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Plant Sensor Workshop in Central Library

Plant Sensor workshopWe have an exciting workshop coming up in Central library in partnership with Walton Institute (SETU), Europe Direct Waterford and LEAF.  This workshop would suit anyone interested in keeping their potted plants healthy at home by using a monitoring plant sensor and learning how to use free mobile apps.

Get ready for an exciting and interactive workshop where you’ll learn to connect a plant sensor to your phone via Bluetooth! Discover how to monitor your plant’s health by tracking air temperature, sunlight intensity, soil moisture, and fertility—tailored to each plant’s needs. Learn how to add plants for monitoring and explore free mobile apps to also help you identify plants in your home and garden.

Let your plants communicate their needs to you!

  • Take-Home Goodies: Participants will receive a potted herb and plant sensor to take home, courtesy of Literacy & Food Education (LEAF) project, especially prepared for you by GIY.
  • Share Your Progress: We’d love to hear about your journey, so we’ll also reach out to gather your feedback and see how you’re doing.
  • Facilitator: Aileen Drohan, Walton Institute (SETU)
  • Max no. of Participants: 12
  • Workshop date: Friday 12th July 10.30am-12.30pm
  • Venue:  Research Room, Central Library, Lady Lane.
  • Registration: Places are limited: Book your FREE place now by calling Central Library on 051 849975. Leave your name, email and a contact number with a staff member.

This workshop is running in partnership with Europe Direct Waterford.

EU Mock Election gets Vote of Confidence!

On Tuesday, May 14th, five secondary schools from Waterford city and county got the opportunity to vote in a ‘mock’ EU election and learn about the democratic process.

An initiative of Europe Direct Waterford, Eurodesk and Waterford City and County Council, with the support of the Communicating Europe Initiative at the Department of Foreign Affairs, over 300 secondary school students experienced first-time voting in an election and learned about the opportunities for EU careers and travel.

The EU Mock Election and Careers Fair was held in the vestibule of the Theatre Royal and the Dr. Mary Strangman Large Room in City Hall.  Students were welcomed by the Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr Joe Conway, and were then introduced to the ‘polling booth’ as they got to cast their first ‘mock’ vote in an EU election.

Pól Ó Grádaigh, Language Affairs Officer with the European Commission Representation in Ireland spoke to the students about careers in language translation in the EU, while Mara Matthews and Mollie Mernagh of Comhairle na nOg spoke about the importance of young people using their vote and voicing their opinions.

Brian Leonard, Office Manager, Waterford Court Office acted as Returning Officer on the day, speaking to students about the voting and count process, his expertise ensuring the students left fully versed in the Irish election process.

Caoilan Walsh, a 5th Year De la Salle student and winner of the Europe Direct Soapbox Speechmaking competition in 2023 for the South-East Region spoke of his experience of representing his school at the National European Youth Parliament earlier this year, while Shane Horgan of Waterford & South Tipperary Community Youth Service recounted his experience of Erasmus exchanges in seven European countries.

Sinead O’Higgins, Senior Executive Librarian with Waterford City and County Council said, “We’re delighted to see so many young people here that are not only curious about the democratic process and how it works, but also realising that their vote really can make a difference and their voices will be heard when they cast their first vote.”

“I’d particularly like to thank the 300 students who took part in the mock election, their teachers and the teams from Eurodesk, the Southern Regional Assembly, PACT Youth Diversion Project and Waterford & South Tipperary Community Youth Service for putting together a fun and engaging event that gave our young citizens an insight into the power of the democratic process.”


Free-to-use-Images attached:DGM Photographic

Europe Direct Soapbox Competition 2023

Public speaking Competition – :  “There’s no such thing as a vote that doesn’t matter” – Barack Obama.

In today’s turbulent times, it is more important than ever to build a better future by voting in the EU Parliament Elections

Have your say at this year’s Europe Direct Soapbox competition and be in with a chance to win a  Samsung Tablet, sponsored by the European Commission Representation in Ireland.

The Waterford and South Eastern heat of this national competition takes place on Wednesday 22 November at 10am in The Large Room, City Hall in Waterford City.

Entry is open to all and contestants can compete in one of two categories: 16 and under; or 17 and over.  Each contestant has three minutes to present their arguments, convince the judges and persuade the audience. The winners in each category will receive a Samsung Tablet and go on to the National final in Dublin on Monday 27th November in the Royal College of Physicians (provisional date).

More information and application forms are available from Central Library on 051 849975 or email or  You can also download these forms at Europe Direct – Waterford City & County Library Service (

The term soapbox originates in the use of an empty crate as a platform by speakers to give speeches, often impromptu, to passers-by from around the turn of the last century. The most famous location for soapbox oratory is Speakers Corner in Hyde Park, London, which has been a setting for public speaking since the 1870s.

Regional prizes and the overall prizes of €1,000 are sponsored by the European Commission Representation in Ireland.

Completed entries must be returned by 4.30pm on Monday 20 November to: and or by post to Europe Direct Information Centre, Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford City, X91 V045.

The Waterford Europe Direct Information Centre, based at Central Library, Lady Lane is a service which helps the public find answers to questions about the European Union. It offers information on all sorts of subjects related to the EU including your rights and opportunities as an EU citizen. It can provide direct responses to general inquiries and, if you have more detailed questions, signpost you to the best sources of information and advice at EU, national, regional and local levels.


For more information contact Breda O’Shea or any staff member at Waterford Europe Direct Centre. and

Eurodesk & Europe Direct Waterford announce nationwide photo competition to mark ‘Europe Day’ 2023

Young people in Waterford are invited to celebrate 50 years of EU membership in Ireland with photographs capturing the theme of ‘Peace and Unity’

Léargas, a not-for-profit organisation managing international and national exchange programmes across Ireland and Europe, is calling on young people aged 13 to 30 across Ireland to celebrate Europe Day this year by submitting photos capturing the theme of ‘Peace and Unity’ to a Photography Competition coordinated by Eurodesk.

Europe Day, which takes place each year on 9 May marks the anniversary of the historic ‘Schuman declaration’, the proposal considered to be the beginning of what is now the European Union. Ireland joined the EU in 1973.

Amy Doherty, Eurodesk Waterford and Sinead O’Higgins, Europe Direct Waterford launched the Photo competition last Tuesday on Europe Day in the Europe Direct Waterford Centre which is in Central Library in Waterford City. Central Library is also hosting the EU at 50 Exhibition Into Europe which is a Royal Irish Academy exhibition commissioned by EU50, Department of Foreign Affairs. It consists of 12 thematic panels which focus on various aspects of Ireland’s relationship with the European Union. The panels are available in both English and Irish. The exhibition will run until the end of May.

Eurodesk, which is administrated by Léargas in Ireland, is a free information service that operates in 36 European countries. Eurodesk Waterford provides information on EU-funded programmes and opportunities for young people to work, study, volunteer and travel in Europe and support young people to access such opportunities and is based in the Waterford & South Tipperary Community Youth Service in Manor Street, Waterford.

Europe Direct Waterford Europe is part of a community of 424 Europe Direct centres around Europe. Their purpose is to reinforce the important connection between the EU institutions and citizens, providing timely and factual information on European matter and events while coordinating with other EU networks in the region to ensure easier local access to information for citizens, organisations and businesses. Europe Direct Waterford is run from Central Library in Waterford City.

Léargas, Eurodesk and Europe Direct Waterford are inviting young people living locally aged 13-30 years old to take a picture using their own camera or phone camera responding to the theme of ‘Peace and Unity’ and what that means to them in Ireland and Europe in 2023. The competition opened as part of Europe Day on May 9th, and photographs will be accepted via email submission until midnight on the 28th of May 2023. Up for grabs is €500 worth of photography equipment within each age category.

Commenting, Eurodesk Waterford Youth Worker Amy Doherty said: “We have a strong partnership with Europe Direct Waterford and Waterford Libraries and we are looking forward to displaying the winning entries and holding the prizegiving in the Library. We are committed to developing our European opportunities for Young people in Waterford and WSTCYS recently obtained the Quality label through Erasmus+ which allows us to help young people Volunteer through fully funded projects with European Solidarity Corps. This year is the European Year of Skills and the skills obtained through volunteering in another country are immeasurable and increase the resilience and skillset of anyone that takes part”.

Léargas is committed to developing strong and lasting connections with our European neighbours through our programmes and exchange opportunities from sport to youth work, promoting personal and professional development through building confidence and better understanding of European cultures.

Announcing the photo competition, Eurodesk Ireland Co-ordinator, Malgorzata Fiedot-Davies said:

“Eurodesk Ireland is a hub for promoting the many opportunities for our young people in Europe. Peace and Unity in Europe remains, at its heart, about mutual understanding, respect for diversity and openness to other cultures. We are so excited to see what peace and unity for young people across Ireland in 2023 means as part of this photo competition, how that challenges them, interests them and sparks their creative minds.”

Sinead O’Higgins, Manager of Europe Direct Waterford said: “We are delighted to continue our work with Eurodesk Waterford, together we organised an excellent conference for over 300 young people last December to mark the European Year of Youth. We have exciting plans for later this year and hope that the young people of Waterford will visit the EU at 50 exhibition and perhaps be inspired for their photo entry”.

You can find out more and download an entry form at:


Europe Direct Soapbox Competition 2022 – Is Europe Listening to its Young People?

We are delighted to inform you that our Annual Europe Direct Soapbox Competition will once again take place online this year with fantastic prizes for the regional finalists and the overall national winners!

We are delighted to invite your students to record a short video for, or against, the soapbox topic:

 Is Europe Listening to its Young People”? 

 Please note:

·        Entrants are invited to deliver a three minute speech on video for or against the topic:“Is Europe Listening to its Young People”?

·       Contestants will compete in one of two categories: 16 and under / 17 and over – tick the appropriate box on the application form.

·       A regional winner will be selected from each category to compete in a National final and have the chance to win the cash prize.

·        To avoid technical issues, we ask that that videos be submitted in MP4 format. (This is the format in which all Android phones and iPhones automatically save videos.)

Videos must be sent via WeTransfer or or Dropbox link to: (16 and under) (17 and over)

  • All entries must be received before 2pm Wednesday on the 30th of November.

Please find a Poster, an Application Form, Competition Rules and a reminder Tick List attached above.  Entry forms/Competition Rules and Tick list can also be downloaded from:

Wishing all entrants the best of luck!

If you have any queries please feel free to contact or  Alternatively you can call us on 051 849975

Europe Direct Soapbox Competition 2022 – Is Europe Listening to its Young People?

We are delighted to inform you that our Annual Europe Direct Soapbox Competition will once again take place online this year with fantastic prizes for the regional finalists and the overall national winners!

We are delighted to invite your students to record a short video for, or against, the soapbox topic:

 Is Europe Listening to its Young People”? 

 Please note:

·        Entrants are invited to deliver a three minute speech on video for or against the topic:“Is Europe Listening to its Young People”?

·       Contestants will compete in one of two categories: 16 and under / 17 and over – tick the appropriate box on the application form.

·       A regional winner will be selected from each category to compete in a National final and have the chance to win the cash prize.

·        To avoid technical issues, we ask that that videos be submitted in MP4 format. (This is the format in which all Android phones and iPhones automatically save videos.)

Videos must be sent via WeTransfer or or Dropbox link to: (16 and under) (17 and over)

  • All entries must be received before 2pm Wednesday on the 30th of November.

Please find a Poster, an Application Form, Competition Rules and a reminder Tick List attached above.  Entry forms/Competition Rules and Tick list can also be downloaded from:

Wishing all entrants the best of luck!

If you have any queries please feel free to contact or  Alternatively you can call us on 051 849975

ikon Design Conference and SETU Design Degree Showcase

Europe Direct Waterford would like to invite you to join us for:

·       iKon Design Conference, Wed 25 May 11am – 1:20pm (Online) Register here for the link:

iKon is a is a student-led Design Conference the theme is Design Identity and Creativity and we are delighted to welcome four design education and industry speakers:

·       Prof Brenda Murphy, Malta University -Design Thinking

·       Kim Makensie Doyle, Big Ideas- Creativity and innovation

·       Sarah Bowie, Illustrator/Designer/Educator

·       Gerard Whelan, Creative Director and MD Brandcentral, Dublin-Copenhagen

The conference will be live streamed from The Hub, Central Library on Wednesday 25th May from 11am – 1:20pm.

The conference is a partnership between SETU, Waterford Libraries and Europe Direct Waterford and is made possible with support from the SETU Growth Hub and Creative Waterford.

This is a free event and open to all.

The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences.

The online conference will be followed by the opening of the BA (H) Design (Visual Communication) Final Year Degree Showcase from SETU at 6:30pm in The Index Gallery, Central Library. All welcome to attend. The exhibition will be opened by The Mayor of Waterford Cllr. Joe Kelly.   

Furniture up-cycling workshop with The Revamp Tramp

Monday 21 March online 7pm – 8pm Live Furniture up-cycling workshop with Marianne Heaphy from The Revamp Tramp

In this workshop Marianne will upcycle a small bedside locker using different techniques.

Firstly participants will learn how to correctly prepare the locker for upcycling.

  • You will follow Marianne as she paints the furniture, achieving a beautiful spray like finish.
  • To follow on after painting, she will demonstrate how to apply Decoupage using napkins and Wallpaper.
  • To finish the locker she will show different options on revamping hardware.

Marianne will also go through all the materials that are needed and where to get them from locally.

An email handout will be available to all participants after the workshop.

‘Climate Action – What can I do?’ Series of FREE online talks

Europe Direct Waterford, Waterford Libraries and Waterford City and County Council’s Environment Department have joined forces to host a week of free online events from March 21st to March 26th.  The events will explore what action we can all take to contribute to the Waterford and National Climate Action Plans to create a better local and national environment for the present and the future.

The European Commission’s proposal to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 sets Europe on a responsible path to becoming climate neutral by 2050.  All sectors of the economy and society can contribute, join us to find out how we can come together to achieve this goal.  All talks are free but booking is essential. All can be booked on the Europe Direct Waterford Eventbrite page or find out more at

Monday 21 March online 7pm – 8pm Live Furniture up-cycling workshop with Marianne Heaphy from The Revamp Tramp

Lunchtime lectures:

Active Travel – Are our Communities ready?

A Talk by James Murray (Senior Engineer, Waterford City & County Council) on how Active Travel can impact climate change through schemes like Permeability measures in local communities

21 March 1pm – 1:30pm

The impact of climate change on coastal heritage: some examples from the Waterford coast

A Talk by Dr Edward Pollard archaeological researcher on the CHERISH Project based at The Discovery Programme: Centre for Archaeology and Innovation Ireland in Dublin.

Tuesday 22 March 1pm – 1:30pm

What can I do to help the pollinators?

A Talk by Kate Chandler from the National Biodiversity Data Centre

Wednesday 23 March 1pm – 1:30pm

Wildflower Workshop with Horticulturist Aoife Munn

Thursday 24 March 1pm – 1:30pm

Grow your own Food – How to get started with GIY’s Mick Kelly

Friday 25 March 1pm – 1:30pm

The CHERISH EXHIBITION will run in the Index Gallery, Central Library from March 14th to April 2nd.  CHERISH is a team of archaeologists, geologists and geographers studying the effects of climate change on coastal and maritime heritage in Ireland and Wales. From the skies, at the coast edge, and beneath the waves they are using the latest technologies including planes, drones and sonar to carry out research. They are monitoring recent and long-term change to reveal the past and present impacts of weather and climate on our rich cultural heritage.

The work of CHERISH involves investigating archaeological sites and environments around our coasts including shipwrecks, promontory forts, wetlands and sand dunes. The twenty-nine promontory forts on Waterford’s Copper Coast have been a focus of CHERISH Project research.  The CHERISH Project is funded through the Ireland-Wales Programme 2014-2020, part of the European Regional Development Fund, which focuses on seeking solutions to shared challenges on both sides of the Irish Sea. The project will receive €4.9 million, and will run until June 2023.  To find out more visit

Climate action is at the heart of the European Green Deal, an ambitious package of measures ranging from ambitiously cutting greenhouse gas emissions, to investing in cutting-edge research and innovation, to preserving Europe’s natural environment.  Fighting climate change and achieving the transition to a climate-neutral society will require significant investments, research and innovation, new ways of producing and consuming, and changes in the way we work, use transport and live together. Join us during our Climate Action Week to find out what you can do.

The Europe Direct Waterford Centre is based in Central Library in Waterford City. It is part of a community of 424 Europe Direct centres around Europe whose purpose is to reinforce the important connection between EU institutions and citizens.


For more information contact:

Sinead O’Higgins, Manager, Central Library and Europe Direct Waterford
087 3637119