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Cultural Heritage

Archaeology is the study of past societies through the material remains left by those societies and the evidence of their environment.

Archaelogical Heritage

All remains and objects and any other traces of human kind from past times are considered elements of the archaeological heritage.

Explore what archaeological sites are  in your locality and across Waterford City and County

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Knockeen Dolmen

What laws protect our Cultural Heritage ?

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage is responsible for the protection of our archaeological heritage, including the licensing of archaeological excavations, through the exercise of powers under the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2004.

When the owner or occupier of a property, or any other person proposes to carry out, or to cause, or to permit the carrying out of any work at or in relation to a Recorded Monument they are required to give notice in writing to the Minister 2 months before commencing that work.

National Monuments Act 1930 to 2004 Archaeology Forms

What funding schemes are available to support projects on Cultural Heritage?

Community Monuments Fund

Administered by the National Monuments Service. Contact your local heritage officer for details.

Heritage Council Community Heritage Grant scheme

Climate Action Fund

Useful Contacts and Resources

National Monuments Service

Exploring Waterford’s Placenames


Cultural Heritage Projects for 2023 include completion of a Geo-Physical survey of the Woodstown Viking Site, conservation works at Stradbally Church, Molana Abbey, Blackfriar’s Church and Dromana House.