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Waterford Age Friendly Strategy

The thought of living a long, happy and healthy life is appealing, but ironically the idea of aging may not be.


Age Friendly Strategy logoAdvances in medical technology have had a positive impact on older people. However, uncertainties about continued independence and availability of supports and services can be a cause of concern.

In delivering this strategy, the Waterford Age Friendly Alliance will ensure that the City and County continues to have an age-friendly approach to policies, programmes, services and infrastructure relating to the physical and the social environment, enabling older people to live in security, good health and continue to participate in society in a meaningful way.

An action plan will be developed for each of the nine strategic themes outlined in the above strategy with the various member agencies being involved in single or multiple thematic areas depending on their areas of expertise and the issues raised during the public consultation phase.

Waterford Age Friendly Alliance Strategy 2023-2028


Waterford Age Friendly Programme

Each local authority has a local Age Friendly Programme that manages a local strategy to support older people in the community as part of a multi-stakeholder response to population ageing.

All local authorities work closely with the age friendly shared service (Age Friendly Ireland) under an MOU agreement.

Waterford Age Friendly Programme