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Proposed infilling of disused Quarry in Kilcaragh, Grantstown, Waterford

Kilcaragh Quarry is an old abandoned quarry located approximately 5.5km SE of Waterford City on the L8053 Keiloge Road in a rural area characterised by improved agricultural land.

It is the property of Waterford City & County Council and historically was used to extract rock/stone for road building materials. Large depressions/hollows (to a maximum depth of 6 meters) remain where stone has been extracted in the past and it is proposed that these areas are now filled with inert soil and stone. When these hollows are filled, the area will be regraded and returned to its original level with natural scrub and grassland as ground cover.

Works will cause a temporary impact for local residents with traffic, but will be infrequent and short term in nature. The sight lines at the entrance will be improved to ensure safe access and egress for all vehicles using this access. The proposed development is located in a peri-urban/rural area and will not negatively impact on the existing landscape due to screening of existing quarry. Works will be subject to and regulated by a waste management plan. A separate application for a Waste Processing Licence will be made following the final approval of the Part 8 by the District Council.

For more on the public consultation, and for details on how to make a submission on it, please see our Public Consultations page.

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