Local Climate Action Plan – Consultation
Waterford City and County Council is preparing a Local Authority Climate Action Plan.
We’re looking for your input into our Local Authority Climate Action Plan. Help us shape appropriate actions to facilitate and enable effective climate action at a local and community level. Our Plan is currently in draft, and the final version will be adopted by our Elected Members before 23rd February 2024.
The Council has been at the forefront of climate action in Waterford for many years. It plays a significant role in the delivery of mitigation and adaption measures at the local level.
Purpose of the Plan:
- To deliver on national obligations to achieve the National Climate Objective of becoming a Climate Resilient, Biodiversity Rich, Environmentally Sustainable and Carbon Neutral Economy by no later than the end of 2050.
- To deliver and promote evidence-based and integrated climate action by way of adaptation and mitigation measures, centred around a strong understanding of the role and remit of the local authority on climate action.
How to make a submission:
- Submissions will be accepted online or via post.
- All submissions must be received before 5pm on 16/06/23. The contents of your submission may be published.
- At all times Waterford City and County Council will comply with GDPR guidelines.
To read the draft plan and to make a submission online, please go:
Consultations | Waterford City & County Council (waterfordcouncil.ie)
To make a submission in writing please post to:
Climate Action Coordinator, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Co. Waterford, X91 PK15
Probably the BIGGEST climate pollution in Waterford Ford is the lack of a traffic management plan for the city centre.
As Waterford continues to grow and there is no traffic management plan to increase the traffic flow through the city. There are cars sitting on the Quay for up to 20 minutes and a half an hour, which must be causing colossal pollution from exhaust fumes, and all this right where all the pedestrians congregate. That is totally unnecessary.
It surely is incumbent on the city council to come up with a traffic plan that will make traffic FreeFlo through the city and not become gridlock. Only last Thursday, I was in Lombard Street trying to get onto the Quay and the lights changed cycle three times before I moved one car space. The traffic coming out onto the quay couldn’t move because the traffic on the Quay was at a standstill. It’s absolutely ridiculous and I cannot understand our city planners have not scratched their collective heads and not having looked at this to date .
Michael Comerford
Viewmount park