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GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Grant scheme open




The Heritage Council
have announced  that the 2017 GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Grant scheme is now open for applications.  This grant scheme is run in partnership with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and only farmers approved in the GLAS scheme are eligible to apply.

The grant is available for the conservation of traditional farm outbuildings, including roof, walls, structural repairs, windows and doors. The grant is also available for other related structures including historic yard surfaces, walls, gate pillars and gates.  A grant award will not be for more than 75% of the cost of the works with grant amounts varying from €4,000 to a maximum of €25,000.

The process is highly competitive and it is expected that 50-70 projects will be supported in 2017. The emphasis is on essential repairs with restoration works having a low priority. Think of what’s necessary to do rather than what might be nice to do!

Completed applications should be returned by post to
Anna Meenan, Project Manager, Farm Buildings Grant Scheme, The Heritage Council, Áras na hOidhreachta, Church Lane, Kilkenny
by 5pm Friday 18th November 2016.

Queries to Tel. 056 777 0777, E-mail:


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