Information on being added to the Special Voters’ List
The “Special Voters List” is for people who have a physical disability or illness who are residing in hospitals, nursing homes or similar institutions and who wish to vote at these locations.
To qualify, an elector’s physical disability must be likely to continue for the duration of the register and prevent him/her from going to the polling station to vote. To apply, fill out the application form for entry onto the Special Voters’ List Form SV1.
Applications for inclusion on the Special Voters’ List must be made every year before 25th November. In the case of a first application, documentation must include a medical certificate.
Electors on the Special Voters’ List vote by marking a ballot paper delivered
to them by a special presiding officer, accompanied by a Garda.
Application forms are available above, on and from our Customer Services Departments in Bailey’s New Street, Waterford and Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan which are open from 9.30am – 4pm (Monday – Friday) and also from the
Corporate Department, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford.
To be included on the February 2020 Special Voters’ List, complete and return the completed form by 25th November, 2019 to the Customer Services Department or by post to: Register of Electors, Waterford City & County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford.