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Gaeltacht Service Towns

As per The Gaeltacht Act of 2012, Dungarvan is one of 16 ‘Gaeltacht Service Towns’ – i.e. towns that are “situated in or adjacent to Gaeltacht Language Planning Areas and which have a significant role in providing public services, recreational, social and commercial facilities for those areas”.

Under the Regulations, Dungarvan will be seeking official recognition as a Gaeltacht Service Town and a local committee, Dún Garbhán le Gaeilge, has already been established to undertake this process. This committee will have to draft and implement a Language Plan for the town of Dungarvan. This will be a community driven plan, aimed at increasing the use of Irish in the home, in the community, in education, in business and in public. The committee will work with interested parties throughout the town to prepare and implement this plan.

If you would like to be part of this process, or sit on the committee, you can contact:

Further information on the Language Planning Process and the Gaeltacht Service Towns is available at: