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Recruitment : Machinery Operator/Driver/General Operative

Waterford City & County Council seek applications from suitably experienced candidates in road surfacing and road surface repair works for the role of Machinery Operator/Driver/General Operative.

Duties will include handwork (raking & shovelling) of hot macadam, as well as the operation of plant, machines and equipment used in road surfacing and repair works, including lorries, pavers, planers, rollers, tar sprayers, chipping, spreader and mechanical pot-hole repair vehicles. The role will be based in the Machinery Yard, Dungarvan. Duties may also include the operation of winter maintenance vehicles.

See for documentation and full details.  Closing 4pm on Monday 23rd May 2022.

Work commencing on South Plaza enabling works

South Plaza Enabling Works

Waterford City and County Council is delighted to announce that work is commencing on the South Plaza enabling works contract, the first phase for the construction of the New Sustainable Transport Bridge that will link Meagher’s Quays on the South Quays to the North Quays Strategic Development Zone.

The new Sustainable Transport Bridge and associated South Plaza will also link with the existing Waterford Greenway via the new Bilberry extension and new Southeast Greenway from Waterford to New Ross both of which are currently under construction.  The Waterford City Marina will also be accessible from the South Plaza. The National Transport Authority, through their Active Travel Investments Grant is funding the new Sustainable Transport Bridge, South Plaza and the Bilberry Greenway extension.

The South Plaza will extend east and west of the Clock Tower with public realm enhancement and a focal point for local and visiting pedestrians and cyclists.  The plaza will be landscaped with street furniture, incorporating seating, trees, planters, lighting, grassed and paved areas and bicycle facilities.

This enabling works contract will comprise diversion of existing services and investigative works in advance of the main construction contract. Suir Plant Ltd has been appointed as contractor while Roughan O’Donovan Consulting Engineer is the lead consultant in charge of the works. Other North Quays project elements are also progressing well, at the end of May a separate enabling works contract for rock stabilisation to the north of Plunket Station is also due to commence.

“Plás Charles Bačik / Charles Bačik Plaza” dedicated at Menapia Building

Waterford Crystal co-founder and Czech glass entrepreneur Charles Bačik was honoured in Waterford this Friday, as the space in front of the Waterford Crystal Menapia building was named in his memory.

Bačik, a glass works owner in the Czech Republic before and after the Second World War, was also involved with the Czech resistance and fled the Communist takeover of that country in 1946.

Arriving in Ireland, the family settled in Fiddown, near Piltown, and together with friend and investor Bernard Fitzpatrick, they reinvigorated the old Waterford tradition of glassmaking, with the first sod turned on new premises in 1947.

Welcoming the large attendance to the event on the Mall, which included Deputy Ivana Bačik TD, a granddaughter of Charles, Mayor of Waterford City & County, Cllr. Joe Kelly made reference to the restarting of the industry in Waterford.

Cllr. Kelly said: “There had, of course, been glass making here in Waterford in the previous century but as the tradition had waned, Charles and others including the designer Miroslav Havel, created new processes from scratch, effectively restarting the industry here. The company went on to have a remarkable influence on the revival of the city’s glass industry, helping to establish one of Ireland’s flagship brands on the international stage.”

Newly elected Labour Party leader, Ivana Bačik TD, attended the dedication and remembers her grandfather fondly: “It’s an honour to be here today as my grandfather Karel Bačik is recognised with this kind gesture. He was involved in the Czech glassmaking industry and was imprisoned by the Nazis during World War II.

When he came to Ireland from Czechoslovakia with his young family after the war, he found Ireland a country which welcomed him, and which provided him with the opportunity to make vitally important contribution to our economy and to our industrial development. I know that, in the context of the brutal Russian war on Ukraine, my grandfather would be pleased to see that Ireland, once again, is welcoming those who come here fleeing conflict in a time of crisis”.

A plaque commemorating the event was then unveiled by Cllr. Kelly, with the area henceforth to be known bilingually as “Plás Charles Bačik / Charles Bačik Plaza”.


Road Closures for Waterford Viking Marathon 2022


Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, propose to close the following roads on Saturday 25th June & Sunday 26th June 2022 during the times specified below to facilitate the holding of the Waterford Viking Marathon 2022.

Alternative Route:
Diversions will be in place on the day and local access will be maintained.
Objections or submissions may be made in writing to the Director of Services, Roads, Water and Environment, Waterford City and County Council, The Mall, Waterford not later than 4pm on Friday 20th May, 2022.

Three Active Travel Schemes launched in Dungarvan

Waterford City & County Council proposes to undertake the construction works and  crossing / footpath improvements at the Dungarvan locations mentioned below.

The drawings of these schemes are available for inspection above and are also on display in our Customer Services Departments in Bailey’s New Street in the City and Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan from Tuesday 10th May 2022 to Wednesday 08th June, 2022.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the proposal. Submissions should be lodged with Ian Ludlow, Staff Officer, Active Travel Team, Waterford City & County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford or
by email to to be received by Monday 20th June 2022.

Recruitment : Machinery Operator/Driver/General Operative

Waterford City & County Council seek applications from suitably experienced candidates in road surfacing and road surface repair works for the role of Machinery Operator/Driver/General Operative.

Duties will include handwork (raking & shovelling) of hot macadam, as well as the operation of plant, machines and equipment used in road surfacing and repair works, including lorries, pavers, planers, rollers, tar sprayers, chipping, spreader and mechanical pot-hole repair vehicles. The role will be based in the Machinery Yard, Dungarvan. Duties may also include the operation of winter maintenance vehicles.

See for documentation and full details.  Closing 4pm on Monday 23rd May 2022.

New murals on display at performance space in Fairlane Park, Dungarvan

Waterford City and County Council enlisted The Walls Project (the company behind Waterford Walls) to work with students in four Dungarvan secondary schools to create these murals for the new outdoor performance space in Fairlane Park, Dungarvan.

Facilitating artists Magda Karol and Jorge Ruiz worked with four groups of talented young artists to produce eight artworks to adorn the concrete benches at the space, with a theme of ‘the beauty and heritage of Dungarvan’. The students have produced some fantastic, eye-catching work and really captured the essence of Dungarvan and what it has to offer.

With thanks to: Ard Scoil na nDéise, Dungarvan College, Dungarvan CBS, The Friary College, Creative Waterford and the Arts Office.

Water outages in Dunmore East and parts of city

Irish Water and Waterford City and County Council carrying out repair works in Killea, Dunmore East and parts of the city to restore supply following unplanned outages.

Irish Water, working in partnership with Waterford City and County Council, wishes to advise customers in the following areas that a burst watermain will have an impact on their water supply today;

Killea, Dunmore East, Larchville Kilcohan, Ballybeg, Lismore Park and Uruline Court.

A crew is carrying out repair works as quickly and safely as possible and supply should be restore to Killea and Dunmore East by this afternoon with supply returning around lunchtime for the other areas impacted.

Irish Water understands the inconvenience to customers when their water supply is affected and we would like to thank the public for their patience and cooperation while this unplanned outage is attended to.

Irish Water’s customer care helpline is open 24/7 on 1850 278 278 and customers can also contact us on Twitter @IWCare with any queries. For updates please visit the Water Supply Updates section of the Irish Water website.

Irish Water continues to work at this time with our Local Authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of both staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of critical drinking water and wastewater services. Irish Water would like to remind people to follow the HSE COVID-19 advice and ensure frequent handwashing.

For media queries, contact

Newtown Cove water quality

Following reports of a brown scum on the water, WCCC sampled at Newtown Cove on the evening of Sunday May 2nd.

Bacteriological water quality was very satisfactory, with low levels of bacteria.

Newtown Cove will continue to be monitored regularly throughout the summer season.