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Status Orange Rain Warning issued for Waterford

Orange Weather Warning

Met Éireann has issued a Status Orange Rain Warning for Waterford and Cork, with heavy rain expected from 12:00 Sunday, September 29th to 00:00 Monday, September 30th.

Surface water levels will be elevated in Waterford on Sunday due to high accumulations of rainfall over a 6 to 12-hour period. Impacts are likely to include localised flooding from urban and fast responding smaller watercourses/catchments, drains, channels and flooding from overland flow.

Waterford City and County Council’s severe weather management team met this morning and is monitoring the situation. Ground crews are on stand-by to deal with any issues that may arise, such as localised flooding, blocked drains, gulley overflows, etc.   Waterford City and County Council advises the public to exercise caution, heed public safety advice and avoid unnecessary journeys as driving conditions may be hazardous, with surface water flooding expected.

Motorists are advised to avoid driving through flowing or standing water and are reminded to be conscious of vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists.

Members of the public can contact Waterford City and County Council’s Customer Services Desk on 0818 10 20 20 and calls will be transferred to the Council’s emergency services number.

Please note the following emergency contact numbers below:
Emergency 999/112
Uisce Éireann 1800 278 278
ESB Networks 1800 372 999
Gas Networks Ireland 1800 205 050


Strengthening collaborative partnerships to develop Waterford Rural Tourism

At the most recent Waterford Rural Tourism Network (WRTN) cluster meetings Waterford City and County Council and Fáilte Ireland, together with Runda Hospitality & Tourism Solutions, visited and heard from businesses across the County about the challenges and opportunities that the 2024 summer season presented.

The Waterford Rural Tourism Network is made up of five cluster areas (Copper Coast, Blackwater Valley, Comeraghs, Gaeltacht, and Waterford Estuary) and each of the five meetings took place at a business within the relevant cluster area during the month of September.

Businesses were keen to highlight challenges they encountered this year which included, the weather, increased costs, lack of evening time food offering / things to do. Positives were also highlighted and included the success of online bookings, new products enticing new markets, the use of collaboration and referral to increase business, the importance of the international market, and strong repeat business proving that visitor satisfaction with the destination and overall experience were very positive.

The network co-ordinator, Julie O’Brien, of Runda Hospitality and Tourism Solutions, led discussions and provided feedback on the challenges encountered and framed how some of the positive reports from the season could be transformed into bigger opportunities for the area. The recent and upcoming supports, training and networking events were outlined, and businesses were given the opportunity to feedback on what other supports they require to develop rural tourism in Waterford. Some businesses have already been connected with the Waterford Local Enterprise Office for individual business specific supports and other businesses were encouraged to avail of similar opportunities for their business.

Waterford City and County Council looks forward to continuing the development of the Waterford Rural Tourism Network in partnership with Fáilte Ireland and other key stakeholders, including Runda Hospitality and Tourism Solutions, Waterford LEO and Waterford Leader Partnership.

To continue the development of the WRTN the following events will be taking place before the end of the year:

  • Copper Coast Learning Journey on 2nd October
  • Fáilte Ireland Champions Programme in The Park Hotel Dungarvan on 10th October
  • WRTN – Network wide event on 7th November

To find out more about the Waterford Rural Tourism Network or join one of the five Clusters in Waterford, please email

This project is funded by Waterford City & County Council and Fáilte Ireland.


Mayoral reception for Johnny Keegan (Hibernian FC)

Mayor Jason Murphy today held a Mayoral Reception in City Hall for Johnny Keegan.

Johnny has been a stalwart of Hibernian FC since 1970 as first a player, then a coach and a dedicated committee member serving in every position including secretary , treasurer and chairman.

Mayor Murphy commended Johnny by saying “The sterling efforts of Johnny Keegan and people like him are a testament to the continued success of the club”.

Waterford City and County Council advises of restrictions on slurry spreading

Tractor Spreading Slurry

Due to the Status Yellow rain warning issued by Met Éireann for Waterford, slurry spreading must not be undertaken until after the rain has passed.

The Status Yellow Rain warning is valid from midnight, Sunday September 29th to midnight Monday, September 30th.

Under the European Union (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations 2022, organic and chemical fertilisers or soiled water shall not be applied to land when heavy rain is forecast within 48 hours.

Farmers are also reminded that the last day for slurry spreading this season is Monday, September 30th.

Waterford flies the Purple Flag once again in 2024

Waterford has, once again, received the coveted Purple Flag accreditation, which represents the gold standard of the management of evening and night-time economies.

This prestigious award underpins Waterford’s great blend of entertainment, dining, and culture, all the while ensuring the safety and well-being of residents, and visitors in the evening and night-time economy, between the hours of 5pm and 5am.

In recognition of Waterford’s commitment to creating a dynamic, secure, and vibrant evening and night-time economy, the Purple Flag accreditation process is similar to the Green Flag Award for parks and Blue Flag for beaches.

Key successes noted in Waterford’s submission included the introduction of community safety wardens, increasing feelings of safety and support within the evening and night-time economy (ENTE), the positive approach to engagement with residents regarding noise levels, and being awarded the prestigious European City of Christmas 2024 title.

Jim ‘Flash’ Gordon, Proprietor of Revolution and Chair of the Purple Flag Committee said, “It is great that Waterford has once again been recognised as a vibrant and safe place, offering an eclectic mix of dining, entertainment, culture and arts.

“The importance and value of the nighttime economy cannot be underestimated.  Being recognised as a centre that combines entertainment, ambience, culture and choice, in a safe and inviting setting is a testament to the efforts of our collaborative partners, local business groups, community groups and the residents themselves.”

Part of the Purple Flag Waterford ethos is working with student bodies to reinforcing the message that we are all responsible for each other safety.

One such initiative was the recent attendance at Freshers 2024 Orientation in SETU Waterford, Cork Road and College Street campuses, to raise awareness for Purple Flag Waterford and promote an entertaining, diverse, safe and enjoyable night out.

Julie Walsh, Purple Flag Administrator with Waterford City and County Council added, “We are delighted that Waterford has been successfully reaccredited the Purple Flag award for 2024.

“The successful reaccreditation is a result of the cumulative efforts of local businesses and stakeholders who work closely with Waterford City and County Council and An Garda Síochána to promote Waterford. We are looking forward to promoting Purple Flag and the impact it has on the ENTE in Waterford, in order to further develop a vibrant, safe evening and night-time environment for our residents and visitors to enjoy, experience and explore.”

An ongoing initiative to promote a safe night-time economy is the Ask for Angela campaign, which promotes safety and support in public spaces, especially for students participating in programmes in SETU and socialising at night in the city.

There are one hundred Purple Flag destinations around the globe across the UK, Ireland, Sweden, New Zealand, and Australia. This includes world renowned tourist destinations to small market towns.

Boil Water Notices for two Public Water Supplies in County Waterford to remain in place

Thursday 26 September 2024 Uisce Éireann wishes to remind customers supplied by the Ballymacarbry Public Water Supply and Poulavonogue Public Water Supply in County Waterford that Boil Water Notices will remain in place until further notice.

Uisce Éireann is carrying out works to address the issues to enable the lifting of the notices as quickly and as safely as possible.

Please note that there are two Poulavonogue supplies in the Clonmel area. This notice relates to the small scheme historically managed by Waterford County Council.

Customers are advised to continue to boil their water before use while Uisce Éireann water experts are working to rectify the issues. Customers are reminded that the water is safe to consume once boiled.

Uisce Éireann’s Maura Phelan said: “We acknowledge the impact this is having on the communities and we are working to resolve the issues at both supplies. Public health is our number one priority and we will continue to monitor the supplies and will seek to lift both notices as soon as it is safe to do so.”

Where risks to water quality are identified through Uisce Éireann’s enhanced testing and monitoring programme, the Health Service Executive (HSE) is consulted, and Boil Water Notices are issued to protect public health. In all instances immediate action is taken to address the cause of the issue to enable the lifting of the notice as quickly as it is safe to do so, in agreement with the HSE.

Customers can check if their property is included by visiting and entering the property’s Eircode or by calling the Uisce Éireann customer care helpline, open 24/7, on 1800 278 278.

Vulnerable customers who have registered with Uisce Éireann receive direct communication on Boil Water Notices. Customers are reminded that the water is safe to consume once boiled.  A map of the affected area is attached and available to view on the supply and service section of

All consumers affected by this notice must boil their water before drinking.

With regard to Boil Water Notices, Uisce Éireann is not in a position to provide bottled water to customers for Boil Water Notices where water is safe to drink once boiled.

Uisce Éireann’s drinking water standards, as per EU Drinking Water regulations, are strict and include wide safety margins. Where risks to water quality are identified through Uisce Éireann’s enhanced testing and monitoring programme, the Health Service Executive (HSE) are consulted and Boil Water Notices are issued to protect public health. In all instances immediate action is taken to address the cause of the issue to enable the lifting of the notice as quickly as it safe to do so, in agreement with the HSE.

Vulnerable customers who have registered with Uisce Éireann receive direct communication on Boil Water Notices. Customers are reminded that the water is safe to consume once boiled.

Water must be boiled for:

  • Drinking;
  • Drinks made with water;
  • Preparation of salads and similar foods, which are not cooked prior to eating;
  • Brushing of teeth;
  • Making of ice – discard ice cubes in fridges and freezers and filtered water in fridges. Make ice from cooled boiled water.

What actions should be taken:

  • Use water prepared for drinking when preparing foods that will not be cooked (e.g. washing salads);
  • Water can be used for personal hygiene, bathing and flushing of toilets but not for brushing teeth or gargling;
  • Boil water by bringing to a vigorous, rolling boil (e.g. with an automatic kettle) and allow to cool. Cover and store in a refrigerator or cold place. Water from the hot tap is not safe to drink. Domestic water filters will not render water safe to drink;
  • Caution should be taken when bathing children to ensure that they do not swallow the bathing water;
  • Preparing Infant Formula: Where a Boil Water Notice is in place, you can prepare infant formula from tap water that has been boiled once (rolling boil for 1 minute) and cooled beforehand. Bottled water can also be used to make up infant formula. All bottled water, with the exception of natural mineral water, is regulated to the same standard as drinking water. It is best not to use bottled water labelled as ‘Natural Mineral Water’ as it can have high levels of sodium (salt) and other minerals, although it rarely does. ‘Natural Mineral Water’ can be used if no other water is available, for as short a time as possible, as it is important to keep babies hydrated. If bottled water is used to make up infant formula it should be boiled once (rolling boil for 1 minute), and cooled in the normal way. Ready-to-use formula that does not need added water can also be used.

Great care should be taken with boiled water to avoid burns and scalds as accidents can easily happen, especially with children.

Uisce Éireann is committed to keeping customers informed across multiple platforms 24/7 and we encourage customers to engage with us through our website, X channels @IWCare and @IrishWater, on Facebook and LinkedIn and through our customer care helpline which is open 24/7 on 1800 278 278Uisce Éireann has launched a free text service, providing real-time updates for local issues. Customers can sign up with their Eircode and mobile number at

Reminder : Closure of Public Offices

CSD public offices in City & Dungarvan will remain closed until 10.00am (normal opening would be 9.30am) to facilitate staff training on the following dates:

  • City – Friday, 27 September 2024
  • Dungarvan – Monday, 30 September 2024

For more info email

Former Ambassador to United States to address Waterford’s Age Well Expo

Waterford’s Age Well ExpoOn Tuesday, October 1st Deputy Mayor of Waterford City and County Cllr. Adam Wyse will officially open Waterford’s Age Well Expo in the Park Hotel, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.

This Age Friendly Waterford free event, in association with Healthy Waterford, UPMC Whitfield and Waterford City and County Council, will showcase the services, supports and activities available to older people to lead fulfilling, healthy and active lives.  On the day there will be over 30 exhibition stands including An Garda Síochána, HSE, ALONE, Waterford Volunteer Centre, Waterford Libraries, Fire Services, Waterford Sports Partnership and Waterford Healthy Homes.

Keynote speaker is Waterford native, Daniel Mulhall, a former Irish diplomat who has served as Ambassador to Malaysia, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States.Since his retirement in 2022, Mr. Mulhall has been Global Distinguished Professor of Irish Studies at Glucksman Ireland House, New York University, Parnell Fellow at Magdalene College, Cambridge and a Resident Fellow at the Institute of Politics, Harvard University.

Mr. Mulhall is Honorary President of the Yeats Society (Sligo), a consultant with the global law firm, DLA Piper and a director of Carlichauns Entertainment, an animated TV series based on Irish folklore.  

Throughout his life, he has lectured and published extensively on Irish history and literature. He is the author of Ulysses: A Reader’s Odyssey (New Island Books, 2022) and Pilgrim Soul: W.B. Yeats and the Ireland of his Time (New Island Books, 2023).

In 2019, Mr. Mulhall was awarded the Freedom of Waterford, has an Honorary Doctorate from the South East Technological University, and in September 2024 was inducted into the Irish American Hall of Fame. 

The Age Well Expo will take place in Park Hotel, Dungarvan (X35 CC97) from 11am – 4pm on Tuesday, October 1st.  Along with the information stands, numerous speakers including a Consultant Gastroenterologist, Cardiology CNM, Health and Wellbeing practitioner and Fraud Prevention team, there will be free Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Blood Glucose testing available and refreshments will be provided.

The event is free and all are welcome to attend.


Reminder: Notice of Rent Review 2024

Rent Review 2024

A Rent Review is being carried out for all Social Housing tenants.

In order to ensure that we have the household’s correct and up to date details, tenants are requested to complete the Rent Review Form regarding their household make-up and income details. Rent Review forms will be posted directly to all tenants.

It is the tenant’s responsibility, under your Tenancy Agreement, to ensure that you submit the correct details to the Council for rent calculation purposes. Failure to return the form fully completed with the relevant proofs of income may result in a Penalty Rent being applied to the rent account.

Before returning the completed form, please ensure to include details of ALL occupants and the following relevant documents:

  • If in full/part time employment supply 3 recent consecutive payslips for all household members who are in employment.
  • If self-employed submit recent Notice of Tax Assessment from Revenue.
  • Aged 18 and over in fulltime education submit proof from school or college.
  • If in receipt of an occupational pension or state pension from abroad provide details.
  • Occupant Moved In provide the date of occupancy and previous address.
  • Occupant moved out provide the date they left and proof of new address.

Please return the form fully completed with relevant proofs of income by Monday 07th October 2024 to the Customer Service Desk, Waterford City & County Council, Bailey’s New St. Waterford X91 XH42, or Civic Offices, Davitts Quay Dungarvan, Co. Waterford X35 Y326.

 Queries to:

Claire Byrne Show : Waterford Council crackdown on Illegal Dumping

Have a listen to this report from the Claire Byrne Show on RTÉ Radio 1., where reporter Brian O’Connell spent some time with our Environmental team in Dungarvan recently.

The Council’s environmental team is tackling illegal dumping head-on, consistently addressing both household and large-scale commercial illegal dumping in problem areas.

The report is well worth a listen and shows the extent of the issue. The cleanup effort is part of a broader campaign to maintain cleaner, safer communities.

Tuath to open applications for new Cost Rental homes in Waterford

This October, Tuath Housing will launch applications for 49 brand-new cost rental homes at the Mountneil development in Waterford City. Built by Frisby Homes, these energy-efficient, A-rated two- and three-bedroom houses offer high-quality living at exceptional value. With rents set at €950 for a two-bed and €1,195 for a three-bed, these homes come at an impressive 28% below the local market average for similar properties. The homes will be delivered in two phases, with availability expected between December this year and March 2025.

Cost rental housing is designed to provide affordable, secure accommodation for those on middle incomes, with rents based solely on the cost of construction, management, and maintenance. The Mountneil homes are perfectly located in Carrickpherish near a variety of services and amenities, including the South East Technological University Waterford, the popular Waterford Greenway, and SETU Arena offering state-of-the-art fitness and sporting facilities. The new homes represent the first-ever delivery of cost rental housing by an Approved Housing Body in Co. Waterford.

Tuath Housing is proud to deliver these homes with the support of Waterford City and County Council through the Department of Housing’s Cost Rental Equity Loan (CREL) scheme and private financing from the Housing Finance Agency (HFA). Applications will be processed through an online lottery system, with successful applicants notified once the process concludes.

As one of Ireland’s largest not-for-profit Approved Housing Bodies, Tuath Housing is a leader in the delivery of cost rental homes nationwide. With over 400 cost rental homes already delivered in counties Dublin, Kildare, Louth, and Westmeath—and more than 1500 on the way—Tuath remains committed to providing secure and affordable housing to communities across Ireland.

Sean McKeown, Chief Executive of Waterford City and County Council said, “Waterford City and County Council continues to lead the way in delivering new social and affordable homes. The development of cost rental homes in Mountneil is yet another important step in towards providing affordable accommodation. The need for affordable housing for households who do not qualify for social housing, but who are not in a position to purchase in the private market is well recognised nationally, and I am pleased to see ongoing progress being made in Waterford.”

For more information on cost rental or to apply, please visit

Tuath Housing CEO Sean O’Connor commented “At Tuath, our mission is to provide high-quality, secure homes that residents can be proud of, while ensuring they are as affordable as possible. The Mountneil cost rental development is another significant step forward in bringing this long-term, secure rental option to people nationwide.”


For further information, please contact: 
Suzanne Twomey, Fuzion Communications on, 086 413 3031

Notes to Editor

About Tuath Housing:

Tuath Housing is a not-for-profit approved housing body, providing long-term, safe, quality housing. The organisation currently manages over 14,000 homes, catering to the needs of over 37,000 people.

In 2023, Tuath Housing achieved significant milestones, delivering 2,482 homes, and providing housing for 7,000 individuals. With an investment of €406 million in new homes, the organisation continues to make substantial strides in addressing Ireland’s housing shortage.

For more information, visit

Waterford City and County Council announces 3-Day Amnesty for Bulky Goods!

overall poster Bulky Amnesty Days 24

In October, Waterford City and County Council will introduce three days of amnesty for bulky household items.

The bulky goods amnesty applies to items such as couches, mattresses, beds and other large items belonging to domestic householders and can be deposited for free in Lismore, Kilmacthomas and Tramore.

Welcoming the initiative, Ella Ryan, Environmental Education Officer with Waterford City and County Council said, “The objective of this amnesty is to give people the opportunity to get rid of large household furniture for free and to support anti-dumping intervention projects and the recycling of bulky goods.

“Waterford City and County Council has been particularly successful in prosecuting those responsible for illegally dumping household waste and bulky goods.  The reason we are proactive in pursing these perpetrators is because bulky goods that are illegally dumped have an adverse effect on the environment…they are unsightly, difficult and costly to remove, and generally serve to encourage further dumping in that area.”

Ms Ryan added, “While large goods such as furniture, couches, wardrobes, bedframes and mattresses will be accepted, items such as trampolines and toys, waste electrical items and construction and demolition waste will not be accepted.”

The Bulky Goods Amnesty days take place at:

  • The Water Depot in Owbeg, Lismore from 10am to 1pm on Saturday, October 5th
  • The Roads Depot in Scrahan, Kilmacthomas from 10am to 1pm on Saturday October 12th
  • Civic Amenity Site in Tramore from 10am to 1pm on Saturday October 19th