Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, propose to close the following road to through traffic from 9.00am to 1.30pm on Saturday 10th June, 2023 to facilitate the Hook or by Crook Triathlon in Dunmore East, Co. Waterford.
Road to be closed:
- Curraghmore Terrace from its junction with the R684, part of Glenville
Terrace, and along Wellington Terrace to Dunmore East Golf Club.
Diversion route:
From the roundabout at Horsequarter follow the R684 out to the Leperstown Road (L-4074), turning right onto the Leperstown Road. Continue through to the Commons Road (L-8051), turning right at this junction onto the Commons Road. Follow this road to the junction with the Leckaun Road (L-4075), turning right onto the Leckaun Road.
Follow this road onto Dunmore East straight onto the Killea Road (L-4209) to
the end of diversion at the Strand.
Objections or submissions may be made in writing to the Director of Services, Roads, Water and Environment, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford not later than 4pm on Friday 5th May 2023.