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Public Consultation on DRAFT ” ‘Bringing Back Homes’ – A Manual for the reuse of existing buildings

The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government has published a DRAFT publication ‘Bringing Back Homes – Manual for the reuse of existing buildings’ which has been developed to support and facilitate the reuse of older/ vacant buildings in our towns and cities for residential use.

Why we are launching this consultation?
The manual aims to provide property owners, members of the public, Local Authorities and those involved in the construction industry with clear guidance on how current regulatory requirements apply to common, existing building types. Guidance on how best to facilitate the reuse of these building types is also provided. To enable focused input into the technical aspects of the DRAFT manual, the Department is interested in your views prior to finalisation.

How to get involved? – Make a Submission
The Department invites submissions on the DRAFT manual over the period to Friday 10th August 2018. Submissions should be made on the Template for Submissions only and sent by email Following consideration of submissions the guidelines may be amended.

The Department accepts that this timeframe for public consultation is relatively short. This is due to the need to publish the manual in as concise a timeframe as possible, inclusive of the views of interested stakeholders at this time of very significant housing need.

Attend a Workshop
To facilitate the finalisation of the DRAFT and further engage with stakeholders, the Department also intends to host a workshop on Thursday 2nd August at 11:00 AM in the Custom House. Expressions of interest to attend the workshop should be emailed to  It is not necessary to make a submission in order to attend the workshop. Please note that expression of interest will not guarantee attendance as places are limited.

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