Communications Office
Our Communications Office is the first point of contact for press, PR, web and social media queries. Send your query on the form below.
What we do
We provide a support to staff in relation to internal and external communications, event management, social media, publications, latest news and advertising.
We produce corporate publications such as the Annual Report and manage the Council’s external facing communications channels – Waterford Council’s website, social media channels, text alerts through MapAlerter, etc.
The Communications Office also handles interaction with mainstream media for the Council, including:
- Promoting the Council’s achievements to local, national and international media.
- Promote Waterford as a business and investment destination, in conjunction with our Tourism office, the Economic Development team and Waterford LEO.
- Supporting staff in effective media engagement.
- Assist journalists in finding the appropriate experts to comment on their fields of expertise.
- Handling media interest in Council issues, including strategy, finances, research, schemes/plans and major building developments.
- Ensuring the reputation of the Council in media engagement.