Before you apply for a house with Waterford City & County Council, please scroll down and read all items carefully, before booking your interview using the blue button at the bottom of this page.
Social Housing Applications
How do I make an application ?
- Download the “Application for for SOCIAL HOUSING SUPPORT” below. You can also phone the Housing Applications Team on 051-849477 to request an application form by post.
- Consult the FAQs section below and determine what is needed.
- Ensure that you gather and submit all relevant supporting documentation as per the checklist on pages 3 & 4 of the Application Form, otherwise your application will not be processed.
- Complete the form in full and sign the declaration on the back.
- Post the form back to us, or hand it in at one of our Customer Service desks.
NOTE: Metropolitan/Comeragh area applicants will be contacted to arrange an interview. Dungarvan/Lismore applicants can book a time slot for interview using the calendar facility below. You should send in your completed application and supporting documentation before your interview date, so that it can be validated.
Download Social Housing Support form
Book an Appointment online Dungarvan/Lismore only
If you have any questions before you submit your application, please contact the Housing Applications Team on 051-849477 or email
Do I qualify on income grounds ?
Using the income bands set out below, make sure that your household’s net income does not exceed the income limit for your household size. If it is higher, you will not qualify for housing supports.
Income Bands | |
Household Type | Income (€) |
Single Person Household | 35,000 |
2 Adults, no children | 36,750 |
One Adult, one Child | 35,875 |
One Adult, two Children | 36,750 |
Two Adults, one child | 37,625 |
Two Adults, two children | 38,500 |
Two Adults, three children | 39,375 |
Three Adults, & four or more children | 42,000 |
What supporting documentation is required ?
- Photographic I.D. (Current passport, Irish driving licence)
- Copy of Birth Certs for you and anyone who is part of your application
- PPS numbers for you and anyone who is part of your application
- Copy of Marriage Cert (if you are married)
- Copy of Separation or Divorce Agreement (if you are separated or divorced). If you do not have such an agreement, but are separated, you need to provide a letter from your solicitor stating that you are in the process of applying for a Separation or Divorce.
- Proof of your current address – e.g. a copy of a recent utility bill and a copy of your current tenancy agreement. We also need proof that your tenancy is registered with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB). If you are living with family, we will require a letter from the person who owns the property confirming when you started living there and if you pay anything towards the running of the house. If you don’t have a utility bill in your name, we need some sort of official correspondence in your name showing this address.
- Proof of Citizenship or "Permission to Remain" in Ireland (if you are not originally from Ireland) – e.g. a copy of current Stamp 4, letter from Dept. of Justice and proof of stamp in your current passport.
- Evidence of Income – along with the Certificate of Income, we need 3-4 recent pay slips or Social Welfare receipts.
- If anybody over 18 years in your household was born in the UK or any other country other than Ireland, we require proof that you did not own property in that country.
- If you have overnight access to a child or children, we require a copy of the Court Order detailing overnight access arrangements and details of any maintenance payments in respect of this child or children. If you do not have a Court Order you need to obtain a sworn affidavit completed by both parents of the child/children.
What happens if there is something missing from my application ?
If there are items missing, the form and all documentation will be sent back to you. When you have gathered the missing information, you must book another appointment.
What happens during the Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) phone interview?
The staff member who is dealing with your application will make contact with you by phone. You will be asked a number of standard questions and possibly further questions regarding the information you have provided with your application.
What happens if my application is complete ?
- If your application is complete, it will be assessed in full at your interview and you will be advised if it is likely to be approved or refused.
- A letter confirming the decision will be sent to the address you provide on your application within 5 working days of your interview. You may also receive a HAP application form with this letter, depending on your circumstances.
What does being approved for housing supports mean ?
- If your application for housing is approved, you will be placed on the Council's housing waiting list.
- Being an approved housing applicant also means you can avail of assistance under the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Scheme. There is a separate application form for the HAP scheme which will be sent to you with your letter of approval. Details of how to apply for HAP are contained in the HAP application form.