- Séan McKeown
- Helena Dennehy
- Fergus Gleeson
- Ivan Grimes
- Michael Quinn
- Bernard Pollard
Waterford City & County Council’s management structure is split into 5 directorates, each headed by a Director of Services. Chief Executive, Mr. Seán McKeown, leads the Senior Management Team.
On commencement of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015, 1st September 2015, each public body with Designated Public Officials is required under section 6(4) of the Act to publish a list showing the name, grade and brief details of the role and responsibilities of each “Designated Public Official” of the body.
The purpose of the list is twofold: 1) To allow members of the public identify those persons who are Designated Public Officials; and 2) As a resource for lobbyists filing a return to the Register who may need to source a Designated Public Official’s details.
Each Elected Member of Waterford City & County Council is also a ‘Designated Public Official’ under this Act. Names and titles of these officials appear below.
Title | Responsibility | Name |
Director of Services | Roads, Water & Environment | Fergus Gleeson |
Head of Finance | Finance & Cost Management | Bernard Pollard |
Director of Services | Economic Development | Michael Quinn |
Director of Services | Planning, Corporate, Culture, HR & IS | Ivan Grimes |
Director of Services | Housing, Community & Emergency Services | Helena Dennehy |
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform has prepared and published a code, known as the “Transparency Code”, which sets out how certain relevant public bodies, such as ministerial advisory groups, may conduct their activities in a transparent way. By adhering to the Transparency Code, communications within these bodies would meet the exemption from the requirement to register and report on lobbying activities.
Please direct all initial enquiries to Customer Services at contact@waterfordcouncil.ie or call 0818 10 20 20
* This information is published in accordance with ‘The Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015’ – Designated Public Officials’ details – Section 6(4) of said Act. For more information, see www.lobbying.ie