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Warm air does not mean warm water – Advice to reduce your drowning risk

Water Safety Ireland is cautioning people not to underestimate the dangers of swimming in cold water. The caution comes as air temperatures rise however water temperatures are still cold.

Swimming in cold water can result in the rapid cooling of muscles needed to swim and stay afloat. Swim within your depth, swim briefly and be mindful that any cooling of the muscles can make it more difficult to swim safely.

Advice to reduce your drowning risk:
1. Swim within your depth, stay within your depth and enter the water slowly to acclimatize as sudden immersion in cold water can result in “cold shock” which can lead to deep gasping, uncontrollable rapid breathing and panic.
2. Swim at Lifeguarded waterways this weekend – locations at
3. If you cannot get to a lifeguarded waterway, swim in areas that are traditionally known to be safe and have ringbuoys available for rescues.
4. Never use inflatable toys in open water as they can be swept away by currents and offshore breezes.
5. Children require close, uninterrupted, adult supervision at all times near water.
6. Swim within your depth and stay within your depth. Make sure that the edges are shallow shelving so that you can safely and easily enter and exit the water.
7. To escape a rip current, swim parallel to the shore and then swim back ashore. See
8. Never swim in quarries or reservoirs.
9. Alcohol is a factor in one third of drownings – never mix alcohol with water activities.
10. Beware of stranding by incoming tides. Carry a charged phone at all times and in an emergency, call 112 and ask for the Coast Guard.
11. Always wear a correctly fitting lifejacket when boating and have a means of communication in a waterproof pouch.

1. If you see somebody in trouble in the water: SHOUT – REACH – THROW
a. SHOUT to calm, encourage and orientate them;
b. REACH with anything that prevents you from entering the water (clothing/stick);
c. THROW a ringbuoy or any floating object to them.

Know The Lifeguard Flags:
No Lifeguard flag means that there is no Lifeguard on duty. A red flag means that a Lifeguard is on duty but has deemed conditions to be too unsafe to swim. The red and yellow flags mean a Lifeguard is on duty and the Lifeguard is patrolling between those flags.

Visit for more information.


Media Enquiries to:
Water Safety Ireland, The Long Walk, Galway. /; Tel: 091-564400
Joanne Walsh 087-199.0339 /
Roger Sweeney 087-678.9601 /
Padraig Judge 087-459.0156 /

Reminder: Blas International Summer School 2023 Bursary

The Arts Office, Waterford City & Co. Council is offering Waterford practitioners a bursary to attend the Blas – Traditional Music Summer School in the University of Limerick.

Closing date for receipt of applications is Thursday 8th June 2023. The application form and terms and conditions are available to download below.

Extensive Community Engagement Underway for Proposed Dungarvan to Mallow Greenway

Senior members of the proposed Dungarvan to Mallow Greenway project team provide update on local community engagement activities

The Dungarvan to Mallow Greenway, as proposed, is a 74-kilometre long walking and cycling path that would connect Dungarvan, County Waterford to Mallow, County Cork, linking the towns and villages of Cappoquin, Lismore, Ballyduff, Clondulane, Fermoy, Ballyhooly, and Killavullen.

The project team from Waterford City and County Council and Cork County Council estimate that approximately 140 landowners may be directly impacted by the emerging preferred route, and consultation is currently underway with these individuals, as well as a further approximately 100 landowners whose land is adjacent to the emerging preferred route.

The project team is following the Code of Best Practice for National and Regional Greenways and appointed a Project Liaison Officer to commence individual landowner consultations. At this stage, the Project Liaison Officer has visited over 170 individual private households – primarily located between Mallow and Lismore – and met with the landowners and their families.  Also, a meeting recently took place with the Irish Farmers’ Association, or IFA, representatives to share the progress of the project to date, and to listen to the concerns of their members.

This landowner engagement is in addition to the initial public consultation undertaken back in 2022 and the key themes emerging at that time included safety and security, environment concerns, and the potential impacts on local residents, farms and businesses.

Welcoming the engagement process to date, Sean Callery, Senior Engineer, Cork County Council, “The project group is very grateful to landowners locally for making themselves available and for engaging so robustly. The Project Liaison Officer has received a lot of valuable feedback and all of this will be analysed over the coming months. The route will be refined where possible in order to minimise farm severance and accommodate landowners, wherever feasible.”

Senior Engineer Waterford City and County Council, Sean Dobbs said, “This proposed new greenway would create a fun, healthy experience for local people and tourists alike, one that supports the economic development of the region and the wellbeing of our citizens. It is very encouraging to see the community engage at this level.”

The team expects to visit and meet with the remaining 70 landowners, most of whom are located between Lismore and Dungarvan, throughout the month of June. All feedback will be reviewed and refinements to the route will be considered and analysed by the project team. A further round of public consultation is expected to take place towards the end of the year.


Bank Holiday Appeal to Motorists to ‘Pass Wide and Slow’

Joint June Bank Holiday Appeal to Motorists to ‘Pass Wide and Slow’ When Meeting Horse Riders and other Vulnerable Road Users

The Road Safety Authority (RSA), and An Garda Síochána (AGS) have teamed up with Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) and Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) to produce a series of videos to inform motorists how to share the roads safely with horse riders.

Road users are being urged to be cautious and to ‘pass wide and slow’ when encountering horse riders, as well as other vulnerable road users. Road users should watch and share the new series of videos to familiarise themselves with best practice when they encounter horses on the road.  Road users should also remain alert when approaching places where horses are likely to appear, including riding schools and racing yards.

A survey1 of over 1,700 horse riders found that cars and jeeps have been involved in the highest percentage of reported incidents with horses on the roads.  The remaining share of reported incidents were equally divided among those who cycle, vans, lorries and agricultural machinery.

It also found that four in five (85%) horse riders had experienced a road safety incident when on the road with their horse at some point, with 12% of those incidents resulting in injury to either the horse or rider. These findings have led RSA, HSI, HRI and An Garda Siochana to create the series of videos to inform motorists and those who cycle what to do when they encounter horses on the road.

Motorists and those who cycle are reminded that if they meet a horse and rider on the public road they should always:

  • Slow down
  • Pass wide
  • Obey the hand signals of the rider

Motorists should never:

  • use the horn
  • rev the engine
  • flash the lights

The RSA and AGS are also reminding drivers that the summer holiday season is one of the busiest periods for all road users, and drivers should slow down and remain vigilant when travelling over this summer period. Sadly, there have been 20 fatalities and 94 serious injuries on the roads over the June Bank Holiday Period since 2018.

Mr Sam Waide, CEO Road Safety Authority said: “Road users should be alert when travelling but especially over the summer months as there are more vulnerable road users such as horse riders using the roads. If you encounter a horse, please use best practices such as passing wide and slow, obeying the rider’s hand signals and avoid using the horn, air brakes or lights as they may startle or blind a horse.”

Minister of State at the Department of Transport and at the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, Jack Chambers said: “We are approaching the summer, which is typically a very busy time of the year on our roads and as such a high-risk period. We must remember to stay safe on the road during these months. All road users have a duty of care to share the road in a safe and socially responsible way. I hope that all road users will find this new series of videos useful as they demonstrate best practices guidelines when sharing the roads specifically with horse riders. These videos provide real clarity on what we should all do when we meet a horse rider on the public road.

Assistant Commissioner Paula Hilman, Roads Policing and Community Engagement, An Garda Síochána said: “The June Bank Holiday period is one of the busiest periods on our roads and when road users are at the highest risk of being involved in fatal collisions. In 2022, there were 8 fatalities and 18 serious injuries during this period and I am appealing to all road users to slow down and exercise caution so as to avoid this devastating impact to families and communities across the country. Motorists should be particularly mindful of vulnerable road users.

An Garda Síochána will be focusing on the enforcement of the key lifesaver offences of speeding, non-wearing of seatbelts, using a mobile phone while driving and intoxicated driving, which research has shown are significant contributory factors to road traffic collisions. This means that motorists should slow down, wear their seat belt, avoid distractions and never drive while under the influence of drink or drugs.”

Suzanne Eade, CEO of Horse Racing Ireland said: “There is a shared responsibility for road safety from all road users so we are delighted to partner with the Road Safety Authority with their horse road safety appeal. The videos have lots of useful guidelines to explain to motorists how to share the roads safely with horses and their riders. I would encourage everyone to familiarise themselves with the guidelines, especially as the busy summer period approaches. We all have a part to play in sharing the road safely.”

Denis Duggan, CEO of Horse Sport Ireland said: “We are delighted that this series of videos is now available and will help raise awareness of what to do when road users meet horse riders on the road. Horses are live animals and can be unpredictable, so it is important that all road users familiarise themselves with the rules of the road.

He added, “These videos will assist in explaining those rules in a very easy to understand way. I would encourage everyone to take a few minutes to watch the videos and I want to take this opportunity to compliment the creative team and those in the Road Safety Authority for this initiative, which Horse Sport Ireland has been happy to support.”

To view the new video series please see here

The RSA guidelines for ‘Horse Road Safety on Public Roads’ are available here.

This June Bank Holiday Weekend drivers are being reminded that the RSA and participating Applegreen service stations are providing free cups of coffee to motorists to combat driver fatigue. The offer is available from 2pm to 8pm on Friday 2nd and on Monday 5th June.

To date in 2023 there have been 77 fatalities on the road. This is an increase of 13 deaths compared to the same date last year.


Roadworks starting today : R675 Waterford to Tramore

Roadworks will take place on the R675 from Waterford to Tramore on Wednesday, May 31st to facilitate road surfacing works.

Stop/go system with convoy in operation.

Expect long delays.

Please use alternative routes where possible.

Notice of Rent Review 2023

A Rent Review is currently being carried out for all Social Housing Tenants.

In order to ensure that we have the household correct and up to date details, tenants are requested complete the Rent Review Form regarding their household makeup and income details.  This document has been posted to all tenants but is also available below.

It is the tenant’s responsibility under their Tenancy Agreement to ensure that they submit the correct details to the Council for rent calculation purposes. Failure to return the form fully completed with the relevant proofs of income may result in a penalty rent being applied to the account.

Before returning the completed form, please ensure to include details of ALL occupants and the following relevant documents:

  • If in full/part time employment supply 3 recent consecutive payslips for all household members who are in employment.
  • If Self-employed submit recent Notice of Tax Assessment from Revenue.
  • Aged 18 and over in fulltime education submit proof from school or college.
  • Occupant Moved In provide the date of occupancy and previous address.
  • Occupant moved out provide the date they left and proof of new address.

Please return the form fully completed with relevant proofs of income by Monday 12th June 2023 to the Customer Service Desk, Waterford City & County Council, Bailey’s New St. Waterford X91 XH42, or Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay Dungarvan, Co. Waterford X35 Y326.

Alternatively completed forms and supporting documentation can be scanned to the email address below.

Queries: | 051 849923

Roadworks starting tomorrow : R675 Waterford to Tramore

Roadworks will take place on the R675 from Waterford to Tramore on Wednesday, May 31st to facilitate road surfacing works.

Stop/go system with convoy in operation.

Expect long delays.

Please use alternative routes where possible.

Roadworks : R675 Waterford to Tramore

Roadworks will take place on the R675 from Waterford to Tramore on Wednesday, May 31st to facilitate road surfacing works.

Stop/go system with convoy in operation.

Expect long delays.

Please use alternative routes where possible.

Normandy Food Tour coming to Waterford

Inaugural French Food and Cultural Roadshow to visit Ireland this June Bank Holiday

June 4th – Cathedral Square, Waterford, from 12pm to 7 pm

The director of Normandy Tourism is eager to further bridge the gap that Brexit has created for Ireland and France and strengthen the Norman heritage shared by Ireland’s now closest European neighbours.

Speaking ahead of the arrival of the inaugural Normandy Food Tour to Ireland this June Bank Holiday weekend Michael Dodds says, “We are very excited to take the Normandy Food Tour to Ireland for the very first time, it will be an opportunity for our Norman cousins to enjoy an authentic experience in food, culture and music from the Contentin Peninsula.

We very carefully selected to visit the Cities and towns of Dublin, Waterford and New Ross  where Norman heritage runs deep and it will be a wonderful opportunity for locals and visitors alike to enjoy a flavour of this shared heritage during our Food Tour at St. Patrick’s Park in Dublin on Saturday, June 3rd from noon to 7 pm, the historic Cathedral Square in Waterford City on Sunday, June 4th from noon to 7 pm and the Quayside of the Norman town of New Ross town on bank holiday Monday, June 5th from 11 am to 6 pm.”

The Normandy food trucks will arrive en masse to serve up tasty sweet and savoury dishes with tastings on offer at each event. Chez l’Couz marries the finest Normandy beef with creamy camembert and Neufchâtel cheese served up in a soft bun. Grignot’Malin will be serving up traditional French crêpes filled with cheese and more. And who can resist dessert, especially when it’s Caravanille preparing delicious fresh brioches topped with Normandy delicacies.

A Normandy Sweet Treats Tasting will also be on offer with Cara-Meuh, La Maison Du Biscuit cakes, Jeannette Madeleines, Caramel De Pommes Dieppois apple spread and more. If cheese is your preferred option then the best of the world is in store for you, with a cheese tasting ticking off the classics like Camembert, Neufchatel and Isigny Mimolette, crowned the best cheese in the world this year! Visitors will also have the opportunity to bring some home, thanks to cheese vendor La Dégusterie.

Traditional brews will also be on offer and visitors can enjoy a cider-tasting experience with Cidrerie de la Brique where visitors can journey from the traditional methods through to styles defining the future. Or why not get into the Bank Holiday spirit and chance a Calvados tasting Chateau du Breuil and Busnel apple brandies. La Mont Vinette, a bar in a vintage caravan will also be offering samples of their unique and authentic Normandy cocktails.

A demo stage will see a schedule of fabulous Normandy chefs cook up traditional and innovative cuisine including ‘Escalope à la Normande’, Teurgoule rice pudding along with the universally loved brioche. Totally free-to-attend Masterclasses will be held throughout the day with sampling some of Normandy’s best exports available plus a family-friendly crepe demonstration activity will be showcased each afternoon.

To top the celebrations off visitors to each of the food tour stops will be entertained by the French musicians For the Hackers, who will be performing for the very first time in Ireland! Hailing from Dieppe, Normandy, these indie-rockers have been active for about a decade now, and have numerous hits to their name. Their blend of pop, rock and electro with French lyrics is guaranteed to impress. These music devils have the capacity to move the audience emotionally, and physically! Their live shows are powerful, and engaging, and their chemistry as a band is very visible. A truly unmissable act, especially as For the Hackers will be playing on top of their solar-powered bus!

The Normandy Food Tour is a free-to-attend family-friendly event with live music, free cookery demos, tasting opportunities and more. See for more details.

The Normandy Food Tour will visit:

  • June 3rd – St. Patrick’s Park, Dublin from midday to 7 pm
  • June 4th – Cathedral Square, Waterford, from midday to 7 pm
  • June 5th –New Ross Quayside,  Wexford from 11 am to 6 pm


Starting today : Temporary Road Closure : Slip road at Dock Rd., Ferrybank

As part of the North Quays Public Infrastructure Project, it is necessary to close the westbound slip road onto Dock Road at Ferrybank from 29th May 2023 for a two-year period.

This slip lane closure is to facilitate the construction of the new Transport Hub and provide access to the North Quays site.

Road to be closed:

  • Slip Road to West of Level Crossing south of junction between Dock Road and Fountain Street, Waterford.


Rice Bridge Road Works update

Please be advised that ahead of official opening of the Bilberry to City Centre Greenway link next week, Craddock Construction will be undertaking night works on the following nights:

  • Friday May 26th
  • Wednesday May 31st

The works are required to finish the new tarmacadam and line marking on the junction (Friday night) and to install detectors for the new traffic lights (Wednesday night) and will be the final invasive nightworks with large machinery required on the junction.

During the day next week a traffic management / taper plan will be in place (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) in the middle of the day at approximately 11.30am to avoid peak traffic flows. This will remain in place for approximately 2 hours and is required to pour concrete for the new pathways coming over the bridge and along the river. Given the short duration of the works and off peak hours it is expected that delays will not be as extensive as those experienced this week, however, some delays are expected, so please allow extra time for your journey

Whilst there will still be some outstanding paving works on the paths around the junction over the coming weeks, these can be completed without impacting on traffic flows

Pedestrian management will be in place for these works and pedestrians should expect amended layouts from time to time and should abide by the temporary pedestrian management provisions.


Temporary Road Closure : Slip road at Dock Rd., Ferrybank

As part of the North Quays Public Infrastructure Project, it is necessary to close the westbound slip road onto Dock Road at Ferrybank from 29th May 2023 for a two-year period.

This slip lane closure is to facilitate the construction of the new Transport Hub and provide access to the North Quays site.

Road to be closed:

  • Slip Road to West of Level Crossing south of junction between Dock Road and Fountain Street, Waterford.


Applications now open for Casual Trading Licence at Durrow Station, Waterford Greenway – Summer Season 2023

Waterford City & County Council has initiated an application process for one casual trading licence at Durrow Station, Waterford Greenway for the summer season of 2022 from 1st June to 31st August 2023.

Intending applicants are asked to refer to the application guidelines, terms and conditions in advance of completing an application at Durrow station casual trading.

Applicants will also need to ensure they are familiar with the 2021 Waterford City & County Council Casual Trading Bye Laws.

Applications must be submitted via Waterford City & County Council’s online application system at

Closing date for applications is 17:00 hrs Monday 29th May 2023. Applications received after this time and date will NOT be considered as part of this application process.

The successful applicant must be ready to commence trading at the specified location on 2nd June 2023.

For enquiries and further information email: