible.   Roundabouts can provide the opportunity for very attractive herbaceous planting schemes and excellent resources for pollinators and it is envisaged that this roundabout is landscaped in a manner that promotes biodiversity.

  • The Council is now seeking a sponsor for the advertisement and maintenance of the Kilmeaden Village Roundabout R680/L4020.

Full details are available from Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department by email or from the Council’s website or tel 0761102020.

The closing date for submission of tenders is 15:00 Friday 20th September, 2019.

Fergus Galvin,
Director of Services,
Roads, Water and Environment

Public Consultation: Traffic Calming Scheme, R677 Tech Road, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford

Public Consultation: Traffic Calming Scheme, R677 Tech Road, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford

Waterford City and County Council proposes to undertake the construction of traffic calming scheme in the form of a raised table area to reduce the speed of vehicular traffic near the entrance of St. Declan’s Community College Secondary school, Kilmacthomas along the R677, Tech Road. A controlled crossing point in the form of Traffic Lights exists at this location and will be retained. The main goal is to reduce vehicular speed at an existing controlled crossing point which is used regularly and in particular more frequently during school opening and closing hours. The implementation of the traffic calming scheme will create a safe environment for all road users with a strong emphasis on non-motorized road users.

Drawings are available for inspection below and during normal office hours from Wednesday 31st July to Tuesday 27th August, 2019 at the Council’s Customer Services Departments in the Civic Offices, Dungarvan and Bailey’s New Street, Waterford.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be lodged with Ms. Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or by email to to be received before 4.00pm on Tuesday 10th September, 2019.