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Proposed Development at Ballynacourty Greenway

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council propose to carry out the following development at Ballynacourty Greenway.

In accordance with Part 8, Article 81 of the above Regulations, Waterford City & County Council hereby gives notice of proposals to carry out the works associated with above development in the townlands of Kilgrovan and Ballynacourty, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.

The objective of the works is to upgrade the section of the Greenway from Clonea Road to Ballinclamper to a Greenway standard.

The development will consist of:

  • Improvement works to the existing pathway by widening the path and by carrying out some drainage works along the route:
    – Widening southern section between L7010 Ballinard and L7011 Ballinclamper Road adistance of approx. 450 metres to 3 metres wide.
    – Widening the northern section between L7011 Ballinclamper Road and L3011 Clonea
    Strand Road a distance of approx. 630 metres to 2.5 metres wide.
  • Provision of a pedestrian crossing on the L-7011 at Ballinclamper and improvement of the sight lines at this crossing.
  • Provision of one agricultural crossing point along the route which will be formed by way of gated access.
  • Connecting two of the main car parks serving the Clonea Strand Blue Flag Beach at
    Ballinclamper and at Ballinard with a new pathway between the Greenway and the car park.
  • Addition of a new picnic and amenity area at Ballinclamper car park on Council owned lands which will include some surfacing works.
  • Enhancement of the existing amenity area/bike parking at Ballinard car park.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection at Waterford City & County Council, Customer Care Desk, Civic Offices, Dungarvan, County Waterford between the hours of 9:30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday for the period 9th of May – 6th of June 2023 inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays).

Particulars of the proposed scheme will also be available to view on Waterford City & County Council’s website at

The proposed development has undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended, and the Planning Authority has determined that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is not required in this instance. In addition, the proposal has also undergone screening for Environmental Impact Assessment under the EIA Directive 2014/52/EU (and the relevant provisions of the Planning and Development Act, as amended), and the Planning Authority has determined that there will be no likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Assessment is not required.

In accordance with Article 120 (3) of the Planning & Development Regulations (as amended), any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice, apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the proposed development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

An Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) has been carried out to assess any potential adverse impacts to the local ecology. The EcIA report is appended to the Part VIII Application.

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area shall be made in writing to:
the Director of Economic Development, Waterford City & County Council,
35 The Mall, Waterford
or by emailing on or before 4pm on 20th of June 2023 and should be clearly marked Development at Ballynacourty Greenway.

All comments, including names of those making comments, submitted to the Council in regard of this scheme will form part of the statutorily required report to be presented at a meeting of the elected members. Accordingly, they will also be included in the minutes of that meeting and may appear in the public domain.

Waterford City & County Council is subject to the provision of Freedom of Information (FOI Acts 1997 and 2014) and the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2013.

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