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For the Attention of Social Housing List applicants only

The Housing Section of Waterford City & County Council will shortly carry out a Housing Needs Assessment in accordance with Social Housing Assessment (Summary) Regulations, 2016.

  1. What is a Housing Needs Assessment?
    The Housing Needs Assessment is a review of all approved applicants for social housing supports who are currently on the social housing list with Waterford Council. The information provided by each approved applicant will be re-assessed under the Social Housing Assessment Regulations 2016 taking into account the applicant’s eligibility and need.
  2. How will the Local Authority contact approved applicants?
    Waterford City & County Council will write to each approved applicant on its social housing list using the current address provided by the applicant. (If you have moved address please contact the Housing Section on 0761 10 21 22 to update your address details.)
  3. What will you have to do?
    Each approved applicant will be asked to complete a form and provide documentary evidence of any changes to circumstances.

Customer Option 1:

  • Online form using Licences.iewe are promoting this as a new initiative
  • Log in to – Details of access to are provided with the form.

Customer Option 2:  As the online version is a new pilot, we are still allowing applications in the traditional manner.

  • i.e. Complete a paper form and submit at Customer Service Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford or Civic Offices, Dungarvan or via Post.

It is critical that correct supporting documents are included, if required.

  1. What will happen if I do not return the information requested?
    If you fail to return this information within the specified time period, your application for social housing will be terminated and therefore you will not be considered for future offers of social housing support.
  2. What about HAP RAS and leasing tenants?
    HAP, RAS and leasing tenants will not be contacted for the purposes of this exercise, but their housing applications will remain open and approved.

Ivan Grimes, Director of Services.

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