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Response by Waterford Council to National Integrity Index 2018

Response by Waterford City and County Council
to the National Integrity Index 2018
published by Transparency International Ireland

Waterford City and County Council welcome the scorecard and see it as a good tool for measurement of transparency. We are disappointed with the score of 30%. As a matter of fact, independently of Transparency International Ireland we have put in place measures to improve how we operate. If audited today, we would score 53% which would bring us into the top 10 Local Authorities.

Transparency International Ireland now gives us a framework to improve our transparency year on year.  Progress will be reviewed regularly. We would welcome a more iterative approach with Transparency Ireland in the future.

Statement by:

Fearghal Reidy to WLR news
Director of Services
Corporate, Culture, HR & IS

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Roger Green
6 years ago

I have been trying in vain for 18 months to get someone in the council responsible for the eradication of Japanese Knot Weed to respond to three messages I have left on facebook and two phone calls which promised a return call … and still no response. No wonder the National Integrity Index 2018 has given a 30% score. Trying to get action from the council is soul-destroying.

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