Improvements to voter registration process launched as new Check the Register campaign begins
- Registering to vote now possible online, year-round
- 16 and 17 year olds can now pre-register online
- Public encouraged to confirm and update their details online
The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage Darragh O’Brien T.D. and Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, T.D. together encouraged the public to confirm and update their details on the electoral register or to register for the first time using a newly upgraded Their comments come as a campaign launched today (7 November) to raise public awareness of changes to the electoral registration process.
Several improvements have been made to the process of registering to vote and updating registration details, arising from provisions in Part 3 of the Electoral Reform Act 2022, which were commenced on 13 October.
In addition to making the process more accessible, the changes to how the register is managed and maintained will ensure a robust electoral register into the future. All electors are now being asked to visit to confirm or update their entry by adding their PPSN, Date of Birth and Eircode. This will help local authorities to ensure that entries are accurate and up to date as well as enabling the identification of entries on the register that require follow up.
The core changes to the electoral registration process include:
- A move from fixed periods for updating details to rolling updates: previously people could only update their details in November or via the supplement which required a visit to a Garda station. Under the changes announced today, continuous or rolling registration will allow updates or additions at any time of year;
- Streamlining of the application process through use of PPSNs: The use of PPSNs will enable a simple identity data cross-check to protect and improve the integrity of the register, while streamlining the process for electors. This will mean that most people won’t have to visit a Garda station to have their forms witnessed;
- Registering to vote for the first time will now be possible online: PPSNs also enable online applications – for the first time people can register to vote or update their details online at any time;
- 16 and 17 year olds will be able to pre-register to vote: The introduction of a pending electors list to enable those 16 and 17 to pre-register and be automatically added to the register from when they turn 18.
- New provisions to make the register more accessible to all: The new process includes measures to facilitate electors whose safety might be at risk if their details were to be published on the register and those who have no address.
Minister Noonan said:
“I am particularly pleased that we have introduced pre-registration for 16 and 17 year olds. Taken together, these changes give us a more accessible, flexible and modern system that’s simple and straightforward to use. It has never been easier for people to register to vote or update their details, so that’s what we’re encouraging everyone to do today.”
The Electoral Reform Act 2022 delivers the legislative underpinning for a range of significant electoral reforms set out in the Programme for Government – Our Shared Future. The Act provides for, among other things, the establishment of an independent Electoral Commission – An Coimisiún Toghcháin, the modernisation of the electoral registration process, and the regulation of online political advertising.
Commenced on 13 October in S.I. No. 512 of 2022 were the provisions necessary for:
- the recruitment of the Chief Executive and ordinary membership of An Coimisiún Toghcháin;
- the introduction of the new process in relation to electoral registration;
- providing for island voting to take place on the same day as the rest of the country; and
- the introduction of new processes to facilitate polling in pandemic situations.
Furthermore, existing flexible voting arrangements are being extended to those with mental health difficulties that prevent them from attending on polling day and those who live in nursing homes or similar places that may be inaccessible on polling day.
Welcoming the first phase of commencements of the Act, Minister O’Brien said:
“This first phase of commencement of the Electoral Reform Act and the launch of this awareness campaign represents another step in delivering on significant electoral reforms, and will help to ensure that our democracy is supported by robust electoral structures including a more accurate electoral register”.
Once An Coimisiún Toghcháin is established it will also have a new oversight role with respect to the register of electors. “An annual reporting cycle, with An Coimisiún empowered to make recommendations and set standards, will deliver a balance between local authority experience and local knowledge and national level oversight” said Minister Noonan.
A further phase of the project will see the development and roll out of a national system for use by all local authorities. This will further enhance the integrity of the register and ensure that a single high standard of security and data protection is applied to the electoral register and its underlying data.
Minister O’Brien emphasised that: “This is one further step in the work to safeguard our electoral processes. Every vote is important, and I encourage everyone to confirm or update their details on to make sure that they can have their say”.