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Survey – Improving Access to the Internet with Waterford’s Community Response Forum

Keeping in Contact – Connecting with other people is really important for our mental well-being and has never been as important as it is now. Having someone to connect with can provide emotional support or gives you an opportunity to provide support to others.

As part of the National #Keep Well Campaign, Waterford’s Community Response Forum is working on ways to improve access to internet services. There are still people who find using computers, smartphones and tablets a scary process for various reasons. As a first step, we have devised a survey which we would ask you to circulate to all the people, groups and companies you are in contact with in Waterford. Surveys can be returned by email or in hard copy.

Proposed One-Way system for Meeting House Lane and Sargent’s Lane, Waterford

A one-way system is proposed for Meeting House Lane and Sargent’s Lane, Waterford City as set out in the drawing below. This proposal would see Meeting House Lane becoming one way from it’s junction with Thomas Hill, in an easterly direction and it’s junction with Sargent’s Lane/Jenkins Lane carpark.

Vehicles exiting Jenkins Lane carpark would be forced to turn right on to Sargent’s Lane and right again at its junction with O’Connell Street to access the Quay via Gladstone Street. The proposal would improve traffic flow while also addressing traffic safety concerns in the area and make the road safer for pedestrians/cyclists and also facilitate future development of pedestrian safety measures.

Objections or submissions may be made in writing to Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford or by email to not later than 12 Noon on 2nd November, 2020.

Fergus Galvin
Director of Services,
Roads, Water and Environment. 6th October, 2020.

Join our Webinar: Waterford City & County Development Plan

Join our 3 webinars pertaining to the Waterford City & County Development Plan 2022-2028

18th August – Environment and Heritage
• Environment – Ray Maloney, Senior Executive Officer, Environment Department
•Natural Heritage – Bernie Guest, Heritage Officer, Planning Department
•Built Heritage – Rose Ryall, Conservation Officer, Planning Department

19th August – Local Placemaking –
• Placemaking – Morris Conway, Executive Architect, Economic Development Department
• Local Development – Vinnie O’Shea, Administrative Officer, Economic Development
• Open Space – Eoin Dullea, Horticulturist, Environment Department

20th August – Economy, Education and Agriculture –
• Economy – Gerald Hurley, CEO Waterford Chamber & Jenny Beresford, CEO Dungarvan and West Waterford Chamber
• Education – Dr. Richard Hayes, Vice President for Strategy, WIT
• Agriculture– Mr. John Geraghty, Lecturer at the School of Science and Computing, WIT

HAVE YOUR SAY – Its Your Development Plan!!

Waterford City and County Council has begun the process of making a Development Plan for the City and County of Waterford.  The making of the Development Plan follows the adoption of the Southern Regional Spatial Economic Strategy earlier this year by the members of the Southern Regional Assembly.

The making of a Development Plan is a two year process which began at a pre-draft phase which opened this Monday 20th July, with the public being urged to make a submission on this significant policy document which will shape the sustainable development and planning context for Waterford City and County.

An online consultation portal has been developed by Waterford City and County Council in partnership with The portal, which is accessed from the homepage of the Waterford Council website, provides access to relevant background documents, including a Strategic Issues Paper.  Reference information is displayed, including the background and context to the Waterford Development Plan and specific areas for consideration, including Sustainable Transport, Economy, Employment and Education, Climate Change and Environment.  A dashboard displaying details of submissions made, is available and as this is the first of three opportunities for public submissions, it is important for wide ranging public participation in this strategic planning process.

The Waterford Development Plan sits in a hierarchy of planning policy which is agreed at National Government level.  The National Planning Framework Project Ireland 2040 identifies Waterford as the principle urban centre in the South East, and recognises the need for Waterford to become a regional city of scale and significance.  The growth of the city and county will complement and enhance growth of the wider City Region, and drive regional prosperity and improve quality of life.  The making of the Development Plan is an ideal opportunity for people who live, work, and invest in Waterford, to have a say in the policy and spatial framework which shapes the City and County of Waterford.

The portal and submission period is open until 14th September at  Details of making a submission can also be found at this address.

LPT (Local Property Tax) Adjustment Factor


The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that elected members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the local adjustment factor. The members of Waterford City and County Council will meet in September to consider this matter. They may set a local adjustment factor within the range of +/- 15% of the basic rate, or, may decide not to adjust the basic rate.

Waterford City and County Council welcomes written submissions from the public on this matter specifically covering the potential effects of varying the basic rate of the Local Property Tax on businesses, individuals and on local authority services.

To make your submission you can write to:

Local Property Tax Consultation, Finance Section, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, Waterford

OR Alternatively submissions can be made by email to or by online submission at:

All submissions must be received by 22nd August 2020.  There is no prescribed format for a submission.

Proposed infilling of disused Quarry in Kilcaragh, Grantstown, Waterford

Kilcaragh Quarry is an old abandoned quarry located approximately 5.5km SE of Waterford City on the L8053 Keiloge Road in a rural area characterised by improved agricultural land.

It is the property of Waterford City & County Council and historically was used to extract rock/stone for road building materials. Large depressions/hollows (to a maximum depth of 6 meters) remain where stone has been extracted in the past and it is proposed that these areas are now filled with inert soil and stone. When these hollows are filled, the area will be regraded and returned to its original level with natural scrub and grassland as ground cover.

Works will cause a temporary impact for local residents with traffic, but will be infrequent and short term in nature. The sight lines at the entrance will be improved to ensure safe access and egress for all vehicles using this access. The proposed development is located in a peri-urban/rural area and will not negatively impact on the existing landscape due to screening of existing quarry. Works will be subject to and regulated by a waste management plan. A separate application for a Waste Processing Licence will be made following the final approval of the Part 8 by the District Council.

For more on the public consultation, and for details on how to make a submission on it, please see our Public Consultations page.

Survey: Waterford is looking to the future – Will you help?

Waterford is looking to the future – Will you help?

Waterford City and County Council is leading an initiative to plan and be ready for recovery from the impact of Covid-19 on Waterford society and business and the reopening of our Villages, Town and City Centres for tourism, retail, cultural and leisure activities.

One of the actions we are taking is to develop a brand that will be used to drive investment and business to Waterford and we need feedback for this investment brand.

Please have your say and take part in a short survey to shape how Waterford is promoted and presented nationally and internationally. Waterford City and County – a place for all Waterford people to be proud of and promote.

Please complete and upload our online survey by midnight Sunday 10th May 2020.

Link here:

Reminder: Diverse Waterford Oral History Project – Workshop

As part of Waterford City and County Council’s Diverse Waterford Oral History Project, we are inviting community groups interested in oral history to an a workshop with Dr. Tomás Mac Conmara, Oral Historian and Author at Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford City on Wednesday 6th November at 5pm.

This workshop will include:

  • Presentation on the “Diverse Waterford Oral History Project”
  • Ethics & Legalities of oral history
  • Life Cycle and other approaches to collection
  • Research and Preparation
  • Controlling the interview environment
  • Interview Skills including demonstration of audio recording
  • Associative Collection and administration of your interview.

The workshop will be interactive and will allow time for discussion.  It will also be supported by illustrative audio clips, drawn from both Diverse Waterford interviews and the presenter’s collections.

This is a free workshop but places limited. Booking essential. You can reserve your place here:

This is a joint initiative of Waterford Libraries, Waterford City and County Archive and Creative Waterford. Please share with community groups who may be interested.

Dr. Tomás Mac Conmara is an Oral Historian and Heritage Consultant. He is author of The Time of the Tans, An Oral History of the War of Independence in County Clare.

For more information contact Sinead O’Higgins at

Diverse Waterford Oral History Project – Workshop

As part of Waterford City and County Council’s Diverse Waterford Oral History Project, we are inviting community groups interested in oral history to an a workshop with Dr. Tomás Mac Conmara, Oral Historian and Author at Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford City on Wednesday 6th November at 5pm.

This workshop will include:

  • Presentation on the “Diverse Waterford Oral History Project”
  • Ethics & Legalities of oral history
  • Life Cycle and other approaches to collection
  • Research and Preparation
  • Controlling the interview environment
  • Interview Skills including demonstration of audio recording
  • Associative Collection and administration of your interview.

The workshop will be interactive and will allow time for discussion.  It will also be supported by illustrative audio clips, drawn from both Diverse Waterford interviews and the presenter’s collections.

This is a free workshop but places limited. Booking essential. You can reserve your place here:

This is a joint initiative of Waterford Libraries, Waterford City and County Archive and Creative Waterford. Please share with community groups who may be interested.

Dr. Tomás Mac Conmara is an Oral Historian and Heritage Consultant. He is author of The Time of the Tans, An Oral History of the War of Independence in County Clare.

For more information contact Sinead O’Higgins at

REMINDER: Proposed Traffic Calming Scheme R681, Kill Village, Co. Waterford

REMINDER: Under Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994, Waterford City and County Council proposes to undertake the construction of a traffic calming scheme in the form of a raised table area to reduce the speed of vehicular traffic at the crossroads in Kill village along the R681. The main goal is to reduce vehicular speed at the crossroads area which is used regularly and in particular more frequently during school opening and closing hours. The implementation of the traffic calming scheme will create a safe environment for all road users with a strong emphasis on non-motorized road users.

Drawings are available for inspection below and during normal office hours from Wednesday 25th September to Tuesday 22nd October, 2019 at the Council’s Customer Services Departments in the Civic Offices, Dungarvan and Bailey’s New Street, Waterford.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be lodged with Ms. Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or by email to to be received before 4.00pm on Tuesday 5th November, 2019.
