Councillors' Expenses
This page shows all public payments made to Councillors from 2015 – 2022, as well as the Register of Councillors Expenses from Outside Bodies and payments made to each Councillor in respect of attendance at training and conferences.
See Councillors' Expenses3rd Party Donations
Our elected members are required to declare any donation from a third party that fits the following definition.
- A “third party” is defined in the legislation as any person, other than a political party registered in the Register of Political Parties under Part III of the Electoral Act 1992 or a candidate at an election, who accepts, in a particular year, a donation the value of which exceeds €100.
This document contains guidelines to assist third parties in meeting their obligations under the Act and contains information on registration requirements, donation limits, prohibited donations and the opening of political donations account.
Download 3rd Party Donation Guidelines CircularAnnual Donation Statements
This section, under the Local Elections (Disclosure of Donations & Expenditure) Act 1999, shows donation statements made to Waterford Councillors from 2017 to the present.
View Annual Donation StatementsPay Scales
Local Authority Salary Scales EL 02/20 – Revised Salaries from 1st October 2020.
Local Authority Salary ScalesProcurement
This section contains information on our procurement opportunities, eTenders, our Procurement publications and related policies.
Go to Procurement