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HAVE YOUR SAY – Its Your Development Plan!!

Waterford City and County Council has begun the process of making a Development Plan for the City and County of Waterford.  The making of the Development Plan follows the adoption of the Southern Regional Spatial Economic Strategy earlier this year by the members of the Southern Regional Assembly.

The making of a Development Plan is a two year process which began at a pre-draft phase which opened this Monday 20th July, with the public being urged to make a submission on this significant policy document which will shape the sustainable development and planning context for Waterford City and County.

An online consultation portal has been developed by Waterford City and County Council in partnership with The portal, which is accessed from the homepage of the Waterford Council website, provides access to relevant background documents, including a Strategic Issues Paper.  Reference information is displayed, including the background and context to the Waterford Development Plan and specific areas for consideration, including Sustainable Transport, Economy, Employment and Education, Climate Change and Environment.  A dashboard displaying details of submissions made, is available and as this is the first of three opportunities for public submissions, it is important for wide ranging public participation in this strategic planning process.

The Waterford Development Plan sits in a hierarchy of planning policy which is agreed at National Government level.  The National Planning Framework Project Ireland 2040 identifies Waterford as the principle urban centre in the South East, and recognises the need for Waterford to become a regional city of scale and significance.  The growth of the city and county will complement and enhance growth of the wider City Region, and drive regional prosperity and improve quality of life.  The making of the Development Plan is an ideal opportunity for people who live, work, and invest in Waterford, to have a say in the policy and spatial framework which shapes the City and County of Waterford.

The portal and submission period is open until 14th September at  Details of making a submission can also be found at this address.

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