Final call for funding under Transitional LEADER Programme 2021-2022
The following information workshop will be held in advance of opening the final call for funding under the Transitional LEADER Programme 2021-2022.
The short timeline for this call does not facilitate built infrastructure (works) type projects.
Participation in our information session is compulsory if you intend to apply for funding.
- Tuesday 5th July
- Park Hotel, Dungarvan (Moresby Room)
- 6-7pm
NB: Please register your interest and book in by emailing or, before 12 pm on Friday 1st July. Upon registration, an Expression of Interest Form will be forwarded for completion to bring along to the Information Session. Help is provided on the night if required Following participation in our workshop, Waterford Leader Partnership CLG, on behalf of County Waterford LCDC, will invite applications for funding with a closing date of Friday 5th August at 12 noon.
Invitation to application stage does not mean that you will be awarded grant aid as it is a competitive process. (Please note that the minimum grant amount is €1,250 and the maximum is €157,549.81)
Funding may be awarded under all themes and sub themes to a maximum of 75% of the total project cost for private promoters and up to 75% for community group applicants. Consideration of the rate of aid offered will be done on a project-by-project basis.
An Irish version of this Call will be available on our website
- Transitional Funding €157,549.81
- EURI Funding €3,686.30