Mayor of Waterford supports ‘Love This Place’ campaign
Last month, Leave No Trace (LNT), Ireland’s only outdoor ethics programme, which promotes the responsible use of the outdoors launched its fourth National Awareness Campaign urging the public to enjoy our outdoor spaces (including parks, open countryside, and beaches) with care and respect to protect wildlife and fragile natural ecosystems.
Members of the public are urged to make a Promise to #LoveThisPlace, confirming their love of the outdoors with simple, positive actions to protect and respect outdoor spaces.
This year’s campaign culminates in a day of environmental action on National ‘Love This Place’ Day on Friday, July 28th, which coincides with World Nature Conservation Day.
Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Joe Conway voiced his support for the campaign. “Each of us, with minor changes to our attitudes and actions, can make a big difference. By taking litter home or binning it, practicing responsible dog ownership and committing to respecting and protecting our environment and cultural heritage, we will all derive the benefits of our outdoor spaces and recreational areas.
“These small changes will lead to significant positive results and help improve our environment and biodiversity, as well as our physical and mental well-being.”
Ella Ryan, Environmental Awareness Officer with Waterford City and County Council, added “The Love this Place campaign runs throughout the summer months, but we should love our places and spaces 365 days of the year. The Love this Place campaign sets out simple guidelines for us all to help keep Ireland litter free, to protect our wildlife, protect our land and coast and to embrace our island and cultural heritage. All it takes is small individual changes to make a significant collective difference for the better.”
Further information and guidance for individuals, communities and organisations is available from
Images (WCCC):
Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Joe Conway, Dawn Wallace and Ella Ryan, Environment Department, Waterford City and County Council with Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Joe Conway