Events, Licences & Permits
Outdoor Seating
If you own a café, restaurant, hotel or bar, you can apply to Waterford City & County Council to put tables and chairs on the footpath outside. This is known as a Section 254 Licence. In order to qualify for this scheme you must serve food to the public that can be eaten onsite.
Note: Not everyone can use this service because not every premises has a suitable space outside.
To apply for a Section 254 Licence you must:
- Complete an application form
- Pay a fee of €125 per table
- Ensure there is a minimum of 2m unobstructed footpath remaining after the installation of tables and chairs
Outdoor Event Licences
An Outdoor Event Licence will be required if you are planning an outdoor event which will have an audience of 5,000 or more people. An outdoor event is defined as a public performance which takes place primarily in the open air or in a structure with no roof, temporary or retractable roof, a tent or similar temporary structure and which consists of music, dancing, public entertainment etc. The Licence Application must be submitted at least 16 weeks prior to the date of the event. If you are thinking of holding an outdoor event and are unsure if you will need a licence you can contact us with the details at the bottom of this page.
Event Licence Application Form Download this information leaflet outlining what must be included in a Licence ApplicationWaterford as a location for Filming
If you are thinking of making a film or filming in public locations in Waterford, we would be delighted to talk to you about how we can help you. Waterford offers diverse locations for filming from city streets to castle keeps and onto the impressive UNESCO coastline.
Waterford Council is a partner in the Network of Film Contacts and further information on filming in Ireland can be found on the Irish Film Board’s website
For further information or to discuss your requirements see contact details below.