Fire Safety Legislation
The Fire Services Act (1981 & 2003)
The Fire Services Act sets out the obligations of building owners with regard to Fire Safety (Section 18) and describes the potential fire safety defects that could lead to a building being categorised as a “potentially dangerous building” (Section 19).
Enforcement action may be carried out under this legislation.
The Building Control Regulations (1997 to 2019)
These regulations (of the Building Control Act 1990 – 2007) set out the building fire safety design approval process, including the application process, fees and fee exemptions, and the appeals mechanism. In general terms it provides for Fire Safety Certificates, Revised Fire Safety Certificates and Regularisation Certificates, as well as 7 Day Notices.
Enforcement action may be carried out under this legislation.
Note that the Building Control Regulations also allow for Commencement Notices, Disability Access Certificates, Revised Disability Access Certificates and Certificates of Compliance on Completion. These are administered by the Building Control section of Waterford City & County Council.