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Supporting Waterford Communities Fund 2019 – Deadline Approaching

Supporting Waterford Communities Fund 2019
Waterford City & County Council is committed to encouraging communities and empowering residents to make a difference to their areas. To support this, the Council is inviting applications to its Supporting Communities Fund 2019.

Closing date for applications is Thursday 28th February 2019 and strictly no applications will be accepted after this date.

Forms and particulars can be obtained from our website.

Waterford Artlinks Bursaries awarded for 2019

The Artlinks partnership of local authorities Arts Offices in Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford and Wexford has awarded over €60,000 to artists in the South East. Supported by the Arts
Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon this grants stream provides professional development
opportunities and supports for established and emerging artists who are resident in these
four counties.

The recipients of bursaries from the Arts Office, Waterford City & County Council are:

  • George Higgs/Music, Ardmore.
  • Blawnin Clancy/Visual Arts, Dungarvan.
  • Catherine Barron/Multidisciplinary, Dungarvan.
  • Cora Cummins/Visual Arts, Villierstown.
  • Emma Penruddock/Literature, Clashmore.
  • Adam Phelan/Theatre, Waterford city.
  • Mary Grehan/Literature, Passage East.
  • Kathleen Dobbyn/Visual Arts, An Sean Phobal.
  • Clodagh Beresford Dunne/Literature, Dungarvan.
  • Eamonn Dolan/Theatre, Dungarvan.
  • Lani O’Hanlon/Literature, An Sean Phobal.
  • Róisín Sheehy/Literature, Tramore.

Margaret Organ, Arts Officer, Waterford City & County Council remarked that the standard of applications was particularly high and that it was positive to see new applicants being supported. She thanked everyone who applied and wished the awardees every success with their chosen courses, projects, mentoring and workshops.
Artists who are resident within the four partner Local Authorities can register for
membership free of charge on

Waterford City & County Council exceeds National Housing Targets


  • 912 additional households supported in 2018 – 147% of target
  • 294 homes added to the Council’s social housing stock – 18% more than target
  • New stock includes 119 builds
  • 100 leased properties – the highest in the country
  • 598 additional households supported though HAP/RAS

Figures released by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government show 912 additional households were supported though social housing solutions in 2018 in Waterford, representing 147% of the Council’s Rebuilding Ireland target set for the year.

Under the Rebuilding Ireland Programme, annual targets are set for each local authority area. Local authorities are responsible for monitoring and delivering on these targets, including through collaboration with Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs). In 2018, 22 local authorities exceeded their overall Rebuilding Ireland targets.

Reacting to the figures, Ivan Grimes, Director of Housing, Community and Emergency Services said, “Local authorities take the lead in addressing the very difficult issues faced in housing. We are absolutely committed to meeting the challenge, and the 2018 figures leave no doubt that we are delivering on our targets and making crucial progress for the individuals and families we support.

“As the figures show, social housing output is increasing year-on-year. Working in partnership with AHBs and the Department of Housing, the Council will continue to increase our capacity and accelerate our delivery.”

Last year, a total of 294 new homes were added to Waterford’s social housing stock though build, acquisition or long-term leasing. This represents 45 more homes than had been targeted.

Ivan Grimes pointed out that, “Local authority housing, once built or acquired, is state-owned; it is an investment that will continue to provide for those in need of housing into the future. Local authorities currently own and manage more than 130,000 homes around the country, each additional unit provided by local authorities is added to that stock. That is why it is so important to ensure the homes we deliver are well-planned, built to last, of high-quality, and situated within communities and with nearby services.

Last year, Waterford City & Council entered leases for 100 individual properties, the highest number achieved by any local authority. “Using the Repair & Lease Scheme, which this Council originated, and other Long Term Leasing Schemes, we have specifically targeted houses and apartments which were vacant in areas of high demand. Reducing the numbers of vacant houses and bringing them back into use for the provision of social housing is a key priority for the Council.”

“While we build up our stock of social housing, supports like the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP), administered through local authorities, provide us with a flexible way to provide accommodation for those in need.” In 2018, local authorities supported 18,681 additional households though HAP and RAS, 598 of those households were in Waterford.

Dúnadh Sealadach Bóthair, An R674, An Rinn

Tugtar fógra leis seo go bhfuil sé i gceist ag Comhairle Cathrach agus Contae Phort Láirge, ag feidhmiú de réir a gcumhachtaí de bhun Alt 75, Acht na mBóithre 1993, an bóthar poiblí seo a leanas a dhúnadh ón 25 Feabhra go dtí an 19 Aibreán 2019, chun gur féidir tabhairt faoi oibreacha ar Scéim Soláthair Uisce na Rinne-Heilbhic:

Bóthar atá le dúnadh:

  • An R674, An Rinn óna acomhal leis an N25 ag Crosaire na Rinne go dtí a acomhal leis an L2036 ag An Léith, An Rinn.

    Bealach Eile:

  • Beidh trácht ag dul ó thuaidh (sé sin ag teacht ón Rinn agus ón Sean Phobal) curtha ar mhalairt slí ar an L2036 An Léith, an L6131 Bóthar an tSeanachaí agus an N25.
  • Beidh trácht ag dul ó dheas (sé sin ag teacht ó Dhún Garbhán) curtha ar mhalairt slí ar an N25; an L2036 An Léith; an L6131 Bóthar an tSeanachaí; an L6112 Bóthar an Fhaiche agus an L2026 Bóthar an tSeanphobail

Reminder: Temporary Road Closure – (L4345) The Prom, Tramore

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City & County Council, having complied with the above Act, will close the following roads, temporarily tomorrow, from 11.00am to 1.00pm on Saturday 23rd February, 2019 to facilitate the Waterford Triathlon Club Tramore Duathlon.

Road to be Closed
• The Promenade in Tramore L4345, section from the Riverstown
Road roundabout to the Car Park at the end of the Promenade.
• The Estuary Road L4340 from the Promenade to the entrance of
the Riverstown Business Park at McCarthy’s Homevalue.

Diversion Route
Access to the Promenade via Riverstown Road L4144-11 and Strand Road
L4144-16 or Strand Street L8076.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade road closure arrangements

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, propose to close the following roads to through traffic from 11am to 5pm on Sunday 17th March 2019 to facilitate 2019 St. Patricks Day Parade:

Roads to be closed:
• R680 Merchants Quay
• R680 Meaghers Quay
• R680 Coal Quay
• R680 Custom House Quay
• R680 Parade Quay
• R680 The Mall
• R680 Parnell Street
• R708 Catherine Street
• L90025 Colbeck Street
• L5530 Lady Lane (from its junction with Francis Place
to Colbeck Street)
• L90024 Bank Lane
• L90022 Adelpi Quay (from its junction with Rose Lane
to Parade Quay)
• L90021 Bailey’s New Street
• L90020 Greyfriars
• L90019 Coffee House Lane
• L90018 Henrietta Street
• L90017 Keyser Street
• L5534 Exchange Street
• L5535 Conduit Lane
• L91091 Barronstrand Street
• L5501 Gladstone Street
• L1502 O’ Connell Street
• L15021 Thomas Hill (from its junction with Meeting
House Lane to O’ Connell Street)
• L5506 Vulcan Street
• L1503 The Glen (Road no. 1)
• L15033 The Glen (Road no. 3)

Diversion Routes:
Travelling East on R680 Cork Road
All traffic for M9, N25 and N25 via Rice Bridge shall be
diverted at Cork Road Roundabout and directed to Rice
Bridge via R686.

Traffic for Tramore, Waterford Airport, University Hospital
Waterford or Williamstown/Dunmore Road area is
unaffected and shall use the Inner Ring Road.

Reminder: Expressions of Interest for 2019 Town & Village Renewal Scheme

Waterford City & County Council will administer the 2019 Town & Village Renewal Scheme funded by the Department of Rural & Community Development.

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is a key part of the Action Plan for Rural Development – Realising our Rural Potential and the recently announced Project Ireland 2040 and is designed to help rural Ireland achieve its full economic and social potential.  The focus of the Town & Village Renewal Scheme is on improving the economic development of rural towns and villages and making them more attractive places to live and work and increase their tourism potential.

Waterford City & County Council now seeks expressions of interest from towns and villages for funding of suitable projects under this initiative. Expression of interest forms and details of the Scheme outline can be obtained by e-mailing and completed expression of interest forms are to be returned before 5.00pm, Thursday 28th February 2019.

All applications will be subject to a selection process using National Criteria.  Selected expression of interest applications will be developed into detailed bids for consideration for the 2019 Town & Village Renewal Scheme.

Integrated Homeless Services Centre to open in Waterford

Waterford City & County Council, in partnership with the HSE/South East Community Healthcare, Focus Ireland and South East Simon Community are to operate an Integrated Homeless Services Centre in Waterford City.

Located at 28 Parnell St. (the former Bank of Ireland branch premises), the agencies will be working as a resource providing a range of support services to those experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

The Waterford initiative follows the success of an integrated and joint approach to delivering and supporting homeless services here in Waterford by the HSE/South East Community Healthcare and Waterford City & County Council. The initiative is an expansion of the multi-agency service being provided currently at Waterside and has an overall objective of improving homeless services in relation to access, quality, service user satisfaction and efficiency.

This initiative augments key objectives for addressing homelessness within the national strategy “Rebuilding Ireland: Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness (2016- 2021)”.   The Waterford Integrated Homeless Services Centre begins operation on Monday 25th February and will be open from 9.30am-12.30pm and 2-4pm each week day (with the exception of Thursday mornings’ later start times of 10.30am).

Ms. Sinéad Breathnach (Regional Homeless Lead, Waterford Council) said “It is a significant venture for the housing authority and we are pleased to be pooling resources at one location with South East Community Healthcare, Focus Ireland Waterford and South East Simon Community to provide a coordinated and integrated response to delivering homeless services to people in need of it”.

A summary of services that will be provided at Waterford Integrated Homeless Services Centre follows:

Waterford City and County Council
The centre will be a new administrative base for the Waterford City and County Council Homeless Services Team. This will be inclusive of the local housing authority’s Homeless Action Team and Homeless Prevention & Support Workers. Staff will be in place at the centre to manage homeless presentations and will operate the Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Place Finder service from there.

The centre will also incorporate the South East region’s Homeless Leads, the Local Authorities Homeless Lead and the HSE’s Social Inclusion Homeless Lead.   Regional collaboration and management of homeless services will be led from the Integrated Homeless Services Centre in Waterford.

Focus Ireland
Focus Ireland staff will be present to advise and provide information to people who are homeless or at risk due to housing difficulties. The service offers clear advice on rights and entitlements in the areas of housing, the Residential Tenants Board (RTB), support with applying for social welfare entitlements and referrals to appropriate services.

Focus Ireland’s Tenancy Support and Sustainment Service (TSSS) provides dedicated support to households, to help them to secure housing or to continue to sustain their tenancy in their current accommodation. This involves support and home visits by a Focus Ireland TSSS worker. Referrals from both statutory and voluntary agencies can be made through the Waterford Homeless Action Team.

Focus Ireland’s Child Support Service will provide support to children and their families who are experiencing homelessness. Focus Ireland can provide visiting supports to families at their accommodation, targeting one to one work and group work with children and parents. Referrals are made through the Waterford Homeless Action Team.

South East Simon Community
South East Simon Community’s “Housing First” service in Waterford aims to house people experiencing homelessness as quickly as possible. Once housed, South East Simon will continue to provide visiting support for as long as is necessary, so that people have every opportunity to maintain their tenancies. South East Simon’s Housing First service aims to make sure people’s experiences of homelessness are as short as possible and to reduce repeat episodes of homelessness.

South East Simon Community staff work in the belief that providing a person with the security of their own home, along with visiting support, will enable that person to address much more effectively all of the issues that pushed them into homelessness in the first place. South East Simon’s Housing First team seeks out tenancies in self-contained independent housing units for each person it supports.

HSE/South East Community Healthcare
South East Community Healthcare (SECH) provides primary care and community healthcare, mental health, social (elderly and disability) care and health and wellbeing services in counties Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford. Housing has a large influence on health. People without a home often experience complex and chronic health conditions including mental health and addiction issues and face barriers in accessing appropriate health care.

A Community Mental Health Nurse at the centre will focus on addressing the mental health needs of adults over 18 years who are homeless. The nurse will support homeless services that provide accommodation to service users with mental health issues, in maintaining a relationship and access to Mental Health Services in Waterford City and County. This office will collaborate with homeless services to streamline recovery focused mental health supports for this client group on leaving hospital and ensure the appropriate mental health interventions are delivered to these clients as required in the community.

A Substance Misuse and Homeless Street Outreach Worker will be based in the centre, whose aim is to proactively engage with people experiencing homelessness and rough sleeping within Waterford City – in particular, those who are experiencing substance misuse issues and through early intervention strategies to reduce the level of harm experienced and linked them into existing services and supports.


Temporary Road Closure – L7025 Kilrossanty

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, will close the following public road to through traffic from 25th February to 12th April 2019 to facilitate Watermains Rehabilitation Works:

Road to be closed:

  • L7025 Kilrossanty, Co. Waterford

Diversion Route:

  • Via L7025 Knockeylan road and L3019 Carrigmorna-Crough road.

Temporary Road Closure – (L4345) The Prom, Tramore

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City & County Council, having complied with the above Act, will close the following roads, temporarily, from 11.00am to 1.00pm on Saturday 23rd February, 2019 to facilitate the Waterford Triathlon Club Tramore Duathlon.

Road to be Closed
• The Promenade in Tramore L4345, section from the Riverstown
Road roundabout to the Car Park at the end of the Promenade.
• The Estuary Road L4340 from the Promenade to the entrance of
the Riverstown Business Park at McCarthy’s Homevalue.

Diversion Route
Access to the Promenade via Riverstown Road L4144-11 and Strand Road
L4144-16 or Strand Street L8076.

Dúnadh Sealadach Bóthair, An R674, An Rinn

Tugtar fógra leis seo go bhfuil sé i gceist ag Comhairle Cathrach agus Contae Phort Láirge, ag feidhmiú de réir a gcumhachtaí de bhun Alt 75, Acht na mBóithre 1993, an bóthar poiblí seo a leanas a dhúnadh ón 25 Feabhra go dtí an 19 Aibreán 2019, chun gur féidir tabhairt faoi oibreacha ar Scéim Soláthair Uisce na Rinne-Heilbhic:

Bóthar atá le dúnadh:

  • An R674, An Rinn óna acomhal leis an N25 ag Crosaire na Rinne go dtí a acomhal leis an L2036 ag An Léith, An Rinn.Bealach Eile:
  • Beidh trácht ag dul ó thuaidh (sé sin ag teacht ón Rinn agus ón Sean Phobal) curtha ar mhalairt slí ar an L2036 An Léith, an L6131 Bóthar an tSeanachaí agus an N25.
  • Beidh trácht ag dul ó dheas (sé sin ag teacht ó Dhún Garbhán) curtha ar mhalairt slí ar an N25; an L2036 An Léith; an L6131 Bóthar an tSeanachaí; an L6112 Bóthar an Fhaiche agus an L2026 Bóthar an tSeanphobail

Expressions of Interest for the 2019 Town & Village Renewal Scheme

Waterford City & County Council will administer the 2019 Town & Village Renewal Scheme funded by the Department of Rural & Community Development.

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is a key part of the Action Plan for Rural Development – Realising our Rural Potential and the recently announced Project Ireland 2040 and is designed to help rural Ireland achieve its full economic and social potential.  The focus of the Town & Village Renewal Scheme is on improving the economic development of rural towns and villages and making them more attractive places to live and work and increase their tourism potential.

Waterford City & County Council now seeks expressions of interest from towns and villages for funding of suitable projects under this initiative. Expression of interest forms and details of the Scheme outline can be obtained by e-mailing and completed expression of interest forms are to be returned before 5.00pm, Thursday 28th February 2019.

All applications will be subject to a selection process using National Criteria.  Selected expression of interest applications will be developed into detailed bids for consideration for the 2019 Town & Village Renewal Scheme.