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Reminder: Proposed Traffic Calming Scheme, Vulcan Street/O’Connell Street, Waterford

Waterford City and County Council proposes to undertake the construction of a traffic calming scheme at the junction of (L5505) Vulcan Street/ (1502) O Connell Street in Waterford City. The proposed works include modification of the existing traffic lanes, construction of build outs on each corner creating greater sight lines for vehicular traffic and easier crossing points for pedestrians.

The junction will also be raised to reduce the speed of vehicular traffic entering the junction. The implementation of the traffic calming scheme with landscape strategy will create a safe environment for all road users with a strong emphasis on non-motorized road users.The main goal is to reduce vehicular speed and improve the facilities for the vulnerable road users.

Drawings are available for inspection below and during normal office hours from Wednesday 19th June to Tuesday 16th July 2019 at the Council’s Customer Services Departments in the Civic Offices, Dungarvan and Bailey’s New Street, Waterford.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be lodged with Ms. Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or by email to to be received before 4.00pm on Tuesday 30th July, 2019.


Retail Strategy Review for Waterford City and County

Waterford City and County Council has appointed John Spain Associates to review the current city and county retail strategies and prepare a new unitary Waterford City and County Retail Strategy for its functional area.

Written submissions regarding the preparation of the new retail strategy are hereby invited from members of the public and other interested parties. Submissions must be made in writing to the planning authority, during the period from 24th June 2019 to 19th July 2019.

Submissions can be sent either by:

Submissions should be marked Retail Strategy Review, state the name of the person making the submission and where relevant the body represented. All submissions lodged during the period will be taken into consideration in the preparation of the new Waterford City and County Retail Strategy.

The personal information (names) collected as part of the consultation process is protected by data protection. This information will remain confidential and will not be published.

Submissions invited to operate Goldsmiths / Silversmiths shop in Cathedral Square, Waterford

Submissions are invited for a licence to operate a Goldsmiths / Silversmiths shop at the New Museum of Irish Silver to be located in the Deanery, Cathedral Square, Waterford, that is planned to open in late 2019.

It is envisaged that the unit would operate 7 days per week on a year-round basis. The operator would be expected to sell tickets to the adjoining Museum of Irish Silver and monitor public access to and regress from the museum. The opening times of the shop must coincide with the opening times of the Museum, though these times are open to negotiation / discussion and may vary from winter to summer months. However it is absolutely essential that the shop unit operates during normal museum opening hours.

The unit will be located on the ground floor of the Deanery Building and will have two windows facing on to Cathedral Square. There is wheelchair access to the shop and museum. The unit consists of a shop unit and a small workshop for the manufacture in-house of exclusive and bespoke silver items to be sold in the shop. The shop unit will be fitted out by Waterford Council in consultation with the successful tenderer but within the perimeters of the available budget.

The Council will consider granting the successful applicant an exclusive licence to operate for an initial period of four years and nine months with annual reviews. There will be an option, subject to satisfactory performance, to extend this period.

Applicants are invited to make a detailed submission confirming their experience in the retail and goldsmith / silversmith trade and the annual rent they are willing to pay for the licence to operate the retail unit in the Deanery building.   Previous experience of operating a similar establishment is absolutely essential.

Latest date for receipt of submissions is: 3 pm Friday 9th August 2019.

Please forward expressions of interest in a sealed envelope marked: Expression of interest for Deanery Building


Mary Quigley
Administrative Officer
Waterford City and County Council
Property Management Department,
Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford.

REMINDER: Retail Strategy Review for Waterford City and County

Waterford City and County Council has appointed John Spain Associates to review the current city and county retail strategies and prepare a new unitary Waterford City and County Retail Strategy for its functional area.

Written submissions regarding the preparation of the new retail strategy are hereby invited from members of the public and other interested parties. Submissions must be made in writing to the planning authority, during the period from 24th June 2019 to 19th July 2019.

Submissions can be sent either by:

Submissions should be marked Retail Strategy Review, state the name of the person making the submission and where relevant the body represented. All submissions lodged during the period will be taken into consideration in the preparation of the new Waterford City and County Retail Strategy.

The personal information (names) collected as part of the consultation process is protected by data protection. This information will remain confidential and will not be published.

Proposed Traffic Calming Scheme, Vulcan Street/O’Connell Street, Waterford

Waterford City and County Council proposes to undertake the construction of a traffic calming scheme at the junction of (L5505) Vulcan Street/ (1502) O Connell Street in Waterford City. The proposed works include modification of the existing traffic lanes, construction of build outs on each corner creating greater sight lines for vehicular traffic and easier crossing points for pedestrians.

The junction will also be raised to reduce the speed of vehicular traffic entering the junction. The implementation of the traffic calming scheme with landscape strategy will create a safe environment for all road users with a strong emphasis on non-motorized road users.The main goal is to reduce vehicular speed and improve the facilities for the vulnerable road users.

Drawings are available for inspection below and during normal office hours from Wednesday 19th June to Tuesday 16th July 2019 at the Council’s Customer Services Departments in the Civic Offices, Dungarvan and Bailey’s New Street, Waterford.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be lodged with Ms. Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or by email to to be received before 4.00pm on Tuesday 30th July, 2019.


Retail Strategy Review for Waterford City and County

Waterford City and County Council has appointed John Spain Associates to review the current city and county retail strategies and prepare a new unitary Waterford City and County Retail Strategy for its functional area.

Written submissions regarding the preparation of the new retail strategy are hereby invited from members of the public and other interested parties. Submissions must be made in writing to the planning authority, during the period from 24th June 2019 to 19th July 2019.

Submissions can be sent either by:

Submissions should be marked Retail Strategy Review, state the name of the person making the submission and where relevant the body represented. All submissions lodged during the period will be taken into consideration in the preparation of the new Waterford City and County Retail Strategy.

The personal information (names) collected as part of the consultation process is protected by data protection. This information will remain confidential and will not be published.

Mobile Tea/Coffee Unit, Applemarket, Waterford

Submissions are invited for the operation of a daytime mobile coffee/ tea unit at The Applemarket, John Street in Waterford City.

It is envisaged that the unit would operate 7 days per week on a year round basis and provide a hot beverage (teas / coffees) and light snacks (pastries, sandwiches etc) offer from morning through to late afternoon / early evening.  The unit would be based under the roof of the Applemarket . The exact times are open to negotiation / discussion and these may vary from winter to summer months.

The unit should be based on a vehicle (either motorised or towed) and moved on / off site on a daily basis. The unit will not be allowed to remain on site in the Applemarket overnight and responsibility for its off-site storage will rest with the operator.

The outlet should be capable of providing an element of seating which might include a number of portable chairs and tables.

The Council will consider granting the successful applicant an exclusive licence to operate for an initial period of 12 months.  Subject to satisfactory performance, the option to extend this period for a further 24 months with annual reviews is possible.

The operator may be required to relocate within the Applemarket / John Street area from time to time in order to facilitate the holding of a number of public festivals / events each year.

Applicants are invited to make a detailed submission confirming their experience in the catering trade and suggested rent.  Previous experience in the catering trade coupled with appropriate financial resources would be desirable.

Latest date for receipt of submissions is: 3 pm, Friday 21st June 2019

Please forward expressions of interest in a sealed envelope marked: “Expression of interest Mobile Unit, Applemarket”


Property Management Department, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford.

Traffic Calming Measures, Lower Branch Road L4162 Tramore, County Waterford

TAKE NOTICE, Waterford City and County Council is proposing to provide the following traffic calming measures at Lower Branch Road L4162 Tramore, County Waterford.

A traffic survey was completed on the 24th April 2016 which confirmed that 32.82% of the vehicles surveyed exceeded the 50 km/hour speed limit.

The proposed measures include:

  • In order to reduce speeds and reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians, a series of footpath build outs and pedestrian crossing points are proposed. The biggest
    contributors to pedestrian risk on through routes in towns and villages are vehicle speed (particularly at off-peak times) and crossing distance.
  • The first controlled pedestrian crossing is proposed on the Majestic side of the Medical Practice located on the Lower Branch Road.
  • The second controlled pedestrian crossing is located at the existing Bus Station on Lower Branch Road.
  • There is also one uncontrolled crossing at the Majestic Hotel proposed.
  • A series of footpath build outs and new lining works shall delineate the new road layout and crossing points (3 in total).

The drawings outlining the proposals are available for inspection at the following locations and are also attached to this notice:

  • Customer Services Department, Bailey’s New Street,
  • Customer Services Department, Davitt’s Quay,
    Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.

The drawings are available from Tuesday 20th November 2018 to Thursday 20th December 2018, both dates inclusive. Objections or representations in respect of the proposed measures may be made in writing to Mr. Alan O’Shea, Executive Engineer, Metropolitan District, Menapia Building, Waterford or by email to and must be received before 4.00 pm on Thursday 20th December,


Notice of Consideration of setting a Local Adjustment Factor (LPT)

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that elected members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the local adjustment factor.

The members of Waterford City and County Council will meet in September 2018 to consider this matter. They may set a local adjustment factor within the range of +/- 15% of the basic rate, or, may decide not to adjust the basic rate.

Waterford City and County Council welcomes written submissions (in writing or electronically) from the public on this matter specifically covering the potential effects of varying the basic rate of the Local Property Tax on businesses, individuals and on local authority services.

Further information can be obtained at

To make your submission you can write to:

All submissions must be received by August 25th, 2018.
There is no prescribed format for a submission.

Notice of Consideration of setting a Local Adjustment Factor

The local property tax (LPT) is annual self-assessed tax charged on the market value of all residential properties in Ireland. It came into effect on 1st July 2013 and is collected by the Revenue Commissioners.

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended),makes specific provision that elected members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the local adjustment factor. The members of Waterford City and County Council will meet in September 2017 to consider this matter. They may set a local adjustment factor within the range of +/- 15% of the basic rate, or may decide not to adjust the basic rate.

We are now calling for written submissions from the public on this issue.

To make your submission you can write to: Local Property Tax Consultation, Finance Section, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, Waterford OR email:

All submissions must be received by August 26th, 2017. There is no prescribed format for a submission.

Invitation to Tender : Early Years’ Service Delivery

Invitation to Childcare Providers to submit Business Plan for Early Years’ Service Delivery at The Manor, Larchville, Lisduggan, Waterford.

Waterford City and County Council, Pobal and Waterford Childcare Committee invite submissions of Business Plans from interested parties to re-open a two storey (with lift and stairs) early years/school age service in an existing, purpose built, early years facility with an outdoor play area; namely The Manor Childcare Service, Manor St. John Complex, Lisduggan, Waterford for September 2017.

The overall ground floor size = 33.44 x 25.90m. Second floor = 25.60m x12.11m. The facility is located in a community campus with private parking. The successful operator would enter into a lease with Waterford City and County Council.

For further information, please contact: or phone 051 295045
Completed submissions must be returned to Rose Murphy, CEO Waterford Childcare Committee, Business Centre, Union Road, Kilmacthomas, Co Waterford by 4.00pm on Friday 21st April 2017.

Expressions of Interest from traders sought regarding Waterford Greenway

2017-01-16_0918Waterford City and County Council are seeking “Expressions of Interest” regarding service provision on the Waterford Greenway.

Waterford Greenway will open fully towards the end of March and the 46 km walking and cycling route will be a magnificent addition to Waterford’s tourism infrastructure. Already the sections that are open are attracting extremely high footfall

The Council wishes to ensure that the Greenway has sufficient services of a high standard to ensure that all users of the route enjoy a quality visitor experience. The preferred option over the longer period is that these services (e.g. food, drink, information etc etc) would be provided by permanent establishments.

However, in the shorter term, deficiencies in service provision may need to be addressed via casual trading licences

To this end, the Council is seeking expressions of interest from traders who wish to provide such services, specifically at the car-park in Scartore (Clonea) and at or near Carroll’s Cross. However, the Council will also accept expressions of interest for other locations and particularly so, if the intended service is unique, artisan or high quality but not at places where service provision already exists.

Expressions of Interest to be sent on or before Friday 10th February, 2017 to:

Richie Walsh, Head of Enterprise, Waterford City and County Council, Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford

or via email to :

For general inquiries, contact Bernadette Drohan at or telephone 0761 10 2169.