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Waterford Arts and Summer School bursaries awarded

Waterford City & County Council’s Arts Office has announced details of the successful recipients for various artistic summer schools 2018.

In receipt of bursary assistance for the Drama League of Ireland Summer School at the University of Limerick are:

  • David Mansfield, Aisteorí an tSean Phobail
  • Pat Power, Dungarvan Dramatic Club

The recipients of assistance towards attending the Irish Youth Choir Summer programme

  • Irinel Lineen, Kilmacthomas
  • Pax O Faoláin, An Rinn
  • Sarah Keane, Abbeyside, Dungarvan
  • Brian Hughes, Ballinacourty

Bursary support for the Irish Youth Orchestra of Ireland Summer School is awarded to:

  • Lucy Kirby, Newtown, Waterford City
  • Conor Power, Waterford City
  • Fódhla Dunne, Tramore

In addition the recipients of bursaries to attend the Tyrone Guthrie Centre, the artist’s
workplace at Annaghmakerrig, Co. Monaghan during 2018 have been awarded as follows:

  • Two week residency to: David Power/Musician/Cul na Smear and Petra
    Kindler/Theatre, Waterford city
  • One Week residencies to Christine O’ Brien/Visual Artist, Waterford city
  • Mary Tritschler/Visual artist, Dunmore East
  • Rachel Smith/Visual artist, Tramore
  • Ciara Gormley/Visual Artist, Modeligo

The Arts Office acknowledges the Arts Council’s support to the arts in Waterford.


Waterford’s “Supplementary Register of Electors” increases by 3,743 voters ahead of May 25th referendum

The ‘Supplementary Register of Electors’ in Waterford, which records newly registered voters, or those who have changed address, increased by a total of 3,743 ahead of Friday’s referendum on the 8th amendment to the constitution.

Communications Officer, Claire Hartley commented “It’s great to see so many new voters showing an interest in exercising their voting franchise ahead of the referendum.  Polling cards for the ‘Supplementary Register’ should be landing at people’s home this week, while those who were previously registered should have already received them.

If you are registered, but you don’t receive your polling card, you can still vote – you must bring ID to the polling station on the day.”

The (full) Register of Electors is a list of all persons who are entitled to vote at elections and referenda.  It comes into force on the 15th of February each year.   A ‘Draft Register’ is then published on 1st November each year and this may be inspected free of charge at City Hall, Waterford, the Civic Offices, Dungarvan, Post Offices, Garda Stations and our libraries.

Creative Ireland – Open Call for Funding for Projects

Do you want to be involved with the new Creative Ireland Programme?

The Creative Ireland programme is about promoting individual, community and national well-being through creativity. The programme is built around the themes of identity, culture and citizenship.

Waterford City and County Council’s Creative Ireland Culture Team is pleased to announce an open call for Waterford based creative practitioners, groups, organisations, communities and individuals to submit applications for funding for creative and cultural projects to be developed in 2018.  This Creative Ireland open call is a countywide open call and applications are invited from artists, writers, performers, archaeologists, historians, archivists, or anyone involved in the creative or cultural arena in Waterford City and/or County.

Applications are invited from established individuals and groups, but those with little or no previous involvement in creative or cultural projects are also welcome.

The overall level of funding available ranges from €500 – €5,000 with a maximum grant of €5,000 being awarded to an individual project.

Full details and an application form can be down loaded from

Further information from

‘Bring Your Own Chair’ Craft/Designer Residency + Host opportunities

Expressions of interest are sought for 3 x craft makers/designers to host and collaborate with a European designer/craft practitioner for 5 days in July 2018.

Bring Your Own Chair is an art project taking place in rural towns and villages across counties Kilkenny, Wexford and Waterford throughout the spring and summer of 2018. As part of the programme three craft makers and/or designers will undertake two week-residencies in July 2018 within the specific context of a rural town, engaging with the vernacular craft and design history of the locale.

Workhouse Union are seeking proposals from designers/craft makers who wish to explore the possibilities of socially engaged practice within the context of Bring Your Own Chair.

We are particularly interested in potential of co-operation, craft and industry to
sustain rural economies.

Creative Ireland Programme Scheme 2018/2019

Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Ms. Josepha Madigan, T.D., was today (Monday 14th May) joined by 4th class students of St. Patrick’s National School, Garristown and founder of Fighting Words Roddy Doyle for the announcement of the new Creative Ireland Programme Scheme 2018/2019.

The Creative Ireland Programme is a culture-based well-being initiative which is guided by a vision that every person in Ireland will have the opportunity to realise their full creative potential.  It is a five year all-of- Government Programme, from 2017 to 2022, to place creativity at the centre of public policy. In 2017, the Creative Ireland Programme supported a range of successful talks, workshops and events on culture, creativity and well-being, to encourage deeper understanding and appreciation of the role of creativity and to promote the new Programme’s objectives and underlying values.

Read further information below.

Response by Waterford Council to National Integrity Index 2018

Response by Waterford City and County Council
to the National Integrity Index 2018
published by Transparency International Ireland

Waterford City and County Council welcome the scorecard and see it as a good tool for measurement of transparency. We are disappointed with the score of 30%. As a matter of fact, independently of Transparency International Ireland we have put in place measures to improve how we operate. If audited today, we would score 53% which would bring us into the top 10 Local Authorities.

Transparency International Ireland now gives us a framework to improve our transparency year on year.  Progress will be reviewed regularly. We would welcome a more iterative approach with Transparency Ireland in the future.

Statement by:

Fearghal Reidy to WLR news
Director of Services
Corporate, Culture, HR & IS

Smart Lighting Grant from SEAI

The Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) is now accepting applications from businesses for €3 million in government-funded smart lighting grants.

The grant will cover approximately one third of the cost of energy efficient lighting upgrades helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) save up to 90% on their lighting costs. These smart lighting upgrades will typically pay for themselves in two to three years.

The grant is open to all SMEs sectors including retail, hospitality, tourism, private education, health facilities, and manufacturing. Apply via the SEAI’s website:

Successful Household Hazardous Waste Free Drop Off Event

A very successful Household Hazardous Waste Free Drop Off Event took place on Saturday 5th May at Dungarvan Civic Amenity Site.

A total of 6,620 kg of hazardous waste was collected on the day.

Information packs were given to all attendees which detailed alternative greener cleaning products to use around the house and gave information on how to reduce dependency on chemicals when gardening. Thanks to all householders who supported the event.

Food Waste Prevention Schools Competition

Wexford County Council and Waterford City and County Council made a short video to explain about food waste.

Please note that the data collected on this form will be shared between Wexford County Council and Waterford City & County Council for the purpose of this competition including any publicity relating to the competition. It will not be used for any other purpose, and will be deleted within 2 months of the end of the competition.

Behind Closed Doors

This year Waterford City and County Council in association with the Waterford Festival of Architecture are running an event called “Behind Closed Doors”.

The aim of this event is to celebrate Waterford’s City rich and varied architecture and it is a great opportunity to visit properties not normally open to the public. The event is taking place at several locations thorough the city on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 17th, 18th and 19th of May.

All tours are free and begin outside the buildings unless otherwise indicated.  Tours indicated with * need to be booked at

More details can be found on Waterford Festival of Architecture’s Facebook page

  • Thursday 17th of May
    12 pm and 2 pm Waterford Distillery* (tour)
  • Friday 18th of May
    11 am Tour of the New Fire station with Niall Curtin Chief Fire Officer * (tour)
  • Saturday 19th of May – 10.50 am 4, 5 Cathedral Square with Orla Scully archaeologist * (tour)
    11am – 12.15 Tour of O Connell Street with Fintan Duffy DHB architects starting outside the Port of Waterford building and then visiting the Old Presbytery, Old Savings Bank, La Boheme, Port Authority.
    12.30 – 12.50 pm 18 Lady Lane * (tour) to see an example of the finest surviving rococo-style decorative plasterwork in Waterford
    2.15pm – 3 .15 pm Masonic Lodge* (tour)
    3.30 pm – 4.30 pm Guided tour of the Anglo Norman walls with Des Griffin starting at St Johns Bridge


Master Composter Training Course

Waterford Council, in conjunction with the EPA invite you to join us at Clodaigh House, Portlaw, Co.Waterford for a packed training programme to teach people how to reduce food waste and compost at home or within the community.

Training consists of four evening sessions and one Saturday hands-on workshop where participants will help build a composting demonstration site.

Gain the knowledge required to reduce food waste and save money. Learn how to compost both garden materials and wasted food using a variety of different composting systems.
The training is offered free of charge, but volunteers are expected to contribute outreach time afterward to spread the word and motivate others. This is a unique opportunity for any community group!

Temporary Closure of Dungarvan Archives

The Archives in Dungarvan will be closed on Friday 18th May but will be open on Friday 25th 1-5. Please contact the Archivist at or 0761102144 with any queries.

Beidh an Chartlann i nDún Garbhán dúnta ar an Aoine 18 Mí Bealtaine ach beidh an Chartlann ar oscailt ar an Aoine 25 Mí Bealtaine óna 1-5 i.n.  Gabh mo leithscéal as aon mhíchaoithiúlacht. Má tá aon cheisteanna, déan teagmháil leis an gCartlannaí ar nó 0761102144.

Waterford Council’s Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund 2018

Do you have a project or idea that could increase awareness of environmental issues in your local community or could help your community to become more sustainable?

If so, you may qualify for funding from the Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund 2018. This fund promotes sustainable development by assisting small scale, non-profit environmental projects at local level.

Does your project qualify?
Projects should focus on environmental awareness and actions which complement national environmental policies such as those on waste, biodiversity, water conservation and climate change. A wide variety of projects have been supported in previous years, such as community gardens, compost schemes, rainwater harvesting, biodiversity projects, educational initiatives, etc. You can view lists of previously funded projects at

How to apply: applications must be made to the Environment Section, Waterford City and County Council no later than 5pm on 20th June 2018.

Further information and application forms are available online at or (below)  or by contacting the Environment Section of Waterford City and County Council at 0761 102020.