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Waterford City & County Age Friendly Alliance survey

This survey is being carried out on behalf of Waterford City and County Age Friendly Alliance. The Alliance wishes to ensure that priority issues relating to the quality of life of older people are addressed in a coordinated way by a variety of local bodies. The Age Friendly Strategy is intended to help to achieve this.

The intention of this survey is to gather the views of members of the community and of older members in particular,  about the things which contribute to a high quality of life for older people.

By completing this questionnaire you will contribute significantly to the preparation of the Age Friendly Strategy for Waterford. Responses to the questionnaire are confidential and no specific comment or information is attributable to any individual.

Active Travel Scheme – Knockateemore, Dungarvan

Over the past few weeks and months, Waterford City & County Council has received a significant number of representations, from both private citizens and councillors, seeking the clearing and upgrade of the pathway between the N-25 and the L-3166 at Knockateemore (see map below). These submissions suggest that the route should be opened to pedestrians to improve walking and cycling links locally.

This pathway was, in the past, a route used locally as a walking route in but has now become overgrown and limited in its use.

Waterford City & County Council is committed to improving local pedestrian links and promoting sustainable mobility options throughout Waterford. One of the most effective methods of achieving this is through the development of local pedestrian routes such as this pathway to facilitate short and medium distance walking and cycle journeys.

The work involved opening of the walkway is ideally suited to avail of funding under the National Transport Authority’s (NTA) Active Travel fund. This fund seeks to provide new and upgrade existing walking and cycling routes as part of the national climate action plan. These types of schemes seek to reduce reliance on the motor car and reduce the country’s transport related carbon emissions.

The Active Travel funding and the associated works programme are managed by Waterford City & County Council’s Active Travel Team.

Drawing of proposed Active Travel scheme at Knockateemore.

The Active Travel team is now seeking further submissions, comments, and engagement from you as a potential user, resident in the area or a landowner in respect to the re-opening of the pathway to pedestrians and cyclists only.

We are keen in hear how the route was used in the past and what you would like to see it become in the future. We are keen to learn how its opening might help people in the area reduce their reliance on their car by allowing children to cycle to school, travel to sports facilities etc.

From an initial review of the route there is some evidence that limited use is being made of the route and some basic clearing has been carried out to facilitate pedestrian access.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be lodged here, or with Ian Ludlow, Staff Officer, Active Travel Team, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or by email to to be received by Friday 28th October 2022.

Please note that comments, including names of those making comments, submitted to the Council regarding this consultation may appear in the public domain.

Give us your thoughts : 5 current “Active Travel” public consultations

There are currently 5 Active Travel Public Consultations that need your feedback.

Submissions may be made on our online consultation platform :

Local Property Tax adjustment factor

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that elected members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the local adjustment factor.

The members of Waterford City and County Council meet each year to consider this matter. They may set a local adjustment factor within the range of +/- 15% of the basic rate, or may decide not to adjust the basic rate.

Waterford City and County Council welcomes written submissions from the public on this matter specifically covering the potential effects of varying the basic rate of the Local Property Tax on businesses, individuals and on local authority services.

To make your submission you can write to: Local Property Tax Consultation, Finance Section, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, Waterford.

OR Alternatively submissions can be made by email to or by online submission at:

All submissions must be received by 23rd September 2022. There is no prescribed format for a submission.

Section 38, N72 Lismore Traffic Calming Scheme (Phase 1)

Waterford City and County Council proposes to undertake the construction of a traffic calming scheme along the N72 national secondary road on the northern approach to Lismore town from Lismore Bridge to the town centre.

The proposed works include modification of the existing traffic lanes, construction of new footways and modification of the existing footways with associated sundry works. The proposed length of the scheme is approximately 460 m.  See drawing attached.

The implementation of the traffic calming scheme with landscape strategy will create a safe environment for all road users with a strong emphasis on non-motorised road users.

The main goal is to reduce vehicular speed and improve the facilities for vulnerable road users. This will be achieved by the alteration of the existing N72 junctions located at Ferry Lane and the Castle / Public Car Park. Reducing the width of the main road and improving pedestrian facilities will enhance this section of the N72 approaching Lismore town.

Drawings are available for inspection below and during normal office hours from Wednesday 1st June to Tuesday 28th June, 2022 at the Council’s Customer Services Departments in the Civic Offices, Dungarvan and Bailey’s New Street, Waterford.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal.  Submissions should be lodged with Ms. Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or by email to to be received before 4.00pm on Tuesday 12th July, 2022.


Have Your Say! Blackwater River Valley – Outdoor Recreation Feasibility Study

We are seeking your views about Outdoor Recreation in the River Blackwater Valley, Co. Waterford. 

To find out more information about the current feasibility study or to make a submission please click on the following link: Blackwater River Valley Outdoor Recreation Feasibility Study or email for further details.

Public Consultation : Proposed Walking Trail at Cappoquin, Co. Waterford

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City & County Council proposes to seek approval of An Bord Pleanála for a proposed walking trail at Cappoquin and Kilbree East, Co. Waterford, comprising

  • A steel platform structure to link Avonmore Bridge with the existing Cappoquin Rowing Club access ramp
  • Refurbishment of the existing Cappoquin Rowing Club access ramp with anti-slip surfacing and new balustrades
  • A new, asphalt surfaced trail route through the grounds of Cappoquin Rowing Club
  • New steps and pathway from Cappoquin Rowing Club to the N72
  • A new pedestrian and vehicular access between Port na h’Abhann and Cappoquin Rowing Club
  • Steps, stone gabions and landscaping between the proposed vehicular access to Cappoquin Rowing Club and the river
  • A paved walking route along the quay wall to the rear of properties on Port na h’Abhann, including new restraint along the river
  • New public realm spaces and a refurbished slipway at Cappoquin Boat Club
  • A woodland embankment trail on the eastern approach to the Old Red Railway Bridge, together with landscaping of the embankment and timber post and wire fence
  • Refurbishment of the masonry and steel sections of the Old Red Railway Bridge to form a new walking route, including asphalt surfacing on the masonry section of the bridge, decking to support composite surfacing on the steel section, balustrades, and planted areas
  • Surface treatment of the existing steel on the Old Red Railway Bridge, including grit blasting and surface coating
  • A new steel access ramp to provide multi-user access to the western landing of the Old Red Railway Bridge, including balustrades
  • Refurbishment of the existing footpath along Tourin Road using asphalt and granite kerbing
  • Refurbishment of the existing footpath along Avonmore bridge using natural stone paving together with a new drainage channel
  • Public lighting along the entire trail route

The following Protected Structures are considered to be materially affected by the proposed development:

RPS NumberNIAH Reg NumberTownlandLocation/NameStructure/Use
5022810097CappoquinAvonmore BridgeVehicular bridge
51922810114Kilbree EastCappoquin Railway ViaductDisused railway bridge

An Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment Report has been prepared in respect of the effect of the proposed development on these structures. An Appropriate Assessment Screening Report and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared as part of the application for approval in respect of the proposed scheme.

An Bord Pleanála may give approval to the application for development with or without conditions or may refuse the application for development.

A copy of the Plans and Particulars for the development, the Natura Impact Statement, and the Appropriate Assessment Screening Report will be available for inspection at the following locations during working hours from Friday 27th May 2022 to Friday 8th July 2022 inclusive:

  • The offices of Waterford City & County Council:
    • Customer Care Office, Bailey’s New Street, Waterford, X91 XH42. Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4pm (open through lunch).
    • Customer Care Office, Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. X35 Y326. Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4pm (open through lunch).
    • Available for inspection below.
  • The Offices of An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, between the hours of 9.15am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.

The Natura Impact Statement and the Appropriate Assessment Screening Report may be inspected free of charge or purchased on payment of a specified fee (which shall not exceed the reasonable cost of making such copy).
Submissions or observations may be made in writing only to An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 D01V902 during the above-mentioned period relating to:

  • The impact of the proposed development, if carried out, for proper planning and sustainable development in the area or areas concerned.
  • The likely effects of the proposed development on the environment, and
  • The likely significant effects of the proposed development on a European site.

Submissions or observations must be received by An Bord Pleanála not later than 5.30 pm on Friday 8th July 2022.

A person may question the validity of a decision by An Bord Pleanála by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No.15 of 1986) in accordance with Section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).

Practical information in respect of the judicial review process can be accessed on the Board’s website: or on the Citizens Information Service website:

Documents & Drawings

Letters to Prescribed Bodies (Section 177AE)

Active Travel Scheme – Newtown, Tramore – Pedestrian & Cyclist Scheme

In accordance with Article 81 of Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council proposes to carry out the following development: Pedestrian and Cycle Active Travel scheme along the Newtown Hill and Newtown Glen in Tramore, Co. Waterford. Waterford City & County Council intend to carry out a pedestrian and cycle improvement scheme along the Newtown Hill and Newtown Glen in Tramore.

The scheme comprises of the narrowing of the existing carriageway and provision of new and upgraded pedestrian and cycle facilities within the scheme extents. The implementation of this scheme will create a safer route and environment for all road users with a strong emphasis on non-motorized road users and encourage a modal shift from private car use to more sustainable and active travel options, as part of our actions to reduce transport related carbon emissions. The main elements of the proposed scheme are:

  • Reduction in carriageway width by the provision/improvement of footpaths and cycle lanes and shared surface to encourage reduction in speed and to reduce crossing distances at pedestrian crossings.
  • Provision of adequate width footpaths throughout the scheme.
  • Provision of an adequate cycle-pedestrian shared facility along L4054-0 Newtown road and L-8089-0 Newtown Woods road.

The works will include upgrade of existing footpaths, new footpath construction, new cycle lanes, public lighting, controlled pedestrian crossing points with raised table, build outs, new road markings, upgraded road signage, services diversions, new boundary treatments, accommodation works, and all ancillary works necessary for completion. In accordance with Section 250 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 as amended, the Council has carried out an appropriate assessment screening and has determined that an Appropriate Assessment is not required.

In accordance with Article 120 of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001 as amended, the Council has carried out an EIA screening and has determined that an EIAR is not required. Any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice, apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment. Plans and more detailed particulars of the proposed development will be available on our website for inspection during the period Tuesday 17th May, 2022 to Wednesday 15th June, 2022 and also in our Customer Services Departments in Bailey’s New Street in the City and Davitts Quay, Dungarvan.

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development would be situated, may be made in writing, to Ian Ludlow, Staff Officer, Active Travel, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or by emailing before 4p.m. on Tuesday 28th June, 2022. Submissions should be clearly marked with “Submission Part 8 Newtown Hill” in the subject line.

Please note that comments, including names of those making comments, submitted to the Council regarding this process will form part of the statutorily required report to be presented at a meeting of the elected members. Accordingly, they may also appear in the public domain.

Documents & Drawings

Meeting tomorrow: Help shape Waterford’s Age Friendly Strategy

Waterford City and County Council and Waterford Age Friendly Alliance are inviting the public to participate in a series of workshops in the city and county, to help shape Waterford’s next Age Friendly Strategy.

Facilitated by Community Engagement Partners, the workshops will discuss topics such as community and health services, housing, active participation, transport, and isolation, with the view to developing a new strategy to ensure a better quality of life for older people.

Kevin Moynihan, Waterford City and County Council’s Age Friendly Programme Manager, is encouraging people to register and participate in the free workshops.  “Waterford’s next Age Friendly Strategy will be shaped by the people it affects.  It is crucial that these opinions are heard in order to implement a strategy that delivers a better quality of life for older people in Waterford.”

“The format of the workshops is quite informal and engaging.  They will involve discussions in small groups as well as some full sessions for all participants and will be facilitated by Community Engagement Partners along with facilitators from the Social Inclusion Programme.”

The workshops will be held from 11am to 1pm in The Tower Hotel Waterford and from 2pm to 4pm in the Majestic Hotel Tramore on Thursday June 16th.  The second series of workshops will take place from 11am to 1pm in The Park Hotel Dungarvan and from 2.30pm to 4.30pm at Lismore Heritage Centre on Friday, June 24th,

Places are free but limited.  To book your place call James on 087-1322497 or for further information see

Help shape Waterford’s Age Friendly Strategy

Waterford City and County Council and Waterford Age Friendly Alliance are inviting the public to participate in a series of workshops in the city and county, to help shape Waterford’s next Age Friendly Strategy.

Facilitated by Community Engagement Partners, the workshops will discuss topics such as community and health services, housing, active participation, transport, and isolation, with the view to developing a new strategy to ensure a better quality of life for older people.

Kevin Moynihan, Waterford City and County Council’s Age Friendly Programme Manager, is encouraging people to register and participate in the free workshops.  “Waterford’s next Age Friendly Strategy will be shaped by the people it affects.  It is crucial that these opinions are heard in order to implement a strategy that delivers a better quality of life for older people in Waterford.”

“The format of the workshops is quite informal and engaging.  They will involve discussions in small groups as well as some full sessions for all participants and will be facilitated by Community Engagement Partners along with facilitators from the Social Inclusion Programme.”

The workshops will be held from 11am to 1pm in The Tower Hotel Waterford and from 2pm to 4pm in the Majestic Hotel Tramore on Thursday June 16th.  The second series of workshops will take place from 11am to 1pm in The Park Hotel Dungarvan and from 2.30pm to 4.30pm at Lismore Heritage Centre on Friday, June 24th,

Places are free but limited.  To book your place call James on 087-1322497 or for further information see

Have Your Say! Blackwater River Valley – Outdoor Recreation Feasibility Study

We are seeking your views about Outdoor Recreation in the River Blackwater Valley, Co. Waterford. 

To find out more information about the current feasibility study or to make a submission please click on the following link: Blackwater River Valley Outdoor Recreation Feasibility Study or email for further details.

Section 38, N72 Lismore Traffic Calming Scheme (Phase 1)

Waterford City and County Council proposes to undertake the construction of a traffic calming scheme along the N72 national secondary road on the northern approach to Lismore town from Lismore Bridge to the town centre.

The proposed works include modification of the existing traffic lanes, construction of new footways and modification of the existing footways with associated sundry works. The proposed length of the scheme is approximately 460 m.  See drawing attached.

The implementation of the traffic calming scheme with landscape strategy will create a safe environment for all road users with a strong emphasis on non-motorised road users.

The main goal is to reduce vehicular speed and improve the facilities for vulnerable road users. This will be achieved by the alteration of the existing N72 junctions located at Ferry Lane and the Castle / Public Car Park. Reducing the width of the main road and improving pedestrian facilities will enhance this section of the N72 approaching Lismore town.

Drawings are available for inspection below and during normal office hours from Wednesday 1st June to Tuesday 28th June, 2022 at the Council’s Customer Services Departments in the Civic Offices, Dungarvan and Bailey’s New Street, Waterford.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal.  Submissions should be lodged with Ms. Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or by email to to be received before 4.00pm on Tuesday 12th July, 2022.
